

Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep. That's all I could hear, the sound of a heart monitor and the dripping of water. This began today my nerves as I let out a groan and sat up. Pain throbbed through my body as I sat up, the white light of a medical office glared down on me as I sleepily looked around. A hospital bed, a bunch of medical equipment, a scared nurse who is on the ground. I slowly swung my legs over the side of the bed, my feet hitting the cold tile floor, sending a shiver up my spine. I was in a hospital gown, my head hurt and my gauntlets are missing. I look at the nurse who is panicking and pressing a button. I look around and see my clothing, sigh I missed those. I quickly close the curtain from the nurse and change, only peeking my head out when I head the door kicked in. There stands Ozpin, Goodwitch, Oobleck and Porter their weapons at the draw as I walk out from behind the curtain. I'm wide eyed and bushy tailed as I put my hands in the air and look around curiously.

"What's going on and why are you guys so hostile?"

I'm poked with Ozpin's cane as I simply sit down.

Ozpin: "do you have any idea what you did in the forest during the team finding exercise? The Deathstalker, the flames, any of it?"

I put my hands down as they all flinched and tightened their triggers. I place my hands in my lap and sigh,

"I simply remember having one foot in the grave when the Deathstalker attacked me. After that time just stopped and I was up against a tree. Three figures stood in front of me and told me to choose one of them or choose death. I chose and then I woke up here..."

Ozpin was a tad shocked to hear of this news as he lowered his cane and sighed. He thought for a moment before waving his hand down.

Ozpin: "If you wouldn't mind I'd like to ask you to stand down and leave me with Seryy. I'd like to have a private conversation with him alone.."

With that the other professors lower their weapons and begin to leave the room. All but Porter leaves the room as he goes back to grab the shaking nurse. Ozpin looks me head from toe as he pulls a chair over and offers it to me. I shake my head no as he takes a seat in the stool he pulled over.

Ozpin: "So you truly don't remember any of the events that went down? After the figures everything went blank and you woke up here?"

I nod as he sighs and takes off his glasses.

Ozpin: "Well it would be terrible to leave you in the dark so I guess it is best to explain it like this. I saw a pillar of grey flames and rushed to their location. I saw a Deathstalker and a humanoid Grimm attacking each other which is strange all by itself. As the battle between the two raged on it was apparent that the humanoid Grimm was far superior and ended up killing the Deathstalker. I came down to dispose of the humanoid Grimm when it passed out and in its place laid you. Now none of the teachers or myself have heard of a phenomenon like this one much less talking about three figures. Did you maybe get confused and only see two figures and your shadow?"

I began to shake my head no once more,

"There were three figures, one of light, one of dark and the third one was grey"

Ozpin's expression was different from before as it now held shock upon it. He leaned closer and had a hardened expression on his face as he spoke,

Ozpin:"You met with the two gods, correct?"

I nod,

Ozpin: "Did you chose the dark one or light?'

I smiled and chuckled profusely,

"Neither, they both had ulterior motives. They wanted me to do what they wanted and I wanted to do my own thing, so I chose the grey figure!"

Ozpin was shocked as he rubbed his temples and was obviously getting frustrated.

Ozpin:"You gave up choosing from either the power of light or dark and took up the grey figure? What did he offer that the other two didn't?"

"Simple, freedom. He not only offered me freedom but also the power of both. I'm good nor evil, I am simply doing what I want!"

This put Ozpin off as he struggled to understand what I was getting at before he shook his head.

Ozpin: "Enough of this, I'm sorry to say but you will be closely watched with your time at Beacon. Since you didn't find a team due to you collapsing I have assigned you to one. You've missed the first day but that is fine. Your welcome to go to your dorm now and wait to meet your team there. I have yet to tell them you are their fifth member and recommend you cause no funny business with them. Other than that you made it into Beacon and with that I congratulate you and welcome you to our school. Oh and your things are in locker 174."

He quickly stood and left the room with great haste as I sighed. I too exited the room and made my way through the halls, starting to look for locker 174. I passed class after class, each time I couldn't find the locker. Each one looked the same and the only indication of numbers was at the top left hand corner. I groaned and sighed,

"Sam start scanning for locker 174 and pull up my stats."

Name: Seryy Ingram Ramos Smith


Age: 17

Sex: Male

Race: Unknown Faunus

Level: 5



Aura Color:Translucent

Skills: Brawler:7, Wire User:6, Devil's Charm:6, Unyielding Endurance:MAX, Physical Resistance:MAX, Dust Resistance:5, Devourer:5, Jack of Weapons Master of Few:MAX, Bullet Resistance:5, Gravity Well:2, Poison Resistance:MAX, Ladies Man:3, Self-Gravity:MAX, Scale Absorbtion:5, Poison Secretion:5, Tail Strike:4, Diamond Body:2, Transformation

Titles:Weapon of the Gods, Destiny's Unbound, Keeper of Balance, Walking Tank


WE HIT 30K!! Wooo! Thank you all for reading my story and I hope you all continue to enjoy! Please leave a comment and review, it helps!

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