
Incomplete Ride

AnalaFrostine · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 1

The World Without Her

2 years 5 months 11 days. My life was very happy until this day. My love, my life, my Ava was around me. On 10th march was our wedding. I had a well-established business, good salary, and a perfect life every one wishes for but on 2nd march 2017, everything fell apart. I lost Ava. Ava left me to live alone and now again I was sinking the darkness of loneliness…. the darkness of no desires, no love just emptiness.

I had nothing to do anymore except wandering in loneliness. Every night I used to go here and there but one day, that one day which was enough to let me know how unpredictable things could be in one's life.

13 October 2019

I was randomly sitting on a bench at a very empty railway station, probably which didn't even exist. This was the thing which I always used to do since I heard the story of a train which takes us to our soul mates. If this story had been narrated to me earlier, I would have mocked on it but now, I believe this is the only way with help of which I could meet my soul mate, Ava. On every moonless night, I would go to railway stations which were not very explored. It's said that this train arrives between 4.21-4.43 and is a one-way train. Earlier I used to think if this is a one-way ticket, how is this story known to world but as for now, I don't need any explanation cause even if the percent of meeting Ava is one, I would go for that. After a few hours of sitting at the railway station arrived a train and surprisingly stopped, this was odd because no train use to stop at this railway station. Not even thinking twice I boarded the train. I heard this announcement: "Dear passengers, this is your last station where you have a chance to alight. A few moments more before we proceed from here." This announcement went unheard by me. The train had quite normal look. There was a straight alley and on the both sides were pair of chairs facing each other. There were about 15-20 passengers onboard. All the happiness which I possessed a second ago totally disappeared. I thought I finally boarded a train which could take me to Ava but unfortunately…. no. I sat on a chair, behind me entered another girl, scanning the room and sat on the chair in front of me facing me. I just didn't care. A few minutes and I heard another announcement: "dear passengers, we are ready to proceed forward, we request you to close the blinds of your respective windows to avoid any kind of causality." Again, I couldn't hear anything properly. It all sounded very hazy. I was very much busy in thoughts of Ava and suddenly, I heard a bang next to me. The girl had hands on the window next to me and she whispered: "Are you deaf, don't you know the windows must be closed. Do you wish to be in trouble?" she was looking at me with her concerned blue eyes. She had an olive skin color and her brown hair was open framing her face. She had beautiful curly hair extended to her waist, she had reddish-pink lips. After saying this, she sat back. I was knocked back to senses. Everyone was trying to take a sneaky look at me and as I matched a gaze, they turned away. For the first time in these 2 years, I felt different, probably it was due to the hope that I might have boarded the right train as closing the windows was so Important.

A conductor was roaming around the train giving us a magazine and after he finished, he went back. The magazine had a cover page showing a train passing different planets with a title:


at the bottom of the page was written:


I opened the magazine the first page had a demon and a fairy like structures as wallpaper and on the paper was written:

You chose to travel on your own risk.

Your journey might end in one of these following ways:

• Either you have a happy ending-finding a good soul mate

• Or you have a sad ending- finding a bad soul mate

• Worst you have no ending- finding no soul mate

Please consider the following guidelines for your safe trip.

I tuned the page.

Please keep followings in mind:

1. You may hear creepy voices, just don't get distracted

2. You may find many of the things quite suspicious or scary so don't get distracted

MOST Important

Do not open the windows, shout, or interact with anything no matter what.