
Incubus Cultivators: The Last Divines Reborn [Paused]

After corrupting the 5th mortal realm for long enough. The last two Behazmeths are plotted against and taken down by all the remaining power of the elder gods in the mortal realm. But was that enough to even kill them? Because they didn't die. They couldn't die. After all. They too were Deities. Just not the holy ones. . . . . . Instead They were reborn into the bodies of dying slaves in the first realm. But this was in no way bad. Sure this might have been the most dangerous realm and it was kinda like setting the difficulty of their world from Normal to Extreme. But they were still Divine Demons in soul and even with this mortal flesh trapping them in like a locks to a treasure chest. It wasn't going to stop them from breaking those locks. And when they do it's over for those bastard Gods. Because they were only going to go back for revenge. "There will be a new great war" Asmodeus the Ice Barron "And it's the Gods who started it this time" Aster the Fire Barron. "Hey but before we go back. Wanna go and mess with everyone in this new realm?" Asmodeus "You mean corrupt them?" Aster "No, I mean just fuck with them a bit~" "Hm. Do as you please. Asmodeus" "Aw don't be like that, cheer up and have some fun~" "No" "Oh I see how it is? Hehehe mission acquired! Let's bring back the fun Aster and kick over the bruty one!" "Mission my ass! Stay away from me!" "Come ere son! Let's play a game" "Go fuck yourself!" "Don't Run! Give In!" "LEAVE ME ALONE!" "Ice chains; Capture him!" "Wall of fire!; Melt his ice!" "Stop using magic to escape me!" "You used magic to capture me first!" "Ah ha I got you!" "No I don't want to revert to my original form" "I've seen your original form and your a cute incubus, be glad that your not Tiny like my original form" "I don't want to be an incubus at all! Just let me stay a sorcerer in peace!" "Hehehe. No can do. You know the rules and so do I" ------------------ Heyoo~ The cover isn't mine, if the owner wants, find any way to contact me and I'll remove it if this is what thou desire.

TurtleMaster6319 · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Meeting On The Great Wall

Looking down at the Great Arian Empire from atop its massive walls, Asmodeus Hiragi admired the view of one of its towns as the sun had begun to set.

"What a shame. I wish I could have brought Aster here. I know how much he would have liked to see this land. Especially during one of their most famous festivals"

Says some little boy with misty purple hair, icy blue eyes, and medium tanned skin as he sat at the edge of the wall. Looking down at the town and admiring its view.

"No. Wait? Don't they have a festival today, actually?"

"Yeah... They do have a festival today?"

"That's great! I love festivals~"

"But I can't go alone... That would be too boring"

"Yes that's it!"

" I should invite someone to go with me"

"And I know just who to ask!"

Without wait the boy crossed his legs and as he sat there on that ledge, he used his magic to cast a transition to someone very special to him. . .But he was turned down.

Next he tried contacting one of his close friends but they too shot him down as they had been too busy. He tried again a few more times with other friends but they couldn't make it.

Sighing as everyone seemed too busy. He then went down the list to contact his family. He didn't like his own kin very much but these were his kids so he couldn't help but love them regardless, anyway, only one of them had actually been of the same race as him, but he was going to have to pass on contacting that son.

"Hey, wanna come to a festival with me~" He said to all of them as he connected his mind to all of his kids except one using that spell.

But just like everyone else.

They were busy.

This left him without much options.

Cutting the connection to them as they all declined him, he channeled his magic once more until he heard a click in his mind, telling him that it had went through.

But as it had he instantly heard shouting.

"What do you want! I–" the voice was cut off as whoever it was grunted and the sounds of metal clanking could be heard in the distance of the transmission before hearing his voice again,

"I'm busy!"

But in hearing that, this was why he didn't want to contact this person. They wanted nothing to do with him. Also it was that son in which he spoke of and also wanted to exclude from asking.

But he was out of options so just like the others, he was going to pursue them. But before he could try and get persuasive he saw something from down on the streets of the town, and as he saw it he got all excited and just spoke.

"Aster drop whatever you're doing and come to the Arian Empire!"

He saw a floaty and he wasn't letting this go.

"You're still there?!"

The voice of his son was riddled with questions as to why he was actually in that empire but then it was all interrupted by the sounds of metal clanging.

"Yup. There's a festival today and I want you to come with me~"

"Can't! I'm busy!" the voice shouted as even more clangs of metal had came through the transmission before the voice spoke again and grunted, "plus I'm not even on that continent!"

"Why don't you just fly here?"

"Are you stupid!!!"

"Hey, it's rude to call your father stupid"

"Rude my ass! Such a dick!"


"Anyways! I'm not kidding when I say I'm busy Asmodeus! So– Hey, you stay the hell out of this before I rip out your friend's spine and beat you with it!!!"


He was very much confused but then as he heard that from his eldest son, he then heard the sound of what seemed to be him punching something thick.

