

Onyegbula_Peculiar · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs


Melvin set the evening for the party hosted by Stancom inviting all other companies. We were driven in his Lamborghini. Paparazzi everywhere. I didn't want to come down at first but, Melvin encouraged me by intertwining our hands. He walked with me through the paparazzi. Women threw daggers at me and this caused him to hold me by the waist. He then picked me up bridal style and walked passed the paparazzi. Now the news came rushing towards us. He dropped me. "What company is yours sir?". "Stancom". "That's not possible. The owner of Stancom shouldn't be young". "Turns out I'm young". Getting nothing from him anymore, they faced me. "What company is yours ma'am?". "The Twin". "But you aren't a twin".

Melvin pushed through the crowd interrogating us. Holding my hand firmly. We entered the hall. "Are you okay Stella?". "Yeah, I just need a drink". "Hold on". He said and got a drink for me. "Here". He hands it over. I gulped it all down. And almost started choking. "Easy". He rubbed my back. "Melvin". We both turned around to see who called Melvin. Two men were heading straight to our direction. Mr Mackus and..... Oh no. It was Mack. I stylishly hid my face in Melvin's clothes. "You came alone". "Yes father". "You know coming alone means you have a company of yours". "Of course. I do". "What's the name". "You will soon find out. Excuse us". Melvin noticed I seemed nervous, that's what he cut the conversation.

Mack still suspected. He finally summoned courage and called my name. "Stella". I paused in my tracks. He came to see my face . "Stella". He tried hugging me but, Melvin stopped him. Mack ignored that and was about to kissing my forehead. When Melvin pushed him. "What are you doing? She's my date and legally my girlfriend". "She didn't agree. So that marks her as an ordinary friend if she wishes". He pulls me by my waist and we both stare at each other. "Stella you can't have feelings for Melvin. He doesn't have a heart. He has played so many girls. And will do that to you if you have a relationship with him". I walked up to him and placed a palm on his cheek. "I can't help it Mack. I'm now in love with your brother. You would have had chance if you hadn't involved a third party". I turned to leave. "Don't not come crying to me after he breaks your heart". He angrily spoke.

Everyone in the hall focused on us. I slowly turned around. "Come crying to you?". I laughed very hard. "Your very funny, Mack". I turned to Melvin and said. "Why didn't you tell me you had a clown in your father house?". I turned back to Mack with an innocent smile. "The truth is, I don't even know you. So it's not possible for me to a stranger crying". I graciously turned to leave. "You are going to regret toiling with my heart. I promise you". "That's enough Mack. Cameras are everywhere. And I'm show they are showing on every station". Mack placed a hand on his waist and one on his forehead. Turned and threw the tray of wine he was about to be offered. Melvin and I watched how he threw tantrums.

"Hello everyone. As you all know I'm the personal assistant to the owner of Stancom. And he wishes for his identity to be known now. So I will be calling Mr Melvin to the stage. Mackus Melvin". Everyone paved way for Melvin as he walks graciously to the stage. With a hand in his pocket. "Thanks everyone and thank you Kashandra". "You are welcome Melvin". "That's not possible". Melvin's father said. Mack looked surprised at Melvin. "I appreciate everyone here. For making this announcement possible. Please enjoy the party. Music was played. Melvin walked to me. "Don't bother to ask cause I'm not going to that dance floor. I'm not a dancer". "You don't have to be a dancer to dance. So come on". "No way. I'm not stepping on that face floor". "Please....". "Okay fine, but I'm not going dance". He makes a baby face at my statement. "Arrrgh. I can't even say no to you". I walked to the dance floor, because he was the one who had dragged me there he dance first. He was good at it. I tried holding back so I wouldn't dance, but I couldn't.

Soon I stole the crowd from him. And everyone gasped with my moves. Melvin paused to look at me. I stopped when the music stopped. Hair strands on my face. I walked out of the mist of the crowd and Melvin followed. "You said you weren't a dancer?". "I wasn't a dancer". "Your performance there was like that of a dancer". "But I'm not one". I sipped out of my drink. "Come". He dragged me and we ran along the corridor. " You can't leave the party. It's about you". "Wrong. It's about the company. My assistant is there to handle everything". We entered into an elevator. "Now just where are you taking me to?". "Relax". "Okay". The elevator opened when we got to our destination. "What is this place?". I asked wide eyed. "This is the corridor to my office. Only few are allowed to get here". "It's beautiful". "Wait until you see my office". He typed his code on the door and I turned. "You shouldn't look away. I would have used my fingerprints, if I didn't want you to know. Not even my personal assistant knows my code. The door opened and we walked in. Snapping his fingers twice the lights came on. "Where did you get this idea from?". I said with a light frown. "Don't you like it?". "I love it!". I went touched the wall to feel the smoothness. The furnitures were expensive. And hard to get. I walked to the glass widow. I could see everything over here.

Melvin walked and to stand behind me. He slightly bends and starts to place kisses in every spot. "Melvin. I don't think this. Is the right spot for this". I spoke with shaky brathe. "This is my office". He spoke with his mouth planting kisses on my neck. I pulled him by the collar. "That's enough". I said and pulls him in for a kiss. The kiss was raw and held desires in them. I pulled his suit off whilst still kissing."You're fast learner". "I know that". I pulled him back in for a kiss. He turned me to face the widow and slowly. "You should hurry with that". "Relax". "You're torturing me". "I know that".

After he was done unzipping my gown it fell to the ground and I took pleasure in undressing him. Removing his turtle neck. I traced every line of his abs. Then went down to his pants. I removed his pants along his underwear. His rod fell and it was in full view. I looked up at him and found him staring at me. I looked back at his rod long and tick. I held it lightly and felt him shake a little bit. I Took it and kissed it. Before slowly sucking it. He placed his hand on the window to control himself. I looked up at him still sucking. And found him staring at the window with so much veins on his face. Looking back to face my business. I increased the pace at which I sucked it and moans escaped from his lips. His hands reached my hair and he held it. Assisting me to make my movement faster. He makes a relieved sound as some thick liquid enters my mouth. My eyes widened. "You can spit out". I swallowed it to his surprise. He presses something on his table and bed slowly moved out. I unhooked my bra and removed my pant. I walked seductively to the bed. And i take my position. He climbed the bed and I laid. But he didn't move further. I opened my eyes in surprise and stared at him. He slowly went down and got close to my minky, still staring at me. His hot breath made me shake and hot all over. "You shouldn't go there". "But I want to". Then he goes ahead and licks it. My head sank in the pillows. I held the bedsheets tight to hold moans from escaping. But I wasn't as strong as I thought. I felt like I was thrown into pleasure. My hand grabbed handful of his hair to make him keep up with the act. Soon he started sucking. I couldn't help it anymore. I never knew something could feel this pleasurable. When he got up he started the main business. Gentle putting his rod in me. This time he made his movement faster. I held on him. Loud moans escaped from our lips, but mine was louder. Then I felt something from him drop close to my minky as he brings his rod out.