
Chapter 1: The memories before death


Yohan's body disappeared beneath the churning surface of the lake, swallowed by a maelstrom of rain and water. The raindrops that had been drumming on his skin followed suit, merging with the water in a symphony of despair. His inability to swim, coupled with an almost complete absence of will to live, rendered him helpless as he sank deeper and deeper into the murky depths. He surrendered himself to its cold grip without resistance.

Even as his lungs burned for air and his limbs grew heavy with exhaustion, Yohan's eyes remained stubbornly open. The pain that lanced through them was almost unbearable but it kept him tethered to consciousness just long enough to see one final image before darkness consumed him: a dark silhouette towering over him above the swirling rain - taller than himself - a fleeting glimpse of his assailant forever etched into Yohan's memory.

As Yohan's life force ebbed away, his mind became a swirling vortex of memories. They flickered before him like broken film strips - encounters with two brothers, his marriage, misunderstandings, and family moments.

But these weren't happy recollections; instead they felt like mocking ghosts from the past, reminders of people who ruined his life. It was a cruel irony that as he slipped into oblivion, all he could remember were the faces of those who had brought him so much pain.

Yet, just as all hope seemed lost and death's icy grip tightened around his heartstrings, a single memory managed to surface through the turmoil. It was a man whose smile had managed to breach the fortress walls surrounding his shattered heart. This man hadn't caused him any harm, yet even a hint of distrust towards him had been enough to send Yohan spiraling further into despair.

"Yohan, do you think I care about you?"

The words echoed in his ears, spoken just hours ago by that very same man. They hung in the air like specters, mocking and haunting him even as he slipped away.

As he sank deeper into the lake's embrace, consumed by darkness below, doubt gnawed at his fading consciousness: were those words true? Did this person truly not care for him?

No, he knew it was a lie. Perhaps that person was the only one who had ever loved him with genuine sincerity. It was just... circumstances always seemed to conspire against them, twisting their connection into something painful and impossible. Yohan understood this, yet still…

Despite the ache in his heart, a profound sense of peace settled over him as death approached. He was finally free from the burden of pain and suffering that had plagued him for so long. Maybe somewhere out there in the vast expanse of the universe someone did care about him – someone who would cherish his memory even after he was gone.

But then, Yohan chuckled softly to himself; even in this final act, he couldn't resist a touch of melodrama. He knew someone already held him close within their memory... someone who would never forget him...

The icy water pressed against him with increasing force, stealing the air from his lungs like an unseen hand. He was nearing the end. A silent wish escaped him: happiness for both brothers, and for his friends whose whereabouts remained unknown.

A serene smile graced his lips as acceptance washed over him. Hope flickered in his fading eyes, a beacon against the encroaching darkness. With one last smile offered to the world, Yohan surrendered to death's embrace.

Hello everyone.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. To be honest, when I wrote the first chapter of this story, I only had a vague idea (0,1% idea) of what I wanted to create. I mistakenly thought that it should follow a cliched hetero theme but with BL element. As such, I used common tropes like rebirth, misunderstandings in marriage and evil families as my foundation and let my fingers do the rest.

I almost didn't know what I was creating, each new chapter is born out of small ideas of plots that come into my mind spontaneously. Plot twists and murderer were something unknown to me until after chapter 30+.

I know that what I've created may not be great or interesting for some readers but that's okay, I understand completely

(* ̄▽ ̄)b

English is not my first language, so expressing myself in writing can be challenging at times. All things considered, all I can do is create to the best of my ability and with what I understand. Thank you for your understanding~ (o´∀`o)

callciel_rincreators' thoughts