
At First

"Yearning for a mother's love? Hahahah! What a joke!" A middle-aged man said in disgust while moving towards the child in front of him. Slapping him in the face repeatedly.

"Go die in a ditch!" Another man said behind him to the child in amusement.

The child who was being slapped on the ground was looking at these people with red eyes filled with tears.

His eyes showed clear hatred for these people who tortured him day and night. Ever since Rafael was born, he was subjugated to such treatment.

Soon a young man and a woman, a little older than Rafael, entered the cage.

'Clap! Clap!'

"OK, that's enough for today. Bring him out!" The young man said while showing clear disdain in his eyes.

Meanwhile, the young woman beside him started chuckling while stepping on Rafael's face.

"You dared to hug someone like that? How amusing!" The woman said while kicking Rafael in the face.

"Ok stop it now, he might die. Not as if I care" The young man said while leaving the room after spitting on Rafael's face.

"You heard Young Master, you goddamn filth." The middle-aged man who was previously slapping Rafael in the face said in disdain and amusement.

As Rafael slowly moved up, he got kicked in the face once again.


Rafael coughed blood when he got hit in the abdomen afterward. 

"Why can't you move? Filthy Moron? Hahaha," The man beside the middle-aged man said while smashing Rafael's head against the wall again and again.

Tears flowed from Rafael's blue eyes as his white hair started to turn crimson due to blood.

Soon, the man stopped while dragging Rafael from his hair.

As he left the cage and the room, he came across stairs. The middle-aged man dragging Rafael kicked him on the back. Consequently, Rafael's abdomen hit against the stairs.

"AH-mmm" As Rafael was about to scream, the man dragging him started to choke him.

"You forgot, didn't you? Every time you scream, we will torture you more?" The man said while smiling like a maniac.

"Why don't we spare him for today? The lady is waiting to see his condition." The middle-aged man said while moving up the stairs, passing by Rafael.

Couple of minutes passed by as Rafael who was being dragged reached the end of the stairs. The stairs covered a huge distance when compared to normal ones, as a result, Rafael had to suffer through more pain, mostly due to the reason that these people were kicking him in the back of his head again and again.

As the door opened, Rafael's bloodied face came into view. His face looked like that of a 10-year-old child, blood was coming through his mouth and nose and his eyes were red due to the tears he cried in silence.

As both of them entered a magnificent hall, made of beautiful carpets and paints. They started moving.

The hall's floor was made of sparkling brown marble tiles while the walls were made of beautifully painted concrete.. It was as if, Rafael was in a mansion. In fact, he was.

Later on, the man who was dragging Rafael across the floor along with the middle-aged man reached a room.

The room had huge doors carefully sculptured with magnificent designs. As the door opened. A huge bed along with a man who was sitting on a chair beside the window and a woman who was sitting opposite to him came into view.

"Count Damien, Lady Aster, we have brought the child as per ordered." The middle-aged man said while bowing along with the man who was dragging Rafael.

"Leave his head," Count Damien said while looking toward Rafael with pure disdain and so did Lady Aster.

The man, who was dragging Rafael, hearing those words, left his grip on Rafael's white hair immediately.

Rafael fell on the floor when the grip loosened. As he moved up he saw the 2 people with tears in his eyes.

"Mom, Da-" Lady Aster suddenly threw the cup of hot tea on Rafael as Rafael was about to complete his words.

Rafael immediately brought his hand and bit it, in order to stop himself from screaming. Blood flowed from his hands as he did that.

"You dared to call me Mom again? How amusing!" Lady Aster said with a chuckle.

"You two did a good job today. Throw the filth in his room while going. I'll send your pay" Count Damien said while facing towards Lady Aster.

"Sorry I wasted a precious cup on that bastard," Lady Aster said while making a guilty expression.

"It's OK," Count Damien said while Rafael was once again dragged outside the room.

Later on, a door opened in a room, and Rafael was thrown into it.


Rafael smashed against the wall as the door closed. As Rafael got the bearing of himself. He immediately ran towards the room and brought his ear to the door. Listening to the footsteps of the people.

As both of the men walked away from Rafael's room. Rafael, immediately, rushed towards his bed and started to cry tears. 

As Rafael cried, his already bloodied nose started to bleed again.

"God, why does this happen to me!?" Rafael screamed as he cried loudly. 

As Rafael was crying, he started to call out to God, to help him, to make things better for him. As Rafael was crying, the light in his eyes started to die. His vision started to become blurry as his life flashed in his eyes.


On the Day, Rafael was born, his parents wanted to abandon him. A world where talent in magic was praised while those who didn't were oppressed. Rafael, however, was a great talent.

A talent never seen before was within Rafael. However, his parents who thought of Rafael as an extra, wanted to deprive his talents from him.

So forth, from the day he was born. Rafael was tortured, day by day, week by week. year by year.

However, when he was 10. Rafael was allowed to see the outside world for the first time. This was the time when he sneaked outside and escaped from his family's clutches. As he was escaping, he came across an old lady.

The old lady didn't have a child or a son. So, she cherished Rafael, giving him love and care. 

A week passed by and Rafael was caught by his family. This happened when Rafael was going home while hugging the old lady whom he came to call his mother.

However, when he reached home...

The old lady was tortured to death in front of Rafael. In an unspeakable way.

From that day onward, Rafael was tortured even more horrendously. He had to spend 18 hours a day inside a cage with 2 physiologically ill men who would torture him for their amusement

They abused Rafael in every single way possible. While all of this was happening, his parents used to watch him and take joy in his torture.

Due to this, Rafael's mind started to break. Probably, he could never smile again.


Rafael's vision started to go blurry as his sad life flashed through his beautiful blue eyes and then...

He died.
