

The child of two cosmic beings Astraylius Von Asterea born as Extraordinary One as he grows his Adventure begins

beingafter4thwall · แฟนตาซี
83 Chs

Chapter 22

**Chapter 22: The Surprise of Stars

The news of Astraylius and Imana's union had spread like wildfire through the corridors of Astra's Academy, igniting hearts with joy and scheming minds with plans for celebration. A surprise party was in order, a clandestine affair to be held in the grand castle that overlooked the Academy.

**The Conspirators' Plan:**

In the dim light of the dawn, the conspirators gathered, their whispers a symphony of excitement. "They suspect nothing," chuckled Caelum, his eyes alight with mischief. "The look on their faces will be worth all the secrecy."

**The Artisans' Touch:**

Artisans worked with delicate hands, crafting decorations that mirrored the night sky. "Make it look like a celestial ball," instructed Aurora, her own hands weaving magic into the garlands. "Tonight, we celebrate love and the stars."

**The Chefs' Delight:**

In the kitchens, the chefs bustled about, their creations a feast for the gods. "A cake as tall as Caelum's tales," joked one, earning a round of laughter. "And as sweet as Lucius's hidden smiles," added another.

**The Arrival of the Guests:**

As evening fell, guests began to arrive, each cloaked in the secrecy of twilight. "Remember, not a word," Seraphina reminded them, her fiery hair a beacon in the dimming light. "This is a night of surprises."

**The Moment of Truth:**

Astraylius and Imana, lured to the castle under the pretense of an urgent meeting, walked hand in hand, oblivious to the conspiracy afoot. As they entered the grand hall, the lights blazed to life, revealing a crowd of cheering friends.

**Astraylius's Shock:**

"A surprise... for us?" Astraylius stammered, his usual eloquence lost in the wave of emotion that swept over him.

**Imana's Joy:**

Imana's laughter rang out, pure and clear. "You've all outdone yourselves," she said, her eyes sparkling with tears of happiness.

**The Toast of the Night:**

Emperor Astral raised his glass, his voice booming over the crowd. "To Astraylius and Imana, may your union be as enduring as the cosmos and as bright as the Astra we wield."

**The Dance of Lovers:**

The music swelled, and the couple took to the floor, their dance a reflection of their journey—a twirl of challenges, a step of growth, and a leap of faith.

**The Jester's Joke:**

Lucius, ever the shadow in the corner, couldn't resist a jest. "I suppose this means Astraylius will finally learn to dance," he quipped, earning a playful glare from the man in question.

**The Night's Revelry:**

Laughter and music filled the castle, the night alive with the joy of the occasion. Stories were shared, jokes exchanged, and memories made.

As the stars watched from above, the surprise party for Astraylius and Imana unfolded into a night of merriment and affection, a celebration of love that would be etched in the annals of Astra's Academy forevermore.


The grand hall of the castle, filled with laughter and the warmth of celebration, suddenly fell into a hush as a cloaked figure emerged from the shadows. The spy of Emperor Astral, known for his discreet presence, stood before the assembly with an air of urgency.

**Astraylius's Concern:**

Astraylius, his instincts as a leader kicking in, stepped forward. "What news do you bring that shadows our joy?" he asked, his voice steady despite the surprise.

**The Spy's Report:**

The spy bowed slightly, his voice a low murmur that carried through the silence. "My lords and ladies, I bear a message from the Emperor. The Shastra Academy has issued a challenge—a contest of skills and wits between our Astra wielders and their Shashtra masters."

**Imana's Curiosity:**

Imana, her brow furrowed in thought, spoke up. "A challenge? For what purpose?" Her mind raced with the implications of such a contest.

**The Spy's Explanation:**

"The details are scarce, but it seems the Shastra Academy seeks to test the bond between Astra and its wielders," the spy replied, his eyes scanning the room. "It is a friendly competition, yet one that holds great honor for the victor."

**Caelum's Enthusiasm:**

Caelum, ever the spirited one, clapped his hands together. "A contest? How thrilling! We shall show them the might of our Astra!"

**Seraphina's Fire:**

Seraphina's eyes blazed with competitive fire. "Let them come with their challenges. We shall meet them with the flames of our spirit."

**Lucius's Caution:**

Lucius, from his corner, raised a hand. "Let us not rush into this. Strategy, as Zhang Chen would say, is key."

**The Assembly's Decision:**

The room erupted into a cacophony of voices, each expressing their eagerness or concern. Astraylius raised his hands for silence. "We will accept this challenge," he declared. "But we will do so as a united front, with strategy and honor."

**The Spy's Departure:**

With his message delivered, the spy slipped away as silently as he had arrived, leaving behind a trail of anticipation and resolve.

**The Party Resumes:**

As the initial shock wore off, the party gradually resumed, though the atmosphere was now tinged with the excitement of the upcoming challenge. Jokes were made about the peculiar timing of the spy's entrance, and conversations buzzed with speculation about the contest.

**Astraylius and Imana's Vow:**

Astraylius and Imana, standing side by side, exchanged a look of determination. "Together, we will face this challenge," Imana said, her hand gripping his.

"And together, we will triumph," Astraylius added, his voice full of conviction.

The night continued, the surprise party now a prelude to a greater event on the horizon—the Astra versus Shashtra challenge. It was a night that would be remembered, not just for the joy it brought, but for the unity it fostered among the heroes of Astra's Academy.


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