
Incomparable : Corvus

"It flow roughly doesn't empathize what in front of it, time move without rest, we move to shape our world and how strong willed you're to create, it will always create the opposite side of your creation to be paired with. "

User_023 · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs


Born in Heaven, shaped based from holy liquid, named as the war-angel, they open their eyes for the first time just to be offered an armament of war, created for a reason, guided by their lord to win the war no matter what.

Abyssal Demon as their opponent, crawling from hell into the upper realm, butchering who resist to be corrupted by the Abyss and join them in war to crush Heaven, the war-angel is there and won't let it happen to the people, every kingdom fighting back with their knight and fighting along the side the angels, the lord also join the war, God of Lightning, Goddess of Ocean, God of War, Goddess of Ice and Goddess of Wind and God of Light as the leader of war-angel who also created to lead the angels in war.

God of Flame, Lord of Hell, Von Hazerd rebelling against the father, as the strongest and the oldest, he refuse to endure, he refuse to listen and refuse to walk in the direction of a victim, his anger and hatred is uncontrollable, he have every right to crush heaven, mother of abyss need her justice and Von Hazerd will give her what she deserve, the strength of him and his infinity army of hell will crush heaven and take their places as the leader of the 9 Realms.

The Demon does not playing around and the Abyss doesn't put limit on their abilities, only spaces realm does not get invaded since it empty and useless to conquer, to compete with Heaven Angel the War-Angel, Von Hazerd use Tendou Power to strengthen his army and outnumbered them, 3 month later Hell been at it's peak, they managed to kill Goddess of Ice and Goddess of Wind.

After the death of two Goddess All-Father put his Tendou Power inside the Heaven Pillar it's called Heaven Core now, it work as the buffer, it gave the war-angel more power to withstand their enemies abyss strength, every wound will be recovered in a minutes and removing every effect likes burning and abyss aura press, God of Light tried to take God of Flame alone by himself since the death of his sister.

God of Flame became more furious after sees the God of Light for the first times, because there is no God of Light before but after the war started it suddenly appear and he know what he made of, Father uses his absolute power to fight back but not granting his simple wishes, after been defeated by God of Light he whisper about the abyss being the victim and heaven won't solve it but when come to war they tried to solve it with more violent rather than giving what the abyss want, God of Flame destroyed his own core and started to melt into a holy lava and before turned into a lava he stare at the God of Light and scream at him.


After the death of their lord the demon became distracted and feeling sad this emotion turn into anger pretty fast, they movement became predictable and a movement that controlled by anger as it foundation is also easy to dodge but painful when get hit by ones, the angel started regain their footing and winning in every realm except the Hell Realm when the enemies come from, when the demon who fight in the upper realm get beaten hard but the demon who fight in their homeland became more stronger since their lord blessing is still there and unfortunately it does not reach the upper realm and it make it blessing way too much, it make the devil on Hell stupidly strong, not only outnumbered the angel but also overpowered them too.

Even the demon in the upper realm is weak but their number is too much and spread wide every corner of every realm making it annoying to deal with, it lead to wasting time even more and torturing the angel who fight inside the Hell Realm, it way too chaotic right now every angel is struggling to even dealing with one even they fighting along side their Lord the God of Light, there is no option rather than to use more Tendou Power to keeping their angel alive, this is heaven plan, first is to make a bright cable that will supply every angel with absolute strength, second gave them unique ability to be able handle their number so the plan is that one angel can fight 10 demon… that the plan but every angel does not knowledge on how to use it and dies, the Heaven refuse to lend any help since Tendou Power does not regenerate like mana based power.

WIPED! The word of God of Flame proved, the demon is fucking unkillable, this doesn't make any senses, Ambriel told the All-Father to cut the abyss for supplying the demon their power and even the remaining reinforcement from upper realm tried to join and help it will be meaningless and wasting more resources, Tendou will not be used again! No more wasting, All-Father jump to the abyss to deal with Mother of Abyss directly.

God of War can't join in hell since he busy murdering every demon left in the upper realms, there is two angel left in Hell Realm, one been blessed too much and receiving an ability to popped out an chain from vein and granted to access every type of mana to able kill their enemies with many variants of spell but it literally useless since he relies on brute forces and the other one granted to have four wing and able to withstand any impact, the ability to see magic pattern and watch where magic can go through and her final bless is so fucking useless, she granted special mana to be able froze everything but she is in hell that will counter it instantly.

They struggling really hard and outnumbered but they manage to kill as many as they can to prevent getting surrounded, God of Light join them to help and after that one angel who had four wings get blasted away from her team she asked to recover and go the high ground by the angel.


She nods and use the blessing to transform her sword into a bot with infinite arrow but since her power is an ice mana she got no option to just use it and well it does not work but it is what it is, the team fight between angel and their lord is great their chemistry build up quick and what they need to do is to wait until the All-Father done dealing with his own daughter who keep supplying this demons.

All-father in the Abyss Realm tried to talk it about with his own daughter but she didn't reply and just there stood and listened to him, she controls the entire realm and make an invisible barrier to protect the All-father from her creature, after many questions ignored, she finally speak.

"His Promise, I won't betray. "

Cassandra didn't want to stop supplying the demon with the abyss strength and power, letting the father without an option to just cutting off the abyss realm from the lines of travel, the abyss now categorized as the hidden realm and the connection between the abyss and the demon were ended and after the father take his step to get out Cassandra whispered to him.

"You forgot something. "

Sword throwed from nowhere to the All-father, it's like they offered the All-Father to stab Cassandra in their own realm, the sword had text on it blade that said "Beauty" he staring at the sword and tried to glare at his daughter pale expression and it do something to him, rather than killing his own daughter he leaves without a punishment and after he get out from there the entire abyss screams.

The Abyss can't supply the demon with their strength and get easily wiped out, realize that the abyss been taken care the demon step back and retreat, Heaven won the war but they lost almost of their angel in hell and leaving them with only two angels alive, after bringing every angel to the heaven the over blessed angel collapse and start melting turned him into a liquid.

"In the memorial of our greatest sacrifices and our knight, we'll rise the monument for our greatest angel. "