

Onyegbula_Peculiar · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs


Bella had started laughing before I left for the airport. I had also informed her about my arranged suitor. She laughed about it hilariously and I stared at her with a lifted eyebrow, but she convinced me it was going to be okay. A smile came up my lips as I reminisced in the plane.


I phoned my mother, and it rang once before she picked. "Stella how are you? Why didn't you arrive at dawn yesterday?". She waited for a reply but I didn't return one. "Okay you will find us with a Stella signboard". Then she hung up. That was kind of rude. I should have been the one to hang up since I was the one who called. "You will find us!!!!!". "What does she mean us. Did she come with Simon and Phiona. I walked a little more before I saw the signboard. My face feel with uttermost disgust as I saw Simon and Phiona at each side of mother. This two were so annoying. I walked slowly to them. As I wanted to use this chance to get quickly to them, but Simon caught sight of me and "Stellaaa!". He shouted and that drew Phiona and mother's attention to me. I just smiled widely and that was obviously fake. I went to meet them and we all hugged, but Simon and Phiona wanted to squeeze the hell out of me. We walked a little further then we entered our ride. Mother sat with the driver while I was pushed by this two into their middle.

"So sis why were you walking slowly? It was obvious you didn't want us to know you were around. Let me guess. You wanted to surprise us, right?". I nodded slowly to Simon's question. Then Phiona turned my face to her. "So how are you sis?". And Simon twisted my face to his direction. "You really need to rate my fitness. Wait let me take off my clothes". As he tried doing that Phiona turned my face to her. "You going to puke at a glance". Simon pulled his clothes down. And turned my face to him. "My body is way better than her dance moves trust me". "I'm the top dancer in school". "Girls drool at the sight of my abdomen muscle". "Excluding me" Phiona said. Now they left my face but my ears were hurting. "That's a huge lie. You stare at my naked upper body in amusement". "That has never happened". Phiona disagreed. "Okay. What about all your wooers you sent away because they never had a body like mine".

This time Phiona crossed her hands at her chest and muttered a disagreement. "Now that I have your attention sis, why don't I". "That's enough Simon". Mother spoke mildly cutting Simon off. "Let your sister be. You can show her some other time. After all, she's going to be here for a week". "A week". I blurted. "Yes a week. Or do you want a longer stay?". "No a week is enough". I smiled widely and looked away. How can I be here for a week. Especially with this two under a roof with me. Silence remained in the car during our remaining journey.

When we got to our destination. The gate automatically opened and we were driven inside. Nothing had reduced rather, I notice increments. We walked into the mansion with Simon and Phiona helping with my bags. And I noticed decorations. "What are all this for?". "Not what". Simon said. "Rather who". Phiona grinned at me. I turned to stare at mum in disappointment. "Where is my room?". "Phiona please take her to your room". "Why my room?". "Yes why her room?". I asked stoically. Then mother made a pleading look. "Really?". I asked almost yelling. "Could you manage my room?". Phiona asked. "I hope there aren't pinks in it?". And Phiona nodded slowly. I sighed. "Aren't there other rooms here?". "Phiona take her to the empty ones". "I only need one and a one which is the farthest from the rest". I said. Phiona gasped. Mother sighed. "Phiona I'm sure you understand what she means". "But mother". "No buts Phiona. It's her wish". "Let's go sis". And I trailed behind her.

"Mother what's with her dislike for decorations and pink? I thought every girl was obsessed with pink". "It's nothing".


"Here you go". Phiona said as she opens the door. The room was empty, except the bed in the middle that reduced the room's competition for emptiness with me. I walked in pulling my bags with me. "If you need anything". She snapped my attention to her. "You can ask me". I nodded in agreement then she left. Mother had given me a PISSFUL welcome.