

The sickening crack, the wails of pain, that poor girl. My dream snapped away from that, no longer seeing the cruelty of those poor girls. I couldn't help but groan as I was left with an image of a small boy, lying in the mud and half dead. This one was human as he slowly felt the cold grip of death take hold of him, his left arm missing from where it should be. He could hear the packs of Grimm draw closer as rain slowly began to fall and the boy began to laugh. The Grimm drew closer as the boy began to sing an old tune that was off note, making it through the first verse before a Beowulf pounced and tore out his throat, the pack devouring his still living body. I was hurled out of my dreams and was sitting up in bed, drenched in sweat and cold to my bones. Flames of grey began to dance across my scales as I pulled myself out of the bed, grabbing my wallet and stumbling down the stairs. I felt the chill of the night breeze across my scales as the pale moonlight lit the court yard, the leaves of the trees lightly brushing together. I felt guilty, unable to help either of those people, like I had something to do with their deaths. I couldn't help but feel like all of the things that the girls had given me meant more to me than just gifts. Even though the one was a bit... strange but it still meant something to me as I pulled out my scroll and typed in some directions. I walk off into the night and follow my scroll, the night a blurr before I wake up sprawled on the floor and groaning. I slowly pull myself off the floor and stumble into the bathroom, pushing past Robin who is in there as well brushing his hair. It's a little difficult to walk as I begin to use the bathroom, something getting caught on my boxers as I look down and slowly begin to remember last night. I had gone to a shady piercing shop and got the piercing to not make Robin felt left out. I finish using the bathroom and turn to see Robin with a nose bleed bent over the bathroom counter, a total mess as he begins to stutter. I begin to shake Robin and rub my eyes, exaustion washing over me still. He was a bumbling mess as I tried to shake him awake to no advail. I sighed and picked him up and threw him over my shoulder to, carrying him over to my bed. I lightly laid him down into the bed and begin to make my way to the kitchen before a hand grabs my wrist. I look back to see Robin's slender hand grabbing my wrist as he keeps his grip on me, not letting me go and making me groan. I sigh and lightly pat Robin's head, the soft pastel hair was freshly brushed and soft to the touch. Robin began to burn a bright red, the crimson spreading across his face as I chuckled and headed to the kitchen. I sat in silence as the four are the only thing that aren't quiet, tossing and turning with tiny Kara snoring loud as hell. I look around the kitchen and smile after seeing a coffee pot. I quickly brew up some coffee and let it cool for a moment before taking a sip of the black and bitter coffee. The coffee is enjoyable as I wait for the time to pass. After about an hour I saw Davina roll across the floor and sit up, looking as prim and proper as every with the acception of sleepy eyes. I smiled and sipped away at my coffee as she made her way into the bathroom and the shower started. As I waited for the rest of the team to awaken I waited patiently for them to wake up when I looked down to see Kara on my lap and my coffee in hand. She was awake as could be as she sipped my coffee and laid back into me, enjoying the warmth of my body. I chuckled and slid out from under her and leaving her in my seat. Eve was the next to wake up and she was a train wreck, her hair a mess and looking tired as hell, paying me nor Kara no mind as she wandered into the kitchen. There she reached into a cupboard and brought out a box of Pumpkin Pete's cereal, reaching into the box and pulling out a handful of cereal, chowing down where she stands. I chuckle before I feel a weight against me and something on my head. I look to see the slender arms of Davina wrapped around my neck and her head on mine, her skin a bit damp and her up in a towel. I raised a brow and cleared my throat,

"Morning, how can I help ya team leader?"

My voice a bit deeper on account of it being morning, throwing everyone up off . Davina chuckled and stayed where she was,

Davina: "Good morning handsome and crew, everyone ready to do some team exercises and spar?"

Her eyes were closed and a smile on her face. I heard the soft foot steps of Robin and turned my head to see him yawning and rubbing his eyes. I eyed him which caused him to blush and redirect eye contact, not wanting to maintain it with me. I felt the weight of Davina lift from my shoulders and a light tap on my bicep, Kara tapping my arm to get my attention. I looked at her as she took my hand and placed it on her head, making her smile as well as me. I stood up and walked to my bag, taking up my things and heading to the bathroom and throwing on an outfit before walking out. My outfit consisted of a dark pair of jeans, my hiking boots and a black short sleeve button up made to look messy. I walked out and the rest of the team was ready. Davina was wearing a pair of white heels, a red short skirt, a long sleeve white shirt with black velvet flower design, her hair done up in a bun. Kara was in a pair of loose fitting jeans, a purple under shirt and my jacket, her hair down and tail out. Eve was in a pair of khakis shorts, a special pair of shoes, a army green crop top and her hair done back in a ponytail. Robin had his hair down, was wearing jean shorts with blue and black ring stockings stretching up to his knees, a neon blue long sleeve tight shirt and normal looking shoes. A smile was brought to my face as I looked over my team as we headed out the door to class.