

Onyegbula_Peculiar · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs


"Ma'am the twin hair company has agree to become partners with us". Chloe said excitedly. "Oh, really?". I held a neutral expression with my glasses on my nose. "Ma'am". "How many times have I told you to stop calling me Ma'am?". "I didn't keep account ma, I mean Stella". She stopped half way as I gave her a dead stare. "Um... Stella you don't look happy. Is anything perhaps bothering you?". I gave her a dead stare again. "I'm your assistant, you can share whatever is bothering you with me, you know". I inhaled deeply before getting up to meet the window. I stared outside like I was lost.

"Chloe". "Yes Stella". "I'm I done achieving my goals?". "If you mean the ones you told me, then I would say yes you are. Your company is the biggest in town. You are respected by men and women in this country and nearby ones. So I would say you are done and dusted with it". She assured with a smile on her lips. I turned to look at her. "I wouldn't mind starting all over". "Are you crazy??!!" She held her lips immediately that fell out. "I mean you can't do that. Have you thought of the sleepless nights you went through. Or did you forget the amount of times we rushed you to the hospital because of your series of nose bleed?".

"I didn't forget that". I assured her. "Then why would you like to start all over? You know all over means you selling off your company". "Then what do I do?" I hit my palms on my desk in frustration welling up in anger. That did startle her. "What do I?". I reduced my voice as I stared at her with nothingness filling my eyes. "I can't tell you what to do when I don't know why you want to do something".

I pulled out my chair and sat. "My mother called before you entered". "And....". "She told me". I stopped feeling disappointed and looking disgusted. "Okay, since you find it hard to spill it out. Then I suppose i should guess, right?". I nodded my head in approval. "Um..... wait a minute. The only reason your mum calls you, is if she finds a suitor for you". "And she expects me to get home, by dawn tomorrow". "Awwwwn I'm so happy for you. I just hope you don't ruin the moment like the other ones". "I am left with no other choice". I said as I got up. "I have to leave to get prepared. My flight will be leaving by dawn tomorrow".

"Then how do you plan to get there by dawn tomorrow when you're leaving tomorrow by dawn?" "I don't plan on getting there on time". "Stella first impression lasts longer". "I know". I said as I walked passed her. "Do take care, okay?". "I will".