

Onyegbula_Peculiar · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs


I panted so hard in the empty cafeteria. As though I just escaped a frightening scene. Although, it was a frightening scene going on in my head. I scoffed as I tried picturing everyone's expression. It's not everyone that loves decorations. So people might hate it. Some might be scared of it. I was both. Each time I saw decorations I was scared and I also hated it, but right now I was scared of it. The hate was no longer there. And I cowered in fear. That's unlike me. I would normally stand my ground and just turn to face the person who had the idea and who made it a reality in disgust. "Stella". Chloe called my attention, and that caused me to jerk up in fear as she makes it real by placing her hand on my shoulder. "Hey it's me". "Of course. Hey Chloe what's up?". I asked trying to tame my heart as it raced fast. "Why did you act like that back there?". "I've told several times Chloe". I walked to her back. And spoke in a warning tone. "I don't like decorations". "And why is that?". She walked up to face me. How was i going to explain it to her that my brother's death caused such. When I was younger I was a lover of decorations, I hated it some weeks ago. And now I'm scared of it. It just doesn't make any sense. And Chloe won't believe. "Looks like you've missed number one rule in this company. You might be my assistant and the closest to me in this company, but you still are one of my worker. You should think of your punishment". She looked at the floor in disappointment. "Or rather choose between these two. Your salary is either reduced or you're fired". She looked at me in surprise. I turned to walk away. Then i paused and spoke above my shoulder, not facing her. "Gather everyone. I have an announcement to make".

"Yes Stella". She looked back down. At least that would get her attention from me. I know she's the breadwinner of a six. Her mother who has been diagnosed with dementia and her father who has tumor. Her siblings, who are the remaining four from the six, are suffering from mental disorder. It really is hard for her. That's why she's that highest paid in my company.


Everyone were gathered as told. "I see you all have been doing a great work since I left". I started with a sincere smile. They looked at eachother surprised and muttered things, soon they hall became noisy. "Please let's stay together". I called back cheerfully, bit no one answered. I scoffed. "Does mean you like my mean self?". They all turned to look at me and stop muttering things. "I said". I didn't shout like before as the atmosphere was filled with silence. "Do you like my mean self?". They all nodded profusely. "Then let's all at matured". I looked at Chloe who was behind the crowd, buried in her thoughts. As she it her nails. She appeared so worried. I walked to meet her and stood still in front of her with arms crossed across my chest. She sighed deeply and turned her face to the other direction. And she got startled as she saw me. She rose slowly and I look in return with an expressionless face. I hooked our arms and smiled at her. Then whispered into her ears. "I was just kidding". "About what?". She laughed nervously. "You don't need a punishment. I just missed your worried face". She stared at me astonished and blinked a few times. "Come, stand beside me. Isn't that the work of an assistant". Everyone looked at us shocked, at my behaviour. Chloe was usually the jovial one and me, the depressed one. "Do you mean you're not going to deduct my salary or fire me anymore?". "Yes". She grinned widely and giggled. "Thank you Stella". "What for?". "You've always been an understanding boss". I just smiled at her and turned back to the rest.

"I am grateful for you all maintained your parts in this business. Another branch will be opening next month. I will like to know those interested to be in that area. I don't want to move anyone against their wish, so please decide fast. You may all leave". I was left alone with Chloe. I turned to face her. "Now you're going on a vacation with me to my parents place". I walked officially to my office with Chloe following behind. "Who's going to take of the company?". "My brother". I answered her and pulled her out of the company. "Drive us home". "Yes ma'am". Chloe had never been in my car. She looked everywhere with some hint of terror in her eyes. "Relax". I said as I patted the back of one of her palms. "I've never been in your car. So expect this". I smiled. "Um....Stella". "Yes I turned to face her". "I can't go with you". "Why is that?". "My family. They aren't in a proper hospital. They're having their treatment at home". "They've been taken to the hospital". I turned back to face the window. "Who took them?". "I sent someone". "Stella why are you doing all this?". "I want you to go on a vacation with me. So I took all your distractions". "You've changed a little bit, why?". "I can go back to my old self if that's what you want". I looked at her with a smirk. "Was just kidding. That's not really necessary". She laughed and looked away. We were driven inside. Chloe stared at the surrounding in amusement. "You need to stop doing that. Act like my assistant". "This is the first time of me seeing such. I can't hold my emotions". We walked in and I took her straight to my room. We both got changed and we headed to the dinning. The aroma of Simon's food wafted to our nose. "You don't have to be told, your cook is good. I can't wait to devour the food. I shook my head and sat. "Sis". Simon came out the kitchen. "You're back". "Yes. And I have some news for you". "Has mom called me back?". "No. And as a matter of fact you're going to very busy". "Okay". "I will be heading home with Chloe". He waved her Hi and she waved back.

"You've once handled dad's company, right?". "And I did incredibly well". "Good, cause you're going to be handling my company for the next one month. If perform incredibly well, I could hand the company over to you". "Do you really mean that?". He asked frantically. And I nodded as his reply. "You've changed a little sis". "Was I that bad?". "Worse than you felt you were". "Do you need any assistance cause I haven't had anything since we arrived". "No. Don't worry dinner will be served soon". He courtesied as though he was a butler. Then he slightly rose his head and looked at me. "Enough with the drama which is to show off your excitement. I need to eat". "Of course".