

The child of two cosmic beings Astraylius Von Asterea born as Extraordinary One as he grows his Adventure begins

beingafter4thwall · แฟนตาซี
83 Chs

Chapter 33

Chapter 33: Goddess of Creation

In the verdant embrace of the Astra Academy's garden, a playful scene unfolds as Luminaria enters with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. She approaches Astraylius, her movements deliberate and teasing, as she clings to him in a display meant to stir the ocean-eyed monster within Imana. Yet, her efforts are met with laughter instead of jealousy, for the bond between Astraylius and Imana is unshaken by such jests.

At that moment, the air shifts with the arrival of Emperor Astral, whose presence commands the garden's attention. Accompanying him is Prince Astral II, who introduces a new figure of celestial grace—Vennessa, The Goddess of Creation, his betrothed. Vennessa's aura is one of creation's dawn, her eyes holding the promise of new worlds yet to be born.

As the group converges, Luminaria and Imana engage in light-hearted banter with Vennessa, their words woven with the threads of friendship and camaraderie. With each tease, Vennessa's cheeks bloom with a rosy hue, her blush a delicate flower unfurling in the warmth of their company.

The garden becomes a stage for their laughter and shared moments, a testament to the enduring connections that form within the hallowed grounds of Astra Academy. And as the sun climbs higher, casting its golden light upon them, the day promises more than just lessons and training—it promises the growth of bonds that will shape the destiny of the stars themselves.

With Emperor Astral's departure, the atmosphere in the garden shifts to one of playful intimacy among the young deities and royals. The teasing escalates, each jest and jibe a thread in the tapestry of their camaraderie.

**Astraylius**: "Ah, Luminaria, your attempts to stir jealousy are as fruitless as trying to darken the sun with a candle."

**Luminaria**: "Oh, but Astraylius, it's not the sun I wish to darken, but to see if the stars can flicker with envy."

**Imana** *(with a knowing smile)*: "Stars do not flicker, dear Luminaria, they shine steadily, much like the bond Astraylius and I share."

**Vennessa**: "And what of us, Prince Astral? Do we flicker or do we shine?"

**Prince Astral II**: "We, my love, are like the dawn—our light is new and full of promise."

The laughter that follows is light and genuine, a reflection of the ease and affection they hold for one another. Luminaria, undeterred by her failed attempt at provocation, wraps an arm around Astraylius in a sisterly embrace, her laughter mingling with Imana's.

**Luminaria**: "Well, if I cannot make you jealous, perhaps I can make you laugh. Tell me, Astraylius, have you ever seen a goddess blush as Vennessa does?"

**Astraylius**: "Only when in the presence of true love, which seems to be abundant in this garden."

Vennessa, her cheeks a soft shade of pink, tries to hide her smile behind her hand, but the joy in her eyes is unmistakable.

**Imana**: "It seems we are all learning from each other, not just in matters of the academy, but in the art of the heart as well."

As the sun climbs higher, their conversation flows like a gentle stream, filled with affectionate quips and heartfelt revelations. In this secluded garden, away from the eyes of the world, they are free to be themselves, to explore the depths of their relationships, and to revel in the warmth of friendship and the thrill of romance.

As the laughter from their playful teasing subsides, the garden of Astra Academy once again becomes a sanctuary of tranquility and companionship. The group settles into a comfortable silence, each lost in thought, reflecting on the bonds they've formed and the paths they've chosen.

**Astraylius**: "This garden has witnessed the growth of not just plants, but of friendships and love. It's remarkable how much we've all changed since we first arrived."

**Luminaria**: "Change is the only constant, isn't it? We've all evolved, learned, and loved. It's the natural course of life, even for those of us touched by the divine."

**Imana**: "Indeed, Luminaria. And as we continue to grow, we must remember to nurture these bonds, for they are the roots that keep us grounded."

**Vennessa**: "I never imagined I would find such camaraderie in this place. It's as if the stars themselves conspired to bring us together."

**Prince Astral II**: "Perhaps they did, Vennessa. After all, the cosmos has a way of aligning destinies."

The conversation flows like a gentle river, with each member of the group contributing their own insights and experiences. They discuss their hopes for the future, their dreams of what the academy and their powers can help them achieve, and the impact they wish to have on the astral realm.

As the day wanes and the sky begins to paint itself with the hues of dusk, they rise from their seats, reluctant to leave the comfort of the garden but eager to face the challenges that await them. With a final glance at the setting sun, they depart, their laughter echoing behind them as they return to the hallowed halls of Astra Academy.

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