
Blight’s Entanglement

I made my way into the evershifting halls, unsure what troubles may find me this time as I venture out. I quickly head back to my lonely locker and take up my empty bag, my gauntlets and the wallet that calls out to me. I shake lose of its grasp before it can fully pull me in. I groan as a headache pounds on my skull and my face feels funny. I slowly drag myself into the bathroom and look in the mirror to see a stone cold face staring back at me. I splash some water on my and groan as I walk back into the halls that are currently still bustling with students. I weave in and out of them as I take out my scroll and open the message from Ozpin to see that my dorm is near the top of the dorm building. I sigh and begin to jog through the halls, people cussing at me and others flirting with me. I'm making my way down the hall when I slammed into someone, sending us both to the floor. I quickly grab the person and pull them into my chest as we sail through the air and I put my back to the ground to take brunt of the force, knocking the air out of me and causing me to choke. The person I'm currently holding to my chest groans as I do, their weigh is nothing special as I slowly release my grip on them. They roll out of my grip and quickly get up, making a noise as I get on a knee to get up. My vision clearing up as I look to see a head of multi colored hair atop their head. The length is long and down to the back, their features are curvy and feminine, their skin a pale white jade with crimson eyes that could burn the soul. I quickly jumped to my feet and bowed as a light blush was colored on her cheeks. The girl was flustered as she covered her eyes and began to panic. I smiled and bowed once more,

"I'm so sorry, I was rushing to my dorm to meet my team for the first time and I ended up running into you, not that's a bad thing. I wouldn't mind running into you again-"

I stop myself and slap my forehead at my accidental flirting and chuckle

"Not what I meant though you do look attractive. Um actually would you mind helping me find my dorm?"

The girl began to twiddle her fingers as she stayed silent before going to say something, stopping just as she began to speak and to rethink what she was gonna say. This went on for a moment before she offered me a hand off the ground that I was still on. I took her dainty hand as she helped me to my feet, then smiled warmly at me,

???:"My Name is Robin Sheerwood, I'm a freshman this year and heading back to my dorm as well. I'd be happy to take a sculpt, succulent, tantalizing, hunk of a man to his dorm. I-I mean I'd love to take you to your dorm, just follow me outside so we can go to the dorm building!"

Robin's voice was a whisper yet soft to the ears, it was nice and pleasant to my ears. She tapped on my shoulder and beckoned me to follow her, her slender frame almost engulfed by the crowd of students. I quickly began to follow her, her pastel multi colored leading me to her and out a set of doors to the court yard which was full of students unlike two nights ago. I smiled and covered my eyes from the bright sunlight as I was shoulder checked, knocking me back as a dark blue haired asshole chuckled as he looked me dead in the eyes.

Db:"Well well well look what we have here! We have that pastel freak and his Queer friend here! Whatch ya two gonna do, suck each other off?"

He looks back to his team as two laughs and another keeps her mouth shut. One of the guy shoves Robin back, making her stumble over her own feet. She falls back and I react, catching her and putting her on her feet. This makes the blue haired boy snarl ang get up in my face and look into my eyes with an extreme hate.

Db:"Why do freaks like you two exist? Why do you feel that it's ok to flaunt about like this and think its ok? I'm gonna teach you two a lesson, I'm gonna beat you so hard that It beat the gay out of you!"

To the underside of my chin I felt a cold gunbarrel, this wasn't a normal gun. I popped my knuckles and smiled, mentally I began to run through everything I had before Sam chimed in.

(If you need Blight's Entanglement you are able to call upon them. They are apart of you unlike other weapons, thus allowing you to bring them to you.)

I smiled and looked my new opponent in the eyes,

"I am a weapon. My soul a tool, my body a shield. I am the balance between light and dark, good and evil. I am the balance, the bane of all. Steel is my blood, I am the bone of my weapon as I am it. Come forth Blight's Entanglement!"

Silver flames consumed my hands and my aura began to give off its translucent glow. I took a step back as blue pulled the trigger and a loud boom went off, my head would have been gone if I took that shot. I let my reach expand, allowing the wires to float about and entangle themselves into the air, laying down my area off attack. This blue guy was pissed and now he wanted my head more than anyone or anything as his aura leapt off him and into the air. He pulled up his hood over his head, reminiscent of a Lion draped over him. A aura as fearsome as my own clashed with mine, his was strong but I was stronger as his hands tightened around the club he holds in his hands. He let out a mighty roar and stepped forward. I might just enjoy this fight, maybe even break a sweat!

Hit 40K! So glad to be writing to all of you and to post a third chapter for the day! Please enjoy and know I am thankful for you all!

TheLastD00Rcreators' thoughts