

The child of two cosmic beings Astraylius Von Asterea born as Extraordinary One as he grows his Adventure begins

beingafter4thwall · แฟนตาซี
83 Chs

Chapter 1

### Chapter 1: Echoes of the Future

Eight years had passed since the birth of Astraylius Von Asterea, the child who was born genderless and with powers that transcended the known limits of celestial beings. Astral World had flourished under the care of Archon, Aerish, Elysia, and now, the young prodigy Astraylius.

The world was a utopia of harmony and innovation, a reflection of the unity between its creators and their offspring. Elysia, now a young woman, had mastered her abilities, becoming a guardian of balance and growth. She watched over Astral World with a gentle but firm hand, ensuring that life thrived in all its forms.

Astraylius, however, was a being of curiosity and boundless potential. They spent their days exploring the depths of their powers, often surprising even their parents with feats of creation and manipulation that defied explanation. Their understanding of the cosmos had deepened, and with it, their ability to shape reality.

As the years passed, Astraylius's presence became a beacon of hope and progress. They had introduced new concepts to the inhabitants of Astral World, teaching them ways to harness the energies of their world without disrupting the delicate balance their parents had established.

The once silent void that surrounded Astral World now echoed with the laughter and joy of its people, a testament to the peace that had been achieved. Archon and Aerish, who had once been locked in an endless battle, now stood side by side, proud of the world they had built and the children who would carry on their legacy.

But as time moved forward, a sense of change began to stir in the winds of Sonaria. Astraylius, ever the harbinger of transformation, felt a calling from beyond their world. There were new realms to explore, new mysteries to unravel, and new stories to be told.

With the blessing of their family, Astraylius prepared to embark on a journey that would take them beyond the borders of Astral World. It was a journey of discovery, of challenges, and of self-realization. The future was unwritten, and Astraylius Von Asterea was ready to pen its tales.

After sometime Astraylius Decided to Find a Worthy Servent for ourselve. Then he decided to go through the labyrinth of Forest

POV = Narrator

Astraylius Von Asterea, the child of cosmos and change, ventured into the **Forest Samsara** in search of a servant. The forest was a labyrinth of ancient trees and enigmatic shadows, home to creatures of formidable strength and wild nature.

As Astraylius delved deeper into the forest, they encountered many such monsters. Each battle was a display of their might and mastery over the elements, but none of the creatures proved to be a worthy challenge. They were strong, yes, but lacked the uniqueness Astraylius yearned for.

In a moment of inspiration, Astraylius decided to create a servant of their own design. With a drop of their celestial blood, they infused the essence of life into the forest's soil. The ground trembled, and from the earth rose a creature unlike any other—a female fox, crafted from the very fabric of Astraylius's being.

She was a creature of beauty and mischief, her fur a tapestry of the night sky, eyes glinting with a playful spark. Her tails—seven in total—swayed with an ethereal grace, each one adorned with markings that mirrored the constellations above.

The fox was mischievous indeed, her spirit as untamed as the forest itself. She darted through the trees, leading Astraylius on a merry chase that tested even their cosmic abilities. It was a battle of wits and agility, a dance between creator and creation.

In the end, it was not through force that Astraylius won her service, but through respect and recognition of her spirit. They offered her a place by their side, not as a servant, but as a companion and ally.

The fox, with a cunning smile, accepted the offer. She bowed her head in a gesture of fealty and mischief, acknowledging the bond that now tied her to Astraylius.

And so, the mischievous fox of Samsara became the servant—and friend—of Astraylius Von Asterea. Together, they would embark on countless adventures, her cunning and his power a combination that would become legend throughout Astral World.


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