

After the encounter with the bandits the day had calmed down. The ride to vale was soothing and relaxing, from the clopping of hooves to the faint smell of salt on the wind as we neared closer to the kingdom. I made note of the smell and smiled, the pleasant surprise was welcoming over what had transpired that day. Night began to envelop the sky as the broken moon came into view. I smiled at the view, happy to see the peaceful darkness take over the sunset sky. The old man, who's name is Fritz, had decided to continue our journey into the night. He saw it fit that we make haste for the fact that Beacon was about to stop letting people apply and he told me that it would be a waste if an aspiring Hunter as strong as myself didn't apply. This made me chuckle as I had insisted that I was just a normal person like him and his granddaughter. He simply laughed at my comment and told me that I was too modest and I should learn to take a compliment. The night rolled along and the stars came out, I refused to sleep so I could guard the cart. This once more tickled the old man's joy buzzer. I allowed my reach to expand over the cart, warning off any who dare approach with malevolent intent. My stomach made a low growl as I whined in pain, hunger striking me, forcing me to take my food rations and eat. I seemed to drift asleep at one time as I had found myself in a body that was not my own. In the body of a beast that wasn't Grimm. I was old or at least felt to be old. I looked up to see the moon in the sky, whole and no longer in pieces. I looked out upon the landscape of Remnant in front of me, it looked fresh, anew as if no hands had yet stained this place. I felt at peace with myself, as if nothing mattered to me, not hunger, sleep or even loneliness. I was satisfied at watching the clouds, the seasons change and getting older, till everything became off balance. I could feel the nature between good and bad become destroyed, evil had began to walk this place. I could see the creatures flood unto the world in a mass, the Grimm and their creation. The balance I had stood for was now upset as the creatures began to rise. I sat and waited for balance to return when humans came to the planet equaling out the balance. I knew the two responsible and waited for them to show themselves to me when they finally did. They asked for help, asked for me to keep the balance for not only the planet but between themselves. That's when everything went black, when I awoke from my slumber to find myself laying on the floor of the cart, drooling up a mess. I slowly began to sit up and am met with the sight of a bustling town. Vendors line the streets, shops and people all are spread about. The sight I have before me is mind blowing as I try to take it all in, happy to see so much new. I stand up in the cart and look around for old man Fritz whom I can't find, the bright sunlight not helping my case. Hopping out of the cart and onto the ground causes my body to pop and ache as I groan and look at the cart. As I look to see what shop I am in front of I am met with the smell of a bar then the sight. The place reeks of depressed sweaty men looking for some way to forget their troubles. The smell is so overpowering I feel I could get drunk by standing out here alone! I groan as I slowly and hesitantly walk into the bar to look for the old man. To my surprise I'm met with just that as Fritz is bent over the bar with a glass in hand and a lovely smile upon his face. I can't help but chuckle as I walk over to the man and gently shake him a bit, startling him and getting myself hit.

'Holy smokes the Reaper is finally here to take me! I won't go down without a fight you crazy life stealing S.O.B.!'

Fritz thrashes about and hits me to no advail before actually taking time to look at whom was jostling him awake from his drunken slumber. His face inquisitive and full of questions,

'Boy why are you here at the bar when you should be registering for that Hunter school not too far from here? It's no time to be drinking when your future is at stake!'

He hits me in the shoulder weakly as I laugh and push his hand away,

"Old man don't worry too much! Ive just woken up and besides it must still be early morning if you're still here! I have plenty of time to get a drink and talk about your time alive!"

He once more furrowed a brow and looked at me with a smile on his face,

'Boy do you know how to read a clock? It's three in the afternoon, registration is over by now and you've squandered a year of training! Why the hell are you still here, get going!"

I laughed and picked up my scroll and looked at the time, nearly fainting as I busted through the bar door and into the streets. I quickly grabbed my bag and bolted towards what I guested was the school as it was quiet grand of a building. I dodged and weaved in and out of crowds, trying to get to the school as quickly as possible. After running for my life I had accidentally bumped into a man with green hair. I couldn't help but stop and help him up. The man was jittery as I pulled him to his feet and he tilted his head at me.

'Why are you going so fast? What did you do, oversleep and miss applying at Beacon? No need to be in such a rush kid!"

He looked at me and waited for an answer before I nodded and sighed

"Exactly that is why I'm rushing!"