

My team was a chipper bunch, from quiet Kara to sly Davina. It brought a smile to my face as they began asking questions about me, such as my name, age, race and ect. I started off by informing the rest of the team that my name is Seryy Smith, my age is 17 and I am a Faunus. When I said this the whole team jumped up to ask me more questions but Davina who sat back and slightly smiled.

Robin: "You're a Faunus! I can't tell, you look human other than the small splotches of black on your torso. I actually thought that was a skin condition!"

Kara whom I was still holding began to squirm in my arms before making me drop her. She landed on her feet with ease before looking me over and poking on different areas of my body then looked up at me and into my eyes.

Kara: "You give off a heat but cold to the touch... It was relaxing but if you are Faunus then reptilian most likely...."

Kara spoke softly but her voice was best described as a soft silk but gave a familiar feeling of comfort. Everyone was shocked as Eve's jaw dropped. I simply let my tail begin to uncoil before grabbing my pants to hold then up. The last thing I want right now is for my whole team to see me in my boxers. Eve went over and looked at Kara, shock still washed over her face.

Eve: "K-Kara, you just spoke to him, out loud... You've never done that in the room with a guy in it, excluding Robin..."

Robin: "Hey!"

Kara looked at Eve and gave what I guess was a light smile as I saw over the half pint a bit. She then poked Eve's now then her stomach,

Kara: "He saved me. He carried me, Pat my head and I in his jacket"

Kara raised her arms and showed off my jacket as if it was a prize. I couldn't help but chuckle when Eve jumped back into the conversation, not paying attention to my tail, unlike Robin who was observing and messing with my tail.

Eve: "But what about me! You used to only talk to me and..."

Eve began to get a little pouty, her voice going from the confident, spunky go getter to a saddened and whinny voice as a twinge of sadness flickered across her face. Kara walked over to her and wrapped her arms around Eve. Eve hugged back and apparently said something as Eve hugged back and the sadness quickly dicapated. I smiled till I felt a nerve get hit, it sparked something as I fell to the floor hard, almost falling through. This scared everyone as I laid face down on the floor. I could feel Robin gripping my tail near the end of it, I could feel my face as well as the rest of my body begin to grow hot before Robin quickly let go with a flustered face.

Robin: "Oh uh sorry!"

I laid on the ground for a moment as I felt the heat slowly disappeard. I could feel everyone's eyes on me before I slowly stood up. Kara had on emotionless expression, Eve began to grow inquisitive, Robin was flustered as hell and Davina still had a soft smile on her face.

Davina: "Ladies and Robin, let's go ahead and stop with the storm of questions and leave our compatriot alone. It's been a long day for all of us and there is no reason to continue to pester him or poke around on him like you're doing an autopsy. Unfortunately we only have four beds so I'll be sleeping on the floor tonight. Seryy you can take my bed, but as much as I think all of us enjoy a amazing slab of man like yourself I do ask you put a shirt on or at least a wife beater"

I kinda chuckled and looked around the room and saw that Robin and the girls had directed their gazes off me, a bit of blush on their cheeks. I slowly realize how big of a deal this is as I feel my face get a little hot before setting Kara down. I look at her and smile, my hand out,

"I need my jacket Kara, I need to go out and buy a few things on account of I don't have any clothes other than these pants and jacket."

She wrapped her arms around herself and shook her head no,

Kara: "It's mine, I like the smell and you can't have it. I'll fight you for it!"

She put her dukes up, my jacket covering her hands as her face is a tad grumpy. I groan and walk to the door before Davina stops me and smiles,

Davina: "My grandfather and I still owe you for escorting our cart. As repayment I'll go get you new clothes with the money my grandfather wanted me to give you. You look extremely tired so I ask you go take a shower and relax."

The blush was gone from her face as she laid a hand on my shoulder and smiled softly still. I sighed and knew I had no choice in the matter. I nodded and fished out my wallet,

"If you need extra I'll pay for it, here's my wallet and whatever's in it. I'm a medium in shirts and a 32 waist, 34 length in pants."

She smiled and the other girls began to frown a bit, Robin along with them. I chuckled and so did Davina,

Davina: "The rest of you can come if you'd like but if you stay leave Seryy alone, he needs his rest. Tommorow is sparring after all and we need to be in tip top shape!"

The others smiled and began to follow Davina out the door. I sighed and simply walked to the private bathroom that was in the dorm, it was simple yet quaint. I warmed up the shower and stepped in, letting the warm water wash over me as I let my troubles soften. I take up the shampoo bottle and put some of the liquid in my hair, rubbing it in till I hit a hard knot like thing atop my head and begin to grow confused. I quickly wash the shampoo out of my hair and step out of the shower, stepping in front of the full body mirror. What I see almost knocks me off my feet and onto my ass.