
Chapter 6: Possibly Pregnancy

It's been a week and no news from the principal that went into jail. Vincenzo went to pick up Alexandria's car some days ago and she now feels much better knowing her car isn't abandoned in that parking lot.

Alexandria eyes widen on the bed and she quickly jump off and run to the toilet to let out her dinner from last night. Someone hold up her hair and she sigh in relief.

Mandy: "Are you okay Miss Clarke?"

Alexandria: "I don't know honey" ( she says and relax against the bathroom wall)

Mandy sit beside her and she let out a tiny smile so the little girl wouldn't get worried.

It's a saturday and Vincenzo had left early in the morning to go to work leaving Alexandria and Mandy at home.

Mandy: "You've been like this since yesterday Miss Clarke"

Alexandria: "Mandy.... it's been a week and I've already told you that when we're alone you can call me Alexandria"

Mandy: "Right right" (she says and nod her head)

Alexandria sigh, get off the floor and go to brush her teeth. After she's finished - she smile at herself in the mirror. She hear her phone ringtone and run into the bedroom. She take up her phone and answer it without looking at the caller ID.

Alexandria: "Hello?"

Sally: "Girl I'm at your damn house - where the hell are you?"

Alexandria eyes widen and she immediately started searching for something easy to put on. In the end - she just throw on one of Vincenzo's shirt and tuck it in one of her pants.

Alexandria: "I'll be there soon - just hold on" (she says then hang up the phone)

She run her hand through her hair and put a hat over it.

Alexandria: "Mandy... put on your shoes - we're going out!"

A few minutes later and she's pulling up in her driveway. Her heart leap up in joy seeing Sally. Alexandria throw her door open, let out Mandy, close the doors and run to Sally. She jump in the girl's hands and they both laugh loudly.

Sally is a girl who could pass for a model. She has waist length black hair and hazel eyes. Her twin sons Jeremiah and Micheal has her eye colour but blonde hair.

Alexandria: "Oh my god" (she squeals)

Sally: "I wanted to surprise you girl"

Alexandria: "That you did"

She get off Sally and the single mother eyes land on Mandy and she look back up at Alexandria and raise her eyebrows.

Alexandria: "She's one of my students... I'm staying with her father because of some issues"

Sally: "Maybe we should go inside or go out"

Alexandria: "Let's go out" (she says)

The kids run into Alexandria's car and she smile seeing the boys interact with Mandy.


Sally eyes widen after Alexandria tell her everything and she breathe in deeply.

Sally: "Hot mama.. your life is more fun than mine" (she says and take a sip of her smoothie)

They're at a little food place seated in a booth secluded from the noise and clatters of plates.

Alexandria: (put a chip in her mouth) "I'm still wondering though"

Sally: "Wondering what?"

Alexandria: "If I'm doing something good here"

Sally: "You deserve to have happiness hun..."(she says and roll her eyes)

Alexandria: "Anywaysss enough about me - what about you?"

Sally: "There is nothing exciting"

Alexandra: (raise an eyebrow) "No boyfriends? or Crush?"

Sally: "Girl I got work and such I need to focus on"

Alexandria shrug and look around slowly. She feel bile rising and quickly run out of the booth to the bathroom that wasn't far away and puke in one of the sinks since she wouldn't have made it to any of the toilets.

The door open and Sally walk in with a knowing look. She pull back Alexandria hair and hum in a motherly way.

Sally: "Have you guys ever used condoms?"

Alexandria wash the vomit down the sink and rinse out her mouth with water then turn to Sally with a raised eyebrow.

Alexandria: "No but I'm on the pill... always"

Sally roll her eyes and let go of Alexandria's hair.

Sally: "The pill doesn't work all the time girl and you know that"

Alexandria knew Sally was right and that's why she lean against the sink defeatedly.

Alexandria: "But I can't be....."

Sally: "Take the test hun"

Alexandria: (sigh)


Alexandria pace in the bedroom as she wait on the three minutes to be up. Sally said she'll stay at Alexandria's house even though Alexandria insisted for her to just stay at Vincenzo's place with her.

She look at her watch and breathe out deeply. Her heart leap up in her throat with nervousness and excitement.

Let's see what it says - (she thinks)

She walk into the bathroom and take up the stick only to gasp.


Alexandria eyes widen and she quickly drop the stick into the trash can, lift the lid up from the toilet and puke.

God help me - (she thinks)