
India : The first Prime Minister of India..

Well, what can I say, this is from my dream world where Nehru and his congress did not rule India for 60 years and ruined it, made so many blunders that later became India's growing burdens... Also, inspired by FanficWorld07, if you're reading this, Dude you have my massive respect, also you seem to have that model of writing which can influence people to try to do something.. Do search for him and read his story too, "India : I became the first PM of India." The cover is not mine and anyone can use history.

Vedora_Tempest · ย้อนยุค
1 Chs

1947 August 15

The first observation is the massive population running around, caring for nothing; this is the situation after the partition. Pakistan, a new country, was born, and Muslims began migrating there, as did Hindus from Pakistan to India.

It might seem like an uncontrolled ruckus, but it's not. While this happens, elsewhere, a man with a gun stands in front of a terrified Nehru.

This was the outcome Nehru feared, but he didn't express it to anyone. He could've let the British know about his concerns, concerns about his best friend Ramakrishna Mannar, a Malayali from Kerala he met during one of the protests.

Mannar was an extremist, taking pride in fighting for freedom rather than begging, as Gandhi and Nehru did. He was jailed 11 times, along with Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, who died mysteriously in a plane crash.

He knew what would happen and was ready to accept the consequences, but he believed that there is a chance to negotiate.

"Manna, hear me out," Nehru didn't use Hindi, as he had never seen Mannar speaking Hindi; they only conversed in English.

"No, I don't want to hear anything from you, you mass murderer. You created this, and that British slave Gandhi!" He shouldn't have shouted, but he couldn't help it. While planning the complete migration of Muslims to Pakistan, he couldn't bear to see Hindus die in front of his eyes, even though he had prepared for sacrifices.

Yes, because he knew what would happen in the future. Muslims would stay in India, reproducing silently, and by 2050, while India became the third biggest economy in the world, they would wage war on Hindus.

That war would kill 20% of the Hindu population before the prime minister would take action and order the army. They betrayed the nation and orders because at that time, 70% of the army was Muslims, and they would open fire at Hindus.

The helpless prime minister, who was also a proud Hindu, will decide to launch nuclear weapons at all Muslim countries, including Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Maldives, and Russia.

By 2050, India has a large arsenal of nuclear weapons, and 10,000 of them rained down on various parts of the world. He too died in that fire, and the world is destroyed due to Islam. He harbored utter hatred for them, a hatred that surpassed his sanity. That's the reason why, when he found himself 5 years before independence, he decided to deport every single Muslim to Pakistan during the partition.

"You don't deserve to live in this world, after all I saw... After all I saw from you... You will create laws that would enslave us in the future, you and your party will lead us with incompetence, and it will destroy us," Mannar said as a single tear escaped his eyes. Nehru was confused about his words...

And that confusion was the last thing on his face before Mannar's finger squeezed the trigger. Before Nehru knew what happened, he fell down.

After wiping it, he threw the gun down, wiping his tear, and walked away without looking back. His gun was British-made, increasing the hate people had towards the British, perceiving that the British killed their leader. This was a warning to Gandhi, who was a British slave as well.

His party, Sanatan Seva Party (SSP), was pro-Hindu, as he made the party selecting people who are absolute Hindus. They decided the plan to cast away every single Muslim to Pakistan and systematically kill the ones who are left here silently after all the ruckus is over.

August 15, 1947, 10 AM.

Amidst the chaos and the masses of people running around, Ramakrishna Mannar, the first prime minister of India, strode confidently to the podium. From there, he could see his party allies in vast numbers, spanning the entire stadium, as they fervently chanted,

"Ramakrishna Mannar ki Jai!"

The roars gradually subsided as he gestured with his hand and mock-coughed, testing the microphone.

Then, he opened his mouth...

"Citizens of Bharat,

Today, as we break free from the chains of colonial oppression, let us roar with the spirit of a resurgent Bharat. The time has come to cast off the yoke of foreign rule and herald the dawn of a Hindu Rashtra, where our ancient culture and traditions shall flourish.

For too long, our land has suffered under the weight of foreign dominion. But today, we rise like a phoenix from the ashes, reclaiming the glory that has been rightfully ours for thousands of years. The British may have ruled our land, but they could never break the indomitable spirit of Bharat.

Let this be a declaration to the world that we shall no longer bow to foreign powers. Our history is rich, our civilization is ancient, and our people are resilient. Today, we proclaim the resurgence of Bharat, where the eternal values of Sanatan Dharma shall guide our path.

As we hoist the tricolor high, let it symbolize not just our independence but the rebirth of a nation that embraces its roots and traditions. The British may have left, but their legacy of exploitation and division shall be remembered, and we shall rebuild our nation on the principles that have sustained us for centuries.

Fellow countrymen, the time for a united Bharat has come. Let us stand together, shoulder to shoulder, without any discrimination, without any caste, without any upper or lower class. We stand united as Hindus as we embark on a journey to reclaim our heritage and build a nation that reflects the greatness of our ancestors.

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat! Today, we rise, and no force on earth can hold us back!"

His fervor affecting the crowd, they too began to chant, "Jai Hind! Jai Bharat! Ramakrishna Mannar ki Jai!"

The explosive words touched the soul of every Hindu, every rightful Indian, and as they did, they ignited a fire as hot as a flaming star...Marking the start of a new Era..