
Chapter 14: Irrefutable Jealousy

"Hand me the tacos, please!"

I thanked Lark after he handed the tacos on me.

We took a break after a succession of brain teasing. Almost everyday we were here in the old interrogation room. You can't blame us. The first trial is getting nearer.

"How's my sister?" Triptivo asked Lark.

Actually, Triptivo always asked Lark if how was his sister, if she was doing okay. I can say that he is a good brother to Triptych ever since we were kids.

"Your sister escaped on the Training Facility. She almost get caught when I told them let her be."

"What?! Why did you let her? She can ease the punishment, don't worry."

"I know she can, even its the hardest punishment. But, I know she wants to see you that's why she escaped. All you have to do is convince her to get back. I may be the owner of the agency but I need to be fair."

Triptivo shook his head. "When did she escaped?"


"Last day?"

"Yeah. She might be here anytime by now."

"We already talked about it," Triptivo whispered while bumping his head at the table.

"Uh! Lovable sister! I hope I have one," Yino commented childishly.

I smiled as I remember Triptych. "How sweet of Tych," I mumbled.

"I guess I want to escape right now so I will be called sweet."

Yino clasped. "Right! It's the easier way to get you out of here. So, what's the plan?"

I slapped my forehead hearing Yino's comment on Tivo.

"I can change my name into Sweet so you can call me sweet."

There's a sudden lump on my throat hearing Lark's statement. He was seriously looking at me.

"Don't want to be lose, Lark? Well, don't you find it too gross? Like, 'hey, sweet!"

"Yino!" I hissed. He was not helping.

"I guess Cynwise will turn you down because of your corny lines," a familiar voice caught our attention.

"Speaking of the witch," Yino shrugged.

A lady in a black garments hugged me, tightly.

"I heard you."

"It wasn't a whisper anyway. Tychy-baby."

Triptych scowled at him.

"You are choking her," Lark said while reading.

"I'm no-" she didn't finish her line when she realized that it was Lark. Triptych laughed forcedly, "You're here."

"Stating the obvious, huh?"

"Dude," then he looked at her brother. "B-brother," she laughed.

Triptivo smiled. "Come here, beloved sis."

And so, Triptych walked towards him, nervously.

When she got nearer, Triptivo's aura changed. His smile turned into frown.


Triptych shrugged. "I don't see myself as an agent."

"Oh really? What do you see then?" sarcasm was etched on his voice. "Don't you dare lie to me. You were so eager to become an agent."

"There are so many chances for me to become one. Let me just help you in this time," she said while bowing her head.

Triptivo patted her head. "Don't you trust us? Look, I have Lark, Yino and Wisteria. We can get through this. Don't delay your dream for a false accusation," then he smiled full of assurance.

He never change when it comes to him as a brother to Triptych. Ever since when we were kids, though he was full of buffooneries, he always protect his sister. I admire him for that.

"Don't stare at me that much. You're making me feel so much more handsome than I know."

And, that was one I hate on him. His overweening confidence.

Our day ended with Triptych' stories. She still talked like there's no tomorrow. Still energetic as ever. I miss this girl.

She groaned, "My body will really suffer."

"You escaped from the agency, what do you expect?" then I chuckled.

She laughed. "At least I have talked to my brother."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine now," she paused. I heard her cleared her throat. "I know this is too much but, can I ask you 2 favors?"

"What is it?"

"First, please, take care of my brother while I'm under training. And do everything to prove his innocence and to clear his name. I know this is too much but-"

I cut her off, "The defendant is accused in a crime in which he said that he never done. I am the defendant's lawyer. And as his lawyer, I need to help him prove his innocence. So, technically, you only asked for one favor. I-We will take care of you brother," I assured her. "For now, get some rest. You wasted so much energy in escaping. Lark halted them on catching you."

"I want to thank him but I know he will not accept it and punish me instead. Thank you, Cynwise. Thanks to all of you."

