

In the year 2029, a catastrophic event shatters the tranquility and plunges humanity into chaos. People are transformed into mindless beings, driven by an insatiable hunger to attack others, amidst this turmoil, animals undergo a horrifying mutation, transforming into scary and atrocious monstrous. Meet David, a determined survivor who embarks on a perilous journey to find peace and safety, but he is not alone in his quest. Instead of a team, he is accompanied by his loyal and steadfast best friend, Max, a dog who has also been affected by the mutations. Together, David and Max navigate the treacherous landscape, encountering both human and beastly adversaries along the way. Their bond is unbreakable, and they rely on each other's strength and instincts to overcome the countless challenges they face. As they traverse the desolate ruins of civilization, seeking clues to the origins of the disaster. Along the way, they encounter other survivors, forming fleeting alliances and facing moral dilemmas that test their resolve. In this post-apocalyptic world, where danger lurks around every corner, David and Max must rely on their wits, resourcefulness, and the unbreakable bond between man and dog. Together, they strive to live a wonderful life in a world teetering on the edge of darkness. Will David and Max succeed in their mission, or will they succumb to the overwhelming odds stacked against them? Join them on their thrilling and emotional journey as they face the horrors of a world gone mad and how they struggle to find their place in it.

Madara_Uchiha_6218 · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Chapter 27: Green Scales

David after killing the last of the group turned around to face the girl who had attacked him first.

He took a step forward, and she backed away, fear in her eyes.

"Please forgive me, I will leave and never ever come back again."

"You won't see me again."

"I'll give you anything you want."

She began to plead for mercy, promising that he would never see her again but David just remained silent, his eyes locked onto hers.

But as she stood before him, begging for mercy and stuttering excuses, he hesitated for a moment.

He could see the fear in her eyes and hear the desperation in her voice, and then, with a very sudden motion.

The girl made a move towards him with a dark small dagger in her hand. David not having expected this but with his speed quickly and skillfully disarmed her.


The dagger clattered to the ground, but the girl did not back down. She continued to beg for mercy, tears streaming down her face.

David glared at the girl who had tried to attack him. She was never serious about begging for mercy and would probably look for him if he let her go.

"Forgive me."

Even as she made one last attempt to plead her case, David had enough of her lies and excuses, without a word, he swiftly grabbed her wrist and stared at her in the eyes.

"I didn't want to kill you, but the moment you tried to end my life was the moment you and all your accomplices signed your deaths

She tried to free herself but David after he was done talking held his blade and cut her head off like the previous guy.

[You've received 67 exp for killing a human!]

[You've received 64 exp for killing a human!]

[You've received 60 exp for killing a human!]

[You've received 59 exp for killing a human!]

[You've received 57 exp for killing a human!]

Series of prompts ringed inside his head but it always when he gains exp.

Not sure why but David has noticed that the exp for Killing something drops after you have killed for a while.

But that doesn't mean that David goes around killing people, instead he tries to avoid them but it's like they are magically drawn.

David proceeded to clean the blood on his body and his clothes with the water that was stored in the house.

"Let's go."

Sheathing his sword, David proceeded to use the same window he came in through and left the house.

"Okay boy, I need to level up at least once for today."

Barking as a response to David, the dogs eyes which is Max's eyes turn serious. With its size and big canines it looked incomparable to the cute dog before.

"Lets go."

Sneaking pass the zombies as to not attract the zombies to him, David and Max set off in their search.


A cats head flew in the air and sprayed blood on the area below it.

"I forgot that cats were agile."

David sighed and gripped his weapon tightly, there were quite a few scratches on him and some blood were on his body.

Blood flowed on the ground and it turned the green grasses into red blood color.

"Hu~ it really leaves a bad taste in my mouth."

David said as he turned around and left the scene, even after killing so many he just feels something whenever he kills.

He rested his blade on his shoulder as he just walked leisurely on the path to his next victim.

After a few minutes of walking and killing, he arrived in front of a dark supermarket.

The supermarket was very dark, like there was a monster looking at you from inside.

"It stinks here!"

David frowned as he pinched his nose, these place was releasing a very stinky smell.

"Well, let's check what is causing that horrid smell."

David took two steps forward and opened the door to the supermarket.


The supermarket was different from a regular supermarket, not only was there was blood all over the place but there were no corpses.

From the light that was coming from the sun, David was able to see a huge and terryfying monster.


A gigantic snake, it had brown scales all over it's body and then it had it's long tongue that was spitting out it's body.

David for the first time in a while truly felt a threat on his life, a chill ran up his spine and he knew that what laid before him was not something he wants to fight.

David was going to back away slowly but the snake gave him no chance and attacked.

He held his blade sideways intending to use the snakes own momentum to rip it in two.

But to his horror, the blade bounced off the snakes skin like it was hitting a ridiculously hard metal and the purlicue (that is the area between the thumb and index finger) ripped and blood fell.

The impact sent him flying towards the left and he hit the wall of the supermarket with full force, breaking his left arm.


David bearing with the enormous pain got up and looked at the snake as it was staring right at him.

He knew there was no way he'd be able to kill the snake when even his blade couldn't even break through it's defense.

So after breathing in a few times, David began running at full speed back where he originally came from.

The snakes hissing could be heard as he was running he realized that he was too slow to outrun the snake.

Also, running back to his base wasn't even an option because Max was still there, and the snake definitely wouldn't spare him.

Gritting his teeth, he chose a direction leading away from his base and just ran crazily with all his strength not holding anything back.

He was still being chased but at least it wasn't to where Max was.