

Onyegbula_Peculiar · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs


I walked slowly to the driver whose back was faced to me. "Um....excuse me". He turned and I recognized the face. "Melvin". "Stella". I could see satisfaction in his eyes. He drew into a hug. This was my first and I didn't want to let go. So did he, but the discomfort the eyes of everyone in the mansion, made me pull out. He looked at me strangely. "Is anything wrong?". "Of course. Just follow me". I pulled into the mansion. Everyone had a confused look. I didn't stop to explain, but continued to pull him till we got into my room. Locking it after he came in.

I gently pushed him on the bed and he laughed. "Don't you think it's too early?". "You really dream big. Now I demand an explanation". "To what?". "Seriously. Okay. How did you become his driver?". "Whose?". He questioned on my question. I looked up at the ceiling trying to hold in my frustration and anger from surfacing up. "My date". "Oh, you mean Mack". "Yes". "You don't even know his name". "Cause he was chosen by my parents". "You should be the one seated not me". He pushed me gently on the bed like I did. "This gown really look nice on you". "Melvin, is that the explaination?". "Oh, sorry I got carried away". He said hold his forehead. "The thing is that. I'm actually Mack's brother". My eyes widened at this confession. "Step-brother. He is the one handling one of my father's company. I'm his elder brother. I ought to be the one incharge, but such things bore me. I prefer going to parties. Having girls at my disposal". "Really?". "I'm the one people actually know as the boss in the company not Mack, but dad thinks it's Mack who has been running his company and that makes him my dad's favourite. My dad saw me as useless and wished to assist me . So he made me Mack's driver". "Okay that's unlogical of your dad. No offense".

I stood and moved from pace to pace "None taken". "But you're the one at loss inside and he's at loss outside". "Yeah". "Why didn't you tell me about this Melvin?". I stopped to ask him. He got up and rose my chin. "I never felt it was necessary". "Why?". "Cause I didn't believe you could make me fall for you". "Seriously". I walked away. "Not just you but I didn't believe I could fall for any girl". "So how many girls have you slept with?". "I haven't slept with anyone but I've kissed so many girls. They pushed themselves on me. The only good I could do for them was to take advantage"."Only good?". "Haven't you done so to some guys?". "All my life has strictly been to work. I didn't have time for guys cause it would lead into relationships. And I wasn't ready for that". "You should give it a trial with me". I was about to, but how sure can I be? How would I know that you won't cheat?". "Cause I haven't". "You did at the beginning of our contracted relationship. You didn't tell me you knew about my date". "Cause you didn't ask".He had a nervous smile on his face. "Everything always seems as a joke to you. You're sure to make a joke from our relationship. It's better I don't put myself in it before you toil with my heart". "I would never do such, Stella". He placed a palm on my cheek". "We shouldn't underestimate the future. Your past is surely going to show forth".

"What are you saying Stella?". He laughed nervously. "If you can't understand. Then how do I bring myself to understand this?". "Stella stop saying this. It's quite simple. You know that". "Your past is not something I can just accept in a night". "I know I said you shouldn't fall, but look at me. I turned out to be the first to turn on my word". "Melvin". I turned to face him and placed my palm on his cheek. He kissed my hand. "I don't live you". "That's not possible Stella". "I've heartbroken since I was little. I need someone who could heal me not make my sore increase. I'm sorry Melvin but I can't". "I understand this a joke. So I would just pass a night here okay". "I'm serious Melvin". "I know but I'm still passing the night here". "Okay". "I turned to leave. "Where are you going?". "I wanted to grab some snacks for you". "I would love to eat that outside". He rushed passed me and went out. When he noticed I wasn't behind him. He came and pulled me out. "No you should leave". "Why?". "Cause I want you to". "Sorry ma'am but I have to disobey you this time".

He carried me bridal style. We looked both at each other in the eye. "You should look at where you're going". He chuckled and I felt my cheek get hot. "Your cheek is very red. Try to control it". He caught me again. We walked passed the people in the mansion. Chloe looked like she was saying 'Ouuu'. Phiona was red. Mother was confused and dad was munching something. "I guess this is the dinning". "Yeah". He dropped on a sit and he pulled the next one opposite me to sit. "So will the snacks fly here?". "Of course not". I jerked up. "Oh no have a sit sis. I will do the serving". I sat and she served Melvin. Okay since you're served I will go to bed make sure to leave early". I've told you that I'm not leaving". "Okay. Phiona please get him one of Simon's pyjamas and take him to a room". "I would be sleeping in your room". "I already have a room mate". "The person can sleep in some other room". I sighed deeply. "Just don't take long I don't like my door unlocked overnight". "You should stay with me so we can go together". "Sorry no". "Please". He made an innocent look. "Okay". I angrily sat. Oh goodness.Question have filled the minds of my parents. I'm just going to sink when they start asking me. "Good night Sis". "Good night". "Stella have a good night and some explanation tomorrow". Chloe's statement made me sink in my chair. Everyone had left. Melvin and I were the only ones left. I looked at him and my eyes travelled to his lips and up. "How do I bring myself to understand this?". "What's that?". "I have a feeling for you that I have for no one else". He smirked. "You said you don't love me". "Of course I do. I mean I don't. I just don't understand. I have also cheated by telling lies". "I forgive you, but a little advice, flow with the feeling. Don't try to control it". "