After a few minutes of silence, I heard Triptych' snore.

"Goodnight, Triptych. I hope the best for you."

I felt my eyes slowly closing.

When I woke up, Triptych was no longer at the bed. She left early.

I got my phone and I notice a voice message from Yino. "Hey! I left early with Triptych. I need to go somewhere so I might be late. See you later!"

I did my morning routine, have my breakfast and prepare myself.

We will have the final talk today. Tomorrow is the first trial. But, I could feel the tense today.

I looked at my watch. It's 7 am in the morning. Therefore, I am 1 hour and 30 minutes early.

I went to a minute stop and buy chocolates, pillows and root beer. Some of my comfort foods. I felt nervous though the trial is tomorrow. Except for the first and second time that I'm on the court defending the rights of my clients, I haven't felt nervous as this anymore in facing the court.

After comforting myself, I went to the jail.

"Good morning. As usual, Sir."

"Mr. Lopez is on the old IR now, Attorney."

I nodded at the policeman and smiled. So, Lark was early, huh?

I was halted from opening door of the IR by a familiar voice, by Prosecutor Celestine Sevilla's voice.

"I'm okay,"

I heard Triptivo chuckled sarcastically, "Oh really? Remove those colors on your face and let's see if you're okay. Do you think Eena would be happy?-"

I closed the door. I don't want to eavesdrop.

But, I couldn't help it. My lips formed a bitter smile. Why do I have to feel a chest pain? I shouldn't be feeling this.

"You, jealous?"

I looked at the person who asked me. It's Lark holding a can of iced coffee.

"H-Huh? What do you mean?"

"Don't worry. I feel jealous, too," then he walked passed by me and went inside the old IR.

With confusion written on my face, I went inside and sat down in my usual chair.

Triptivo cleared his throat. "Good morning, Wisteria," he said that made me startled.

I replied a nod on him.

"If ever you change your mind--,"

"No, Cele. It will never change," Triptivo cut her off. "Let us take care my case and do your job."

"But, Tiv--"


"No, you listen to me Triptivo. I can assure you getting acquitted. I can clean your name just let me. We won't waste time. If we win this case the earlier, the better. We could get in touch to Eena's case."

Is she indirectly saying that we are not competent enough to win this case?

Triptivo released a deep sigh. "I know what you're referring at. But, again, just mind your job. Don't worry," then he held Celestine's hand.

Do he really have to do that?

Celestine bowed her head. "Can you blame me for that?"

I wandered my eyes around the room. I don't like seeing such scenery. When I heard a sob, I looked at them. They were hugging each other.

Excuse me? Lark and I were here. Why didn't they just hug each other earlier?

I was shocked when a hand held my fist. Yeah, I didn't knew that my hands formed into a fists.

"Come with me. Help me choose what beverage I will drink." Yino said. I haven't felt his presence. "Hey, when we go back please finish your drama already. We also have stuffs to do. I don't want to waste time."

We went were the vending machine was placed.

"I didn't know that you and Lark love watching drama."

He got an iced coffee for me.

"So harsh."

"I'm not. Well, you ain't watching anyway. You two were part of it. You have the role of a martyr lover."

My eyes widened. "I'm not!"

"Ain't sure?" he teased. "Don't be shy. You're not alone. Lark plays that role, too."

Wait? Lark said that he felt jealous, too.

"Lark have feelings for Celestine Sevilla?"

I ducked when he acted like he was about to strike me.

When we returned, we bumped onto Celestine Sevilla.

It reminded me how she indirectly told that I was-I mean we were not competent enough. And, the dramatic-scene they made earlier.

We both passed each other without eyeing each other.

There's something on me that I wanted to burst out. And I could not contain this feeling.

"Prosecutor Celestine Sevilla," I stated that made her stop.

"You are known to strictly objective person. But, I want to tell you that we will do our best to defend our client. Let's do our job fair and square," then I continued walking hearing Yino's mock that made me remember his presence.