

The child of two cosmic beings Astraylius Von Asterea born as Extraordinary One as he grows his Adventure begins

beingafter4thwall · แฟนตาซี
83 Chs

Chapter 26

**Chapter 26: The battle of Royals intensifies

The arena was alive with the energy of Astra and Shashtra as the battle royale between the academies continued. Each champion, now facing their counterpart, was a testament to the power and discipline of their respective arts.

**The Substitute's Entry:**

As the battle raged on, an unforeseen twist occurred. One member from each team sustained injuries too severe to continue. It was then that Luminaria and Ethera, the substitutes, stepped onto the battlefield, their presence reigniting the flames of competition.

**Luminaria's Commanding Presence:**

Luminaria, with the Eyes of Commandant, surveyed the arena, her gaze piercing through the chaos. "Let order be restored," she commanded, and the very air seemed to obey, the tumultuous energy calming under her influence.

**Ethera's Mysterious Power:**

Ethera, her Shashtra of the Void a silent enigma, responded with a subtle gesture, the space around her distorting, creating pockets of nothingness that threatened to consume all light.

**The Clash of Titans:**

The battle between Luminaria and Ethera was a spectacle of control and chaos, the two forces colliding in a display of raw power. The champions of Astra rallied behind Luminaria, their combined strength a beacon against the encroaching void.

**Astraylius's Recovery:**

Astraylius, though wounded, watched from the sidelines, his spirit unbroken. "Fight on, my friends," he whispered, his voice carrying on the wind. "For the Academy, for our honor."

**Caelum's Lightning Assault:**

Caelum, now fully engaged, soared above the battlefield, his Astra crackling with electricity. "Let the storm be unleashed," he roared, and bolts of lightning rained down upon the arena, targeting the champions of Shashtra with precision.

**Imana's Elemental Harmony:**

Imana, her connection to the elements unshakable, called upon the earth and water, fire and air, weaving them into a harmonious assault that buffered her allies and hindered her foes.

**Seraphina's Fiery Resolve:**

Seraphina, her burns bandaged but her resolve undimmed, returned to the fray, her flames now a controlled inferno that danced at her command. "Let the fire of our will burn ever brighter," she declared, her Astra igniting the hope of victory.

**The Final Confrontation:**

As the battle drew to its climax, the champions found themselves locked in a final confrontation. Astra and Shashtra, light and shadow, met in a clash that would determine the fate of the contest.

**The Outcome:**

In the end, it was the unity of the champions of Astra's Academy that prevailed. Their bond, forged in the fires of training and tempered by the trials of battle, proved stronger than any individual power.

**The Aftermath:**

As the arena quieted, the champions of both academies stood side by side, their respect for each other evident in their weary but proud gazes. The battle royale was over, but the lessons learned and the friendships formed would endure far beyond the confines of the battleground.

**The Principal's Pride:**

The Principal of Astra's Academy, his eyes brimming with pride, addressed the assembly. "Today, you have all shown the true strength of Astra and Shashtra. You have fought with honor, and you have won with grace."

The champions, their Astra shining softly in the aftermath, knew that this battle was but one chapter in the ongoing saga of their lives as defenders of balance and harmony in the universe.


The champions of Astra's Academy—Astraylius, Caelum, Imana, Seraphina, and Luminaria—returned to their hallowed halls amidst a cascade of cheers and admiration. The Academy was alight with the joy of their victory, a testament to the strength and unity of their champions.

**The Heroes' Welcome:**

As they entered the Academy, their friends and fellow students gathered, their applause thunderous, their smiles wide. "Welcome back, conquerors of the challenge!" they shouted, their voices a chorus of pride.

**The Celebration Begins:**

The grounds of the Academy were transformed into a festival of victory. Banners flew high, the colors representing each champion's Astra. Tables were laden with feasts, and the air was filled with music and laughter.

**Astraylius's Gratitude:**

Astraylius, his heart full, addressed the crowd. "This victory is not mine alone," he said, his voice carrying over the din. "It belongs to all of us, to the bond we share, and to the Astra that guides us."

**Imana's Reflection:**

Imana, her eyes reflecting the light of the celebration, added, "We have grown together, fought together, and now we celebrate together. May our unity continue to be our strength."

**Seraphina's Spark:**

Seraphina, her spirit as fiery as ever, raised her glass. "To battles fought and won, to challenges met with courage, and to the fire that burns within us all!"

**Caelum's Cheer:**

Caelum, ever the free spirit, soared above the crowd, his laughter as infectious as his joy. "Let our victory soar as high as the skies, and may our tales be told for generations!"

**Luminaria's Pride:**

Luminaria, standing beside her fellow champions, spoke with the authority of an empress. "Today, we have shown the power of Astra and the depth of our resolve. Let this victory be a beacon for all who follow."

**The Emperor's Congratulation:**

Amidst the festivities, a hush fell as Emperor Astral himself appeared, his presence commanding the attention of all. "Champions of Astra's Academy," he began, his voice resonant with approval. "You have brought honor to our Empire and to the legacy of Astra. You have my deepest congratulations."

**The Champions' Response:**

The champions bowed, their respect for the Emperor evident. "Your Majesty, your words honor us," Astraylius replied. "We pledge to continue to uphold the values of our Academy and the Empire."

**The Night of Stars:**

As the night descended, the celebration continued under a canopy of stars. The champions, their friends, and the entire Academy joined in a night of revelry, their hearts united by the triumph they shared.

In this chapter, the champions' return to Astra's Academy is celebrated with joy and pride. Their unity and victory are acknowledged by their peers, and the Emperor himself congratulates them on their achievement. The night is filled with festivities, marking the end of their journey and the beginning of a new chapter in their legacy.


The triumphant return of the champions is a moment of celebration and unity, as they bask in the glory of their victory and the bonds they've forged. The Emperor's recognition adds weight to their achievement, and the night becomes a testament to their shared strength and honour.

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