


I stumbled around the bathroom before stabilizing myself on the towel rack. I felt as if I was crying, something welling up in my eyes. My gut wrenched before my vision was no longer full of color, it was instead grey. I began to wipe my eyes to find that tears weren't welling up in my eyes but instead a warn liquid with the viscosity of blood. I could feel myself fade as I stumbled out of the bathroom, bumping into everything on my way out. Suddenly everything faded and I found myself in that dark space, a clock making noises but there was no clock in sight. Each ticket and every tock drove me mad as each one worsened my headache. I rubbed my temples and closed my eyes, trying to drown out the noise. The noise ceased and no longer was I alone in that dark place. Now I was on Remnant once more but this time I was no longer in my own body, much less a body of my own. Instead before me was a cell full of Faunus girls, all of them barely adults but one stuck out above the rest. One that sat in the corner was a soft red haired girl, holding a bushy fox tale in hands. All of them keep to themselves before the cell door is busted down by a group of humans. A man steps into the crowd and kicks the girls around and makes a B line to the fox tailed girl. His face is blurred out and he wears armour, it's black with elegant gold swirls. He grabs the girl by her hair and begins dragging her out of the cell, ripping and pulling at her hair. I can feel the pain echo through her screams as she fights against the hold of her captor, not wanting to be taken wherever they are taking her. This place reeks of fear as the despair of the girl amplifys it, the wail reaching the ears of no one as she is lead into a room full of torture devices. The sheer thought and smell of this room makes me gag as they throw the girl into a chair that is soaked in blood. She sobs and whimpers before two more men step in and begin strapping her in, leather tying her down. The man in Black armour takes out a set of thick needles, thicker than a toothpick, the two men strap the girl's head down as she continues to fight. The man smiles as he easily drives the needle between each joint of her left hand, between knuckles, tendons. Screams of pain echo through the room as blood seeps through the wounds and metal needles, men gaging the poor girl as she screams. Needle after needle is driven into her hand till it looks like a pin cushion of crimson red, tears streaming down her eyes. The man has a sickly grin on his face as his twists the needles and causes the girl to twist and contort in pain. He takes up another and comes face to face with the girl, his sick grin sending chills through the spine of the spineless. He forces her left eyelid open, he slowly and painfully sinks the first needle above her tear duct, sliding inch after inch into her eyes. The sick sound is only made worse as he takes up a second and forces it into the middle of her eye and into the iris, more screams let loose as I can feel myself puke but puke up nothing. He repeats these two processes on her right side, withdrawing the needles from the left and transferring them to the right. As he finishes this he undoes the binds and throws her to the ground and brings in a man carrying a large war hammer upon his back. The girl trys to get to her feet but is unable to see or even get up as she lays on the floor, drenched in blood. the stench of rotting flesh and the smell of fresh blood was overwhelming. The large man carrying the war hammer nodded as the last guy finished what he had to say. He put his foot in the center of her back to hold her down before bringing the hammer down upon her ankles, the sick shattering of bone and the gushing of blood was heard as he hit. He moved to the next one and mangled that one as well before the armoured man begins mangling the fingers of the poor girl. My stomach turns with each sickening crack and shatter, the girl crying out in pain more and more. Before long the girl is mangled beyond recognition, the doctor shaking his head as he makes a mark in a small note book, shaking his head disappointed before he waves a hand at the hammer man. With that a mighty downward swing lands upon the skull of the girl and the scene is not the prettiest to say the least as the sound is like that of a grape between some fingers but louder.

Armour: "subject 1324 is not the one we we're searching for, after high pain stimulation was are left with another bloody mess of a poor girl's mangled body. Luckily she is of Faunus so I needn't worry about charges, so be it and fetch me 1325, let us hope that this one sparks as a Nine and my head isn't on the chopping block next"

I snap back to reality and find myself lying on the floor with a towel partially wrapped around my waist. I quickly scramble to my feet and to the bathroom, puking my guts up, unable to stand what I had just seen. After 10 minutes of puking I slowly pull myself off the ground and up to my feet to see in the mirror a pair of horns, slicked back with slight off branching points. I groan and rub my head, examining the horns and groaning at the visions that pass through my head. I groan and put a pair of pants on before stumbling to bed, unable to fully comprehend what had happened.