

This idea came into my mind after watching American tv series (walking dead) I thought that it's high time that in India also there should be a TV series or a web series showing the situation during a zombie apocalypse in India. So my idea revolves around school students who get trapped in the school at the beginning of the apocalypse and then their journey begins for survival. It will be amazing to see how they get out of that school and where they go and yes among them there is someone who has a very strong connection with this outbreak. It may have a couple of seasons and I really feel it's time to go ahead of Naagin type of shows or typical Saas Bahu shows. Lets attract youth and show them something thrilling which they have never experienced before.

8_8AK8_8 · ไซไฟ
4 Chs


Aryan was in his room trying to finish the last episode of "The WALKING DEAD GAME" . He has been trying to complete it for the last five days , but he couldn't . He has not gone to school since last week just because of this game . In the game , he was at the final stage , and he was just going to win the last level but unfortunately, his mother entered his room . He got interrupted and then GAME OVER . Aryan sighed and then asked , " yeah! Mom" . Her mom said , " Go to sleep . It's already 11:30 pm . Tomorrow is your school" . Disappointed Aryan replied , "yeah! Mom sure" . Her mom went away . Aryan leaned back on the chair , and kept his feet on the table and looked frustrated as he watched the computer screen which was displaying , GAME OVER YOU COULD NOT SURVIVE THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!! . He signed and whispered , " ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE" . After that, he went to sleep . At night, he used to be a pool of thoughts . He was remembering his past. He was having flashbacks of the last moment of his dad who was saying something to him by holding his hand . Then , suddenly he woke up . He was wet with sweat . It was about 6:00 am . He got out of his bed . While brushing , he was holding his locket and staring at it . At breakfast , he found his mom was packing . He asked , " Mom, are you going somewhere?" . She replied , "NO!! Don't . These are just nothing . Aryan said , " Alright . I am going to school . Bye" . He left the house and went to catch up with his friends . While walking he was watching a youtube video in which some policemen were firing on a man who was burning but still walking . Strange! A friend who was beside him , named Amrit . He said , "What!! Do you think such things exist?. They are just fake". Aryan replied wisely , "Maybe , but we don't know what mother nature hides from us". Another friend over there, named Ansh , asked "Do you believe these things exist?". Aryan replied , "Maybe or maybe not I just believe this world is just unpredictable . Anything is possible . Amrit said , "That means your relationship with Suhana is also possible". Both of his friends started laughing . Aryan just kept quiet and his face turned red just like a red tomato . After that at school . Aryan saw Suhana who was standing outside her class . Suddenly , a boy came from behind and hit his head . He was Aman who bullies him often . He and his friends always made fun of him , he knew he did not have the courage to stand up to them so he just ignored them and went to his class .

4 hr later .

The dismissal bell rang .

It was the dismissal bell for the juniors . Aryan could see juniors running outside from his class window . He could see a man waiting to pick up their child . A small boy came running toward that man and hugged him tightly . He sighed and thought in his mind , "Good Old Days".

2 hr later .

The dismissal bell rang .

Aryan was on his way to his home . He was listening to music . At a crossing , he saw Ambulances and police cars rushing somewhere . Just 1 min later , he saw a helicopter also going in that direction . He whispered , "Strange". But he ignored it and kept walking towards his home . When Aryan reached his home he heard her mom talking to someone on the phone . He immediately rushed in there and said , "mom, it's dad right? You are talking to him . Her mom whispered on the phone , "I will talk to you later" and then cut the call . Aryan was frustrated , he shouted , "Why did you cut it? I wanted to talk to him . Where is he? Mom . Where's dad? Why don't you want to tell me about him? Her mother said , calmly , "Aryan listen to me . You calm down , listen!" . Aryan said , shrilly , "What do I listen to? Mom . It has been 8 yrs since dad left . I don't know where he is . I don't know why he doesn't want to talk to me . You always used to say that to me . He will come , he will come". Her mother said , "Aryan you should calm yourself . It's not what you think . Aryan interrupted , he said , "How mom? You are also just like Dad . You also never tell me anything related to him clearly . I am his son . It is his responsibility to take care of me just like other dads . But he didn't . He doesn't even have time to say a few words to encourage me. Her mother tried to console and said , "No Aryan . It's not like that . He loves you . He loves you very much". Aryan sighed and said shrilly, "If he did then he must be here with me". After saying that , he went to his room and locked himself . Her mother sat down and took a long breath . She felt miserable . At night . Aryan was awake . He was holding that locket and thinking something . He recalled the time when his dad handed over that locket to him . His phone got a notification . It was an email on which it was written NATIONAL EMERGENCY DECLARED IN THE STATE!

Next morning . Aryan woke up . He didn't see the phone and just went outside . Got fresh up . Picked his bag and just went outside without telling her mom . On the way to school . He was thinking about yesterday . He was feeling guilty about the way he talked to his mom . At the road crossing, he saw police cars , ambulances , a fire brigade, and a military truck heading inside the main city . After that , in a few seconds, two helicopters also headed there . Aryan said , "Something is going on in the city and I am not feeling good about this." He looked around and saw some people in a hurry to leave somewhere . But he ignored them and went to school . Today , in school there was a cultural program, and students who had participated in it had to come . There were around 50 students . Among them were Aman, Suhana , Amrit and Ansh were also present . Suddenly Aryan sight struck outside . He went ahead slowly and gazed outside . A helicopter was going to crash down on the school field and BOOM!! . Everyone was bewildered . None understood what happened suddenly . Huge flames were rising outside . It was a scary sight . Everyone was trembling with fear . Aryan noticed something through the smog . Someone attacked the guard at the gate and tried to bite him . He was not able to see clearly because of the smog and so was not able to see the face of that person . In just a few seconds everything has changed and this indeed looks like a GAME OVER.

The end .

Chapter One Ends .