
Silver Eyes

There I stared mystifyed at my newly discovered body part. I let my tail uncoil from my belt loops and slowly unwrap from my waist. Ozpin was laughing at my bewildered expression, finding joy in my new discovery. As my tail uncoiled it laid behind me, half of it lying upon the ground as I sat before Ozpin. I slowly stood up, looking over my shoulder to see how much of my tail was on the floor. Looking back my tail was up in the air twirling around, swishing back and forth with life, unlike how it was only moments ago. I quickly turned my attention from my new appendage and back to Ozpin who sat patiently waiting for me to calm down. He had a slight smile on his face as he crossed his legs and steepled his finger. Quickly I sat back in the chair and gave my attention to Ozpin.

"I'm sorry about that, this is kind of a new discovery for me, as weird as that sounds."

He chuckled then stopped as I said new discovery.

'What do you mean new discovery? It is attached to you, was it not always there?'

I stopped and rubbed my head as he rose an eyebrow. I stopped and look down at the ground before speaking up,

"To put it simply I can't remember much about myself, my past or much of anything. I couldn't even remember my own semblance much less what my weapons did. I'm sorry to say that I'm of little help when it comes to matters of my past."

He seemed very understanding as he laced his fingers and sighed. I rose my line of sight back to the powerful man that I sat before. He began writing some things down then looked back up at me,

'Tell me Seryy, when did everything become fuzzy, when did you lose the memories of your past?'

"I woke up yesterday in a clearing in the middle of the woods. Everything is fuzzy from there on out with only a few insignificant memories floating around my head..."

Ozpin sighed and leaned back in his chair,

'I want to say I'm sorry how unfortunate it is that you lost your memory. Even I cherish my past, good memories and bad. But enough about that, tell me why you wish to join our school and become a Hunter.'

I sighed and looked at him,

"All honesty I can't remember why I want to become a Hunter but hell, I shouldn't have to have a reason. I think it'll be fun for no reason!"

Ozpin couldn't help but smile at my words.

'So you want to be a Hunter just for the hell of it? Well then I'll ask that you sign on the dotted line as well fill out the uniform parameters'

I do as he says and quickly sign my name and uniform things in a matter of seconds.

"So am I in or do I have to wait for a year?"

He chuckles

'Well we are doing team setups tomorrow, this being where you are went into the field to find teammates!'

I stop and ponder what he says and look at him curiously.

"So is that a yes or?"

'You're a smart kid right? Start acting like it you ding bat and go join your class mates down in the lobby for the sleepover, make some friends while you're down there'

My eyes grew wide as a huge smile formed on my face. I jumped up out of the chair and into the air with glee. As I land on the ground I hear a light thunk as something hits the ground. Suddenly my legs feel a lot cooler, making me look down to see my pants have hit the floor on account of my tails are no longer holding them up. A bright crimson over takes my face as I quickly drop down and pull my pants up off the floor. Ozpin chuckles at this little scene and motions to the door,

'Be prepared Seryy, this won't be a walk in the park. We will test your full ability, so I recommend you gain some of those Fighting abilities back and use them well.'

I give him a thumbs up as my tail coils around my waist and hold my pants up. I take up my bag which was laying on the floor and head to the elevator, prideful and over joyed. After a moment of riding in the elevator I was now in the lobby where students just like myself where talking amongst themselves and having cheerful conversation. I took out my scroll and peered at the time, after the hour long walk with Professor Oobleck and the two hour talk with Ozpin, it was 18:36. I looked around the room to see people with plates full of food and comfortable clothes on, winding down into the night. A many of people caught my attention as colors upon colors of hairs and eyes filled the room, each person different and unique from the last. All of them were fun to see but the one thing that caught my eye was a pair of silver colored eyes, filled with hope and energy. A girl that seemed quite a bit younger than all the rest, give or take a year or two. Those eyes of silver drew me into a trance as I stepped down the steps, keeping my focus on them. I could hear something call out to me from with in those eyes, that was before my feet came from under me and I tumbled down the stairs. Everything went black before I saw reflection of eyes in water, a single pair of eyes, ones of silver that shined before a voice similar to my own spoke to me,

"Our path is our own no matter what we encounter, but always remember our truest nature. We have always been in the middle, always been the balance of dark and light. The set balance between good and evil, we are the grey, we keep all as it should be."