"Are you fighting someone?"




"You sound really angry?..."

"I AM!!!!!!!"

"Uh. . .I'm just going to go ahead and go. See you soon Aster"

"Don't you fucking roar at me! I'll feed your kidneys to your fucking pet turtle you piece of shit!"

Ending the mind transition he stood up and stepped away from the ledge, raising his hands up and conjuring little sculptures of ice as he turned this wall top into a small crafting station.

Creating a little chalk stick made of ice he proceeded to use that ice stick like chalk and paint a thick blue circle onto the ground where he then shifted that ice chalk stick and into a thin needle.

Walking to the edge of the ice circle painted on the ground he proceeded to prick his finger with the ice needle and when he did he extended his arm out and let a droplet of his blood fall onto the blue line of the ice circle.

The ice chalk line then turned red and little characters foreign to this land had started to appear out of nowhere as frost from the chalk outline had started to spread all around the outside of the ice chalk circle.

"In invoke and conjure" Asmodeus then proceeded to chant an incantation for a solid 15 minutes and as he finished up with the last verse and the ice chalk circle had turned into a magic circle, he then clenched his fist as his hand was still extended and he yelled.

"I Summon the Second! Aster Hiragi"

The magic circle then lit up in a blinding Red light. And as he was forced to close his eyes. He then heard the loud thud of something or someone landing on the stony ground.

But as he heard such a sound.

A Screaming Roar followed!


Hearing the roar of a monster and not some human yelling. He jumped back seconds before regaining his sight from the blinding light.

And once he opened his eyes and put up his arms up to form a guard.

His arm was missing?

His whole forearm had been severed from his arm!

Seeing that, he didn't even flinch.

And looking in front of him to where his magic circle was.

There was a Lithe Teenage boy with black and brown hair, lightly tanned skin, and an overly charming face. But he looked to be incredibly pissed off as his eyes were glowing a violent and bloodthirsty blood red.

And as he was holding a Broken-Saber that radiated an abyssal aura. The Lithe Teenager that was mid-large in height was wearing a torn-up set of leather armor. And he was covered in his own blood as well as the green and purple blood of many monsters.

. . . . .

With Aster appearing from out of the magic circle and severing the arm of Asmodeus. There wasn't any wait. And there was no such thing of hesitation as Aster clenched the grip of his Broken-Saber and attacked.


In a thundering flash, he vanished from sight and then appeared in front of the Tiny boy a few heads smaller than himself. Slashing his broken Saber at Asmodeus forcing him to instantly react by dodging each and every attack that came his way with lightning-fast reflex

. . . . .

As Aster kept attacking him with killing intent just spewing out of him. Asmodeus wasn't quick enough since this had happened so fast. And as he wasn't quick enough he was stabbed in the leg by the Broken-Saber. Forcing him to take action without thinking, and he punched Aster in the chest, hauling him back and away from Asmodeus.

But as it all happened so fast and in what seemed like an instant as that all happened in no more than 0.3 seconds, Aster twisted in mid-air and as he land back on his feet, he put one of his hands to the ground getting into a beast stance and striking the ground, launching himself at Asmodeus and Severing his head from his body.

Asmodeus's head was decapitated from his body and Aster stood there a few feet behind him with his broken saber now slathered in the blood of his father.

The murderous aura surrounding him started to dissipate and he turned around to see Asmodeus's body drop to his knees and fall to the Stony ground as his head just like him hit the ground soon after.


The murderous glow in Aster's eyes faded back down to a pretty red and as he looked to the corpse of his father he sighed.

"Hey idiot! How long are you going to pretend to be dead!"

Saying that Asmodeus's corpse flinched.

"Uh... Not long..." Asmodeus's head spoke as it was detached from its body.

"Your such a pain, get up already and stop laying there!"

"Fine! Stop being so mean!"

Asmodeus got up and walked over to his head as dark blood leaked down from his severed neck and arm but not his cut-off head.

Grabbing his head he then put it to where it had originally been, and as he held it there for a second, frost spread around where there looked to be the cut line and then it steamed away revealing that his head had been properly reattached and healed.

Turning around and looking to the annoyed Aster who clenched his saber. He pouted.

"How could you not even hesitate to kill me!?"

"I wasn't the one who summoned you in the middle of a fight"

"But I'm not your enemy!"

"You sure looked like it"

"Uh... sigh, Why are you the only one who hates me..."

"I don't hate you"


"I just very much dislike you"


And this was the reason why he didn't want to include this son.

Mainly because they were the complete opposites of each other and despite them being the only ones in the family who were actually of the same race. You think they'd get along. But to him, Aster despised him and he was more or less indifferent to Aster as they had a difficult relationship with each other.

"Now what do you want? You saved me from that horrid place so I guess I have the free time? For now"

Saying that Asmodeus remembered that out of all of his kids, Aster was the strongest and the most hard-working so he was never not busy doing something.

