

Onyegbula_Peculiar · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs


I walked in gracefully. "Welcome ma'am. May I lead you to your dinner?". A waitress asked. "Yes please". I said hurriedly as I wanted to get over with this date of a thing. As I walked passed so many halls I noticed this restaurant was empty. "Why is this restaurant empty?". I panickly asked. "It's a private restaurant ma'am". She turned to answer me. Of course, what was I thinking? The silence engulfed me. I loved it. "Here we are ma'am". She opened a door and I walked in. "Thank you". I said before walking further in. When I turned I saw a man sitting with so much pride but his face depicted another meaning which I couldn't figure out. He immediately stood slowly, when he caught sight of me. "Thanks for honouring my suggestion". I walked to my chair and sat ignoring him. "What would you like to eat?" "Everything on the menu". I answered. "Okay, but I must say you don't look like a person who has a big appetite". I stared at him wide eyed and he immediately looked away. "But I shouldn't judge the book by it's cover". "Yes you shouldn't". I wouldn't lie his smile caught me. He always smiled. And that kept intriguing me to stay longer. Else I would have told him straight in the face I didn't want a date.

He hit the bell and a waiter walked in. "I want you to bring everything on the menu for her". The waiter turned and I looked away forcing myself to admire my surroundings. "Yes". He told. "I would just like some soup". "Yes sir". The waiter said before leaving. "Are you sure you can eat all on the menu?". He leaned his head on the table as he asked. And I in return looked at him wide eyed. He laughed nervously as he pulled his head back. Soon waiters started to walk in with foods. Oh what have I caused myself. They arranged everything in my sight. Each one they brought increased the wideness of my eyes. He just sat and watched calmly all my expressions. When they were done I noticed him staring at me. Then I smiled widely at licked my lips as I looked back at the food. "He sat properly and started to drink his soup. "You should start eating". He said when he noticed I was still staring at the food in horror. "Of course". I fakedly smiled as I picked the fork and the knife to start with the rice. The sight of the food only had filled me up, but I demanded for it.Time to time he stared at me and shook his head with that intriguing smile. I struggled and got two plates empty. I had about thirty to go. Oh God please save me. This is bully. I made it through as I emptied all, but I felt dizzy and heavy. My stomach had popped out and was about to tear. I placed my head on the table to endure the pain

"You did surprise me by finishing everything on the table, but that isn't everything on the menu". I rose my head to look at him in horror. "Should I tell them to bring the rest?". "No no no no. I mean no. I already had a big dinner before I came here. So I'm full". I made up a lie and stared away. He just chuckled. "Would you like to take a walk around this place?". Of course I would love to, but I was too heavy now. "Please don't say no". He said with a baby look. I couldn't help it. He's something I couldn't figure out. "Okay". I said. Then he got up and I tried but the stomach hurt me and forced me back on the chair. "Do you need me to help you?". My heart accelerated as I saw him close to me. "Please". I pleaded. He placed his hand on my bare back and that caused me to shiver a little. Then he lifted me with my waist. "Do you need me to carry you?". What? No! I turned to the other side as I felt my cheek burn. "I can walk". "Okay". He let go of me and started to walk. I couldn't move an inch. And I stared at the floor angrily. He turned when he noticed no movement. "Are you coming?". "Of, of course". I took a step and fell on my butt. How did I mange to slip? Was that how heavy I was. "That must hurt, right?". I just stared at him angrily. "Let me help". This time he didn't wait for my reply he lifted me in a bridal way.

My heart started to race again. And I looked at him in fear, thinking he might hear my heart beating fast. I stared till..."You should look at our surroundings and not me". He caught me. I shrinked as I was shy. Images of his face started to flow in my head again. His lips temptingly sweet by it's look alone. Nose, masculine fit. Eyes were just so beautiful. Everything on his face were beautiful, but he is a forced date. So I shouldn't fall. I started to fell uncomfortable as air moved in my stomach. It made a sound and we both stared at each other, but differently. He gave me a look of' Seriously'. And I looked wide eyed. "Please where it the toilet?". "Just take a left turn, the next door is the entrance of the toilet". "Thank you". I said as he brought me down. Then I rushed. Somehow, I didn't feel shy, cause he felt like a friend to me. I sat on the W/C. And the toilet and I began war.

In no time my stomach felt relieved. I did exactly what has to be done before leaving the toilet. And I stepped out and walked to him. "Well, you shouldn't consume more than what you actually can". He said then moved by my side to continue the strolling. Everything in this restaurant was exquisite. Then he turned to face me suddenly with burning eyes. I moved till I clashed with something and I almost fell, but he helped me and pulled me closer to him. I looked up at him. And we stared non stop at each other. Before his head started to move closer. What was he trying to do. His lips were close to mine. When he paused and was about to kiss me, but I stopped him. "I actually don't see this as a proper date. So....I can't kiss you". "Of course". He said as he let go of me. And turned away in disappointment. He walked back angrily. Well I did try to place it in a nice way. I stood at the door as I didn't know if I would see a monster when I walk in. The door opened and he handed over my bag to me. "Let me drop you off". I nodded nervously and we started to leave. "Sir". We paused as a waitress was running towards our direction. "You left your card". "Oh, thanks". He said as he receives it. Then we continued to walk away. "Have a good day sir and ma'am". The first waitress I saw bidded. His ride was already waiting. And the driver came out to open the door for us. The journey was a silent. Till he couldn't take it anymore. "I promise to take you on a normal or proper date. Whichever one you want". He said as he turned to face me. His face so close to mine. His breath blew my face. "Sir we are here". He withdrew. We've gotten to your house. "Thank you". I said then got down. I walked to the gate and placed my palm on the scan. Then the gate opened. And I walked in. Mother, Phiona and Simon were waiting at the door and I paused when I caught sight of them. Then I walked in and pass them. Heading straight for my room. This night was stressful enough and I do not want the one they would cause me.