
Chapter 1 -Secret Betrayal-


Fire, engulfing the dark Kingdom of Kavu. Once known as the domain of the lich King. Where people dread to be anywhere near. All sorts of undead were gathered here. An army of undying beings in other terms. Who would want to become and undead or be eaten by one? Certainly no one that is sane.

The darkness of such a disturbing nightmare was lit up in flames that burned everything. Nothing was spared as even the undead seem to not be so undying anymore. A great dark castle turning to ruin from such a pitiful fire.

In the distant a great clash could be heard repeatedly. A fully armored silver warrior with a steel like great sword swinging against a dark green fire emitted by simple wave of a tall pure white skeleton clothed in ruined black robes. The two strikes dispersed and reappeared. A seemingly endless battle with neither backing down. The skeleton suddenly spoke interrupting their strikes as if he wasn't worn out at all.

"Human you have come far. To even make it to where my undead and castle are burning by a simple flame... then fighting almost as equals with me.... but you are only a human. I see your energy is depleting quickly. You have grown tired and the multiple strikes have caused internal injuries... Use that trump card you have hidden... After facing your slash of cinder. We will see if I can handle it. If I cannot I will die with my castle never to be brought back...."

The armored warrior as if suprised looked at his enemy in the eye. His brown eyes locking onto green flames. Suddenly his eyes turned cold breaking the silent stare between him and his enemy.

"Glace of Arcou..." A deep chilly voice spoke with an unknown power circling around. He gripped his sword as it grew with an immense light blue aura.

The green eyes on the other end of such attack was taken back. "To think you had glace at your disposal. It seems I might not make it out of this one. You truly are one of a kind human." The skeleton spoke in surprise as if giving up already.

- Destroy -

I giant wave of blue thats height went to the clouds came all down at once. At one single being.


A large crater was formed as greenish black ashes fell from the sky. The armored warrior looked up at the sky before falling on his back. His energy was fully depleted and his injuries were severe.

"Eureka! I made it! Where are you?" A man's voice shouted as footsteps quickly came afterwards.

"Her-" Before finishing a sharp pain suddenly found itself on the warriors stomach. Looking down he could see a long straight sword lodged in his abdomen.


Coughing blood as his armor was dyed red from his own blood he looked in disbelief. By his side a tall man with blonde long hair and blue eyes that looked at him in disdain. A deep smirk was firmly planted on his face.

"Wh-Why?" A look of shock, anger, hurt, and despair all at once came from the warrior as he looked at his best friend. He wouldn't have been afraid to call this man his brother. The many battles they fought together, the laughs they shared, the burdens they shared. Why would he do this?

"Yes make that face. I really like it. Did you think I was your friend? My allegiance is to the chaos legion. To think you could be fooled so easily is sad. You pitiful fool... I want an eternal darkness. You haven't taken the core of the Lich King yet. So this is the end for you." The blonde man spoke in arrogance as his smirk grew wider.

"You crazy so-ack" The straight sword was driven deeper into the warriors abdomen causing him to cough another mouthful of blood. His vision was getting dark. His limbs felt heavy no matter how much he tried to lift them up they would not budge.


I wanted to be a hero.

It's not bad to dream right?

Like a kid I was fixated on being one of those heroes.

To think I'd end up like this... This is truly a selfless and lonely path.

A path of bitterness.

A path of loneliness.

A path of regret.

A path of sacrifice.

A path of utter despair.


"You thought I was a hero like you. A pitiful fool you are. May your death bring a new era of darkness." A sudden deep voice spoke in a disdainful tone


...It's cold. So cold. This is it then? The story of the Great Swordsmen Eureka has came to a end... The one that slayed the many beasts of the abyss.. The kings of rot... The fallen celestials of Sen....


My eyes are so heavy. I can't see.


I don't want to die this way....








-You were betrayed-



I refuse to die this way. I will drag you to the deepest pits of hell with me!


The corpse of the warrior laid still as the blonde man looked at the so called hero who thought of him as a brother. If only he wasn't on the wrong side he would have considered him one too. He would never have wanted to join the chaos legion no matter what was said. He hoped his death truly did start the new era of darkness. The lich kings core would obviously be the main thing to cause that to even happen. It was a good thing he killed the hero before it was too late. He would have never stood a chance against either at their max power. Luckily the lich king was killed and the hero was severely weakened. The core of an anomaly that the world resisted against was the path of darkness. Finally his goal could be achieved.

Walking forward he looked in the crater to see a core covered in green flames shoot up flying straight at him. His instincts kicked in as he jumped to the side in surprise. His eyes moving to where the core flew to but it was too late.


A loud monstrous yell pierced through the silence. A green flame covered the once great hero who conquered over all. His body slowly levitating off the ground before coming onto his feet. The flames grew more density as his sword lit up in a dark aura. His once brown eyes now green looking at the one who betrayed him.