But this brought him to a golden opportunity as Aster now owed him for saving his butt from that Dungeon.

So turning over to the Town and pointing down at it.

"Look down there! There's a festival tonight and I want you to go with me!"

He says full of excitement and ignores their tense relationship or the fact that he could have actually killed him a few moments ago if he wasn't already prepared for this outcome to happen.


Looking to Aster who voiced that so unwillingly.

He crossed his arms and snickered.

"Because I said so"

"I'm leaving"

Aster turned around walking over to the edge of the wall opposite to the Empire's town.

"Nononononon! Don't go!"

"..." Aster paused waiting for a reason not to leave.

"I just want to hang out with you for a little bit!"


"Your always too busy and I just wanted to hang out with my favorite son for once!"

"You mean favorite pawn. . ."


"Tch Nevermind. Just don't drag me into any of your silly games or I'm leaving"

"Awesome! Let's get going then~"

Asmodeus said rushing to the other side of the wall towards the town and about to jump down.


Aster yelled making him stop as he was just about to jump.

"Hm? What is it?"

Turning around Aster stabbed his broken saber into the stone ground and then looked down at himself and then to Asmodeus who was still bleeding from his leg and missing a whole forearm.

"I am covered in blood and you are missing a limb. Are you so sure that we can just walk in there like this?"

He said very confusedly as that looked to be what Asmodeus was about to do.

"Sure we can~ Now let's go~"


"Please don't call me by that name"

"Then stop trying to rush things! For once act like a lord and not a child! Because your far from the both of them but you need to choose one of them! Preferably an adult by the way!"

Aster said completely scolding him and ruining his happy mood.

And he didn't care if Asmodeus got down because of his scolding.

His feelings were irrelevant to him.

Yet Aster grabbed his own hurt arm and kept am ear out for his surroundings.

But in doing so he looked down at Asmodeus and sighed as he knew that Asmodeus was just very impatient and energetic.

Very much like a kid.

"Now look. I'll stick around but we cannot go down there looking like this. And please do look around. Because I'm pretty sure there are guards coming here as we speak"

He says because he already knows that their coming and from his knowledge about his father, he knows he can hear them as well.

"sigh. Okay, then what should we do"

Aster frowned at him as he was asking him for their next moves when it was literally him who knew this place and what to actually do next.

"First, reattach your arm. Next, let's sneak away and find some clothes to replace what we currently have on, I'll incinerate any evidence of us being the owners of the clothes and armor. And then we can do whatever you want around here. Shit, I'll even play some games with you if it makes you feel better"

"You will!"

"Sure" He said reassuringly for Asmodeus's sake.

"Then what are we waiting for! Let's go downtown. I know this cute fox girl who owns a tailoring shop, we can borrow some clothes from her"

Saying that Aster laughed and sighed at the same time as Asmodeus's joy came back to him.

But seeing that Asmodeus then grinned.

"Oh and since I saved you I want you to walk around in your original form please"

The smile and or light suddenly disappeared from Aster's face as he suddenly heard that.

Looking to Asmodeus he then said blankly.

"This is my original form..."

"No it's not"

"Yes it is..."


"This is what I looked like before that day when I was captured and tortured by followers of your old friend Izumi the litch progenitor. And before this current soul when I used to be human, I was just a human, not son'ed or related to you by soul"

"You mean back when you were called Hiro or was it before you were my son and you had the nickname of TurtleMaster?"

"Both..." He said coldly.

"Don't care. Now come on and let's see that cute Demon form you have~"

Saying that Aster sighed and frowned at Asmodeus's lack of care for his past life before becoming like him.

"I really hate you"

"Okay~ Demon lord Aster Hiragi. Or should I say the Second Devine Demon"

"How about. Fuck you. Asmodeus the first incubus and original Ruler to the Dark realm who was sealed away for ten thousand years after being betrayed by his own council"

"Aw that burns~ But at least I didn't fall in love and get my heart broken by an Angel"

"Yeah you just married one and had a kid with her creating my vessels legacy in which you merged my original soul with and them turned me from your great-grandson into your son after he failed to become the Seconds Devine Demon and led towards turning into a feral mistake"

"It's not as bad as it sounds though, after all, your souls were connected from the start, I just merged the both of you into a new being"

"Your unbelievable"

"And I love you too, now let's get going"

"How about you lead the way, I've never been here before"

"True... Okay let's go for real now"

He said forgetting to grab his arm as he hopped down the wall and Aster followed equally forgetting.

They both have their own stories.

But this is a new chapter in their lives.

And it's one with both Mc's finally together as Dual-Mc's!

Muhahaha I'm so going to hurt them! Hahahahahaha!

Oh shit you heard me. . .I mean it's going to be abnormal.

I mean, a normal adventure.

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Upload schedule, 2-3 chaps a week if possible.

TurtleMaster6319creators' thoughts