
Infernal Monarch

John had always despised fire, the merciless element that claimed his family and left him alone. When fate cruelly throws him into the flames that were meant to end his life, he finds himself not in the afterlife, but reborn in a mystical realm governed by magic. Surrounded by arcane powers, John is compelled to confront and command the very force he loathes. Follow his transformative journey as he rises from the ashes to become the ruler of flames—the Sovereign of Fire. Dive into a tale of loss, power, and redemption where John must master the element he fears most. ***** 1. In this world, power comes to those who strive for it. Our MC isn't handed strength on a silver platter; he earns it through blood, sweat, and unwavering determination. 2. If you're looking for constant face-slapping and petty rivalries, this isn't the story for you 3. Forget the harem trope

Den_of_wolves · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

A Prince's Plot

It had been days since Prince Keal awoke in the unfamiliar tent, a captive of circumstance. His every need was met, yet he seethed at the lack of deference shown to his royal blood. He was a prince, not a pampered pet!

The tent flap rustled open, revealing a figure who moved with the grace of a dancer and the confidence of a seasoned diplomat. "Greetings, Prince Keal," the newcomer said, bowing low with a flourish. "I am Senton, at your service."

Keal was taken aback. Rarely had he received such respect, even in his own court. "Rise, Senton," he said, intrigued.

"If you don't mind me asking, my prince," Senton began, "how did you come to be in our humble camp?"

Keal's jaw tightened. "My entourage and I were ambushed by treacherous soldiers. My men held them back giving me enough time to escape but I couldn't return to the camp." His voice dripped with barely concealed rage.

Senton nodded slowly. "A most unfortunate incident. But if you were pursued, your enemies may still be searching for you."

Keal's face darkened. "Indeed. And how am I to return home and rally my loyal men?"

A sly smile spread across Senton's face. "I may have a suggestion. Among us are individuals of remarkable strength." He gestured vaguely towards the camp. "Jonathan, a fifth-rank mage, and Bram, who has unlocked three of his Manalocks, are just two examples."

Keal's eyes widened. Such power was worth more than a small army. If he could win them over... the throne would be his! "Senton," he said eagerly, "you seem to be a man of noble bearing. Surely you could command their allegiance?"

Senton sighed, feigning sorrow. "Alas, my prince, while I was once of noble lineage, these... common folk disregard my authority."

Keal was aghast. "The audacity of these peasants!"

"It matters not," Senton said, waving a dismissive hand. "Why not approach them yourself, my prince? Offer them titles, lands... whatever their hearts desire."

Kael, brimming with newfound hope, sought out Jonathan first. He found the old man tending to his leg while his wife folded blankets. The scene was so far removed from what Kael imagined for a powerful mage that he momentarily wondered if Senton had lied to him.

But it was unlikely. There was nothing to be gained from such deceit, so Kael grit his teeth and pressed on.

"Mage Jonathan," Keal began, "I come bearing an offer that may interest you. In exchange for your service, I can offer you vast lands, a noble title, and riches beyond your wildest dreams."

Jonathan chuckled softly. "Your offer is generous, my prince, but I am afraid I must decline. My days of adventuring are long behind me. I am but a washed-up old mage, content with a quiet life."

Keal's jaw tightened. "Surely you cannot be serious. Think of the glory, the power! Together, we could conquer kingdoms!"

Elara smiled up at him. "We have no desire for such things, my prince. There are far more capable mages out there who would be better suited to your cause."

Kael clenched his fists, his pride wounded. But he was unwilling to risk a confrontation with a powerful mage and moved on to Bram. 

Bram, arms crossed, simply shook his head and returned to sharpening his sword.

One by one, Keal approached every soldier of the camp, only to be met with polite but firm refusals. 

Back in his own tent, Keal erupted in a torrent of curses and insults. "Ungrateful wretches!" he raged. "They'll regret their insolence when I claim my throne!"

Senton let the prince vent his frustration before calmly suggesting, "There may yet be another way, my prince. Convince Cora, and the rest will follow."

Keal perked up. "Cora? Who is this Cora?"

"The daughter of a duke," Senton replied. "The others have sworn to protect her. If she agrees to aid you..."

With renewed vigor, Keal set out to find Cora. Senton, meanwhile, summoned his son Milo, along with Erik and Finn. "Follow the prince," he instructed. "If Pyrrhus interferes, use the opportunity to teach him a lesson."

The three boys, still bearing the scars of their previous encounter with Pyrrhus, were hesitant, but Senton reassured them. "Prince Keal will keep you safe."

They found Keal standing transfixed, watching as Cora and Pyrrhus practiced their magic in a clearing. Cora danced with the wind, her laughter echoing as she sent leaves swirling through the air. Pyrrhus, eyes focused, as he tried sculpting the water into shimmering shapes that danced and flowed around him.

"Bravo!" Kael clapped as he approached, his eyes gleaming with ambition. He marveled at the hidden talents of this small village. If he could harness their abilities, the throne would be just the beginning—he could expand the kingdom and unify the lands. Desire burned in his chest. His determination to bring them under his control solidified. "Your skills are truly remarkable," he praised, his voice laced with genuine admiration and calculated intent.

Pyrrhus noticed Milo, Erik, and Finn lurking behind Kael. Erik was limping, and a part of Finn's ear was missing. Rage bubbled inside him, but the presence of the prince kept him in check. The three boys tried to avoid his gaze, clearly afraid, but their presence signaled trouble.

Cora's eyes sparkled with delight. "Oh my! Look, Pyrrhus! It's the prince!" She clapped her hands, her excitement palpable.

She turned to Kael, her voice filled with a mix of awe and longing. "I heard you live in a huge castle," she said, her eyes wide with hope. "Is it really big? Big enough for all of us to live together?"

Kael nodded, his eyes gleaming. "Indeed, it is."

Cora's excitement bubbled over as she turned to Pyrrhus. "Wouldn't it be wonderful for all of us to live together, Pyrrhus?" she asked, her voice trembling with emotion. She imagined a safe place where they could all stay together, a place to return to at the end of each day. "Can everyone come and live in your castle?" she asked Kael, her eyes wide with anticipation.

"Of course," Kael said without hesitation, his mind already plotting how to use their talents to his advantage.

Cora beamed. "I'll go tell Grandpa Jonathan!"

Keal, fearing the adults might not be as easily swayed, quickly intervened. "Why don't you come with me first, Cora?" he suggested. "We can all go together later."

Cora shook her head. "No, I want to tell Grandpa Jonathan!"

Kael's patience wore thin. He tried to mask his frustration with a gentle smile. "Cora, it would be so much easier if you came with me now. We can discuss everything and make a plan. Jonathan will understand."

Cora hesitated, torn between her excitement and a nagging sense of unease. "But I really want to tell him," she said softly.

Kael's expression hardened, his tone losing its warmth. "Come with me now," he demanded.

Cora's eyes widened in fear, but before Kael could grab her, a small hand swatted his away.

"She said no," said Pyrrhus, his voice firm and unwavering, his anger palpable. He stepped protectively in front of Cora, his eyes blazing with defiance.



Thanks for reading Chapter 23! I hope you're enjoying John's journey as Pyrrhus. Your comments and votes really motivate me to keep writing.

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