

The child of two cosmic beings Astraylius Von Asterea born as Extraordinary One as he grows his Adventure begins

beingafter4thwall · แฟนตาซี
83 Chs

Chapter 34

Chapter 34: Prince Astral II's path

In the twilight of the Astra Academy's garden, the narrative continues to weave its intricate web, as Astraylius decides to share the secret of the Will of Infinity with Vennessa and Prince Astral II. The revelation comes with a gravity that shifts the very air around them.

**Astraylius's Perspective:**

With a solemn tone, Astraylius speaks, "There is a power within me, known as the Will of Infinity. It is a force of boundless potential and authority, and I have chosen to make it a part of me."

**Vennessa's Perspective:**

Vennessa listens intently, her eyes reflecting the depth of her understanding. "Such power is a great responsibility," she responds, her voice steady. "It is wise to tread carefully on the path it lays before you."

**Prince Astral II's Perspective:**

Prince Astral II, inspired by his mentors' courage and wisdom, nods in agreement. "I, too, wish to walk this path," he declares. "To learn, to understand, and to wield such power with honor."


Astraylius: "It is not a path for the faint of heart, but I believe it is one worth walking, together."

Vennessa: "And we shall walk it by your side, with the wisdom of the stars to guide us."

Prince Astral II: "Let us then be the bearers of this knowledge, for the betterment of the astral realm and beyond."

The conversation takes a turn towards the future, as they discuss the implications of the Will of Infinity and the role it will play in their lives. They speak of the challenges they will face, the decisions they must make, and the impact their choices will have on the academy and the universe at large.

As the night deepens, they part ways, each carrying the weight of the revelation in their hearts.

As the first light of dawn crept into the chamber, a new chapter in the tale of Astra Academy began to unfold. Luminaria, with her penchant for mischief, had once again found her way into the bed shared by Astraylius and Imana. The morning air was cool and still, a stark contrast to the warmth shared under the covers.

Imana, the first to awaken, noticed Luminaria's presence and a playful idea sparked in her mind. With a sly smile, she decided to turn the tables on the usually unflappable Luminaria.

**Chapter: The Dawn's Jest**

*In the quiet hours of the morning, when shadows linger and the world is hushed, the lines between jest and truth blur.*

**Imana's Perspective:**

Imana, with the light of mischief in her eyes, leaned closer to Luminaria, her movements deliberate and gentle. "Good morning, Luminaria," she whispered, her voice soft yet laden with humor. "Seems you've found your way here again."

**Luminaria's Perspective:**

Luminaria, caught between sleep and wakefulness, felt the warmth of Imana's breath against her ear and stirred. Her eyes fluttered open, meeting Imana's gaze, and the realization of her jest dawned upon her. A blush crept across her cheeks, a rare sight that spoke volumes of her surprise.

**Astraylius's Perspective:**

Astraylius, roused by the soft exchange, watched the scene with an amused curiosity. He knew Imana's intent was in jest, yet he couldn't help but admire the ease with which she played her role.


Imana: "You know, Luminaria, there's something quite enchanting about waking up next to you."

Luminaria: "Imana! I—uh, I didn't mean to—"

Astraylius: "Fear not, Luminaria. Imana is merely enjoying the moment. Though, I must admit, it's a side of you we seldom see."

The room filled with laughter as Luminaria's embarrassment gave way to the realization that she had been outplayed at her own game. She sat up, brushing a strand of hair from her face, and joined in the laughter.

Luminaria: "Well played, Imana. I concede this round to you."

Imana: "All in good fun, my dear. But perhaps next time, you'll think twice before sneaking in."

As the trio's laughter echoed through the chamber, the bond between them grew ever stronger. They were more than just companions; they were friends who could share in jest and joy alike.

As the morning sun cast its golden rays upon the Astra Academy, Eclipse the horse and Lumina the Fox of Samsara approached their masters with a sense of urgency. Their arrival was not without purpose; they bore a prophecy that would set the course for the future of the Astral World.

**Eclipse**: "Masters, the stars have spoken. The time has come for the reign of the Emperor of Cosmos."

**Lumina**: "The celestial bodies align, heralding the ascension of a ruler destined to guide the Astral World."

Imana, with knowledge vast as the universe, held within her a secret—a truth about the identity of the prophesied emperor. Yet, she chose silence, her reasons known only to her.

The lectures of the day passed in a blur, the words of the sages falling on ears preoccupied with thoughts of destiny and power. As the final words of wisdom were imparted, the trio—Astraylius, Imana, and Luminaria—ventured into the heart of the Asterian forest.

There, amidst the ancient trees and whispering leaves, they encountered Diggory the Dwarf and Lythiria, the little female dragon whose lineage was as noble as it was divine. Imana, with a solemn grace, revealed the truth that had weighed heavily upon her heart.

**Imana**: "Lythiria is no ordinary dragoness. She is the daughter of Yvelina, the Dragon Goddess of the Ecosystem."

Diggory, his face etched with sorrow, confirmed the gravity of Imana's revelation.

**Diggory**: "Yvelina's passing has disrupted the natural order. The hunt of monsters and animals has become all too common, a sign of the imbalance she once held at bay."

Astraylius, moved by the plight of the creatures and the legacy left behind by the goddess, knew that this matter required the attention of one higher than themselves.

**Astraylius**: "We must bring this to Emperor Astral. The balance of our world hangs in the balance, and we are but stewards of her legacy."

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