

Isabelle's P.O.V

Someone opened the curtains, which gave way for rays of sunshine to reflect on my face, thereby waking me up. "Morning your majesty" Melissa greeted me "Morning Melissa, where's Monica" "She is preparing your bath" I flinged the blanket away from me, and got down from my bed, "okay". I undressed, Melissa put a towel around me, and led me to the bathroom "Morning your Majesty" "Morning Monica" I removed the towel and entered the bathtub, while they bathed me.

They put the finishing touches on my dress and jewelries before Monica left to bring my food. "Wait Monica" she halted "I would love to have breakfast with his majesty" "Of course your majesty" she curtsied and left,as soon as she left,my mind went back to what happened last night,oh my God, that was my first kiss but to my disappointment,it wasn't a bit romantic. I sighed and stood up "I want to take a walk Melissa, care to join" "Of course your majesty". She closed my room door and we both walked down the hallway and made our way into the palace garden, where I saw Lucifer ordering maids to set up a beautiful breakfast table,which got me wondering, whether or not Lucifer has a dining room rather than eating in the garden. I stopped walking when Lucifer noticed my presence. "Your Majesty" we both curtsied, Lucifer walked up to me and kissed the back of my hand "How was your night" "It was wonderful, thanks for asking".

Lucifer looked at Isabelle and led her towards the already prepared table. "So what do you feel like doing today" " Nothing important, maybe I'll just take a look around" Lucifer was about to say something, when Mark came and whispered to him. Lucifer excused himself and left, so much for having breakfast with Lucifer.

"So your Isabelle" Isabelle turned and saw a tall and beautiful blonde lady walking towards her, suddenly Isabelle was filled with apprehension as she registered the face,as the one belonging to Lucifer's first wife "And you must be...." "My name is Queen Elsa, King Lucifer's wife,who are you" Isabelle knew that Elsa was just trying to insult her, so she decided to act tough "You just called my name when you walked in, you can't know my name without first knowing who I am" "You are that Mebethen girl who came to seek refuge in my palace,am I right" "Wrong, I am His Majesty's new wife, only God knows why he took a new wife, but my best bet is that perhaps he may be tired with you, maybe you aren't performing your queenly duties properly" "Ha!,says the lady who hasn't even consomated her marriage yet,am not even sure if Lucifer has even kissed you yet. Rumors has it that he couldn't bear the thought of kissing another lady apart from me so he faked it during the wedding,am I right" Isabelle's cheeks turned red "What's the matter,cat caught your tongue" "Enough Elsa" Isabelle turned and saw Lucifer, Lucifer held her shoulders and led her away from Elsa .


A few kilometers away from the capital of PANDEMONIOM,a young lady with long raven black hair, golden eyes and a lovely fair skin was busy talking to a young and handsome man,they were both expensively dressed,her like a queen and him like a king. "Look Alexander, Lucifer wants me to come home" "Come on Maria,he doesn't miss you that much" "He does,he even sent me a fire message requesting for my presence in the palace" "Oh well, the least I can do is to send my guards with you" "you know I don't need them" "of course I know, I bet Lucifer is gonna be so shocked when he finds out what a fighter you've become" "I'm not going to tell him Alexander" "Why not" "I don't want him to know what I've gone through this past few years. I want him to think that I'm still that spoilt and bratty little sister of his" "you don't want him to know that you've changed, that you've become one hell of a fighter" "oh,he already knows about that, I mean they don't call me the warrior princess for nothing" "then what are you hiding" "I don't want him to know all the evil I've seen, I don't want him to know about my abduction, about this... this demon in me" He held her face and said "there isn't a demon in you as much as there isn't an Angel in me" "don't be silly Alex, anyway, I have to get going" "please, just let the guards accompany you in the carriage" "okay, bye" She waved him goodbye and got into the carriage, while the guards arranged her luggages.

When the carriage containing Maria finally arrived in the palace grounds, Isabelle was already asleep, but Lucifer was wide awake and was standing waiting under the cold moonless night. When Maria came down from the carriage, Lucifer walked to meet her and flung his arms around her. "Welcome Maria, I've missed you so much" "I've missed you too Lucy" he released her "How was your trip" "It was wonderful, and peaceful which is rare, I half expected to see people with swords and arrows trying to kill me not old women going for some fruit shopping" "That's not a funny joke Maria" "I know" "And don't worry, I have already made peace with King Savoury so no one will bug you anytime soon" "Thanks". They both walked into the palace, he took her upstairs and led her to her room. "everything is exactly as you left it, I didn't have the heart to change anything thing" She walked inside, and ran towards her bed and layed on it tears immediately filled her eyes as she remembered all her childhood tantrums she threw on this same bed. "oh, how much I've missed this bed" "And it has missed you too, we've all missed you" Maria walked towards Lucifer and hugged him tightly then she began to sob, he rubbed her back trying to pacify her "I love you Maria" "I love you too Lucy". After she calmed down, Lucifer helped her to arrange her luggages. "Listen Lucy, since I'm going to be staying here for some time, my room needs to be worthy of me" "And how can it be worthy of you" "here is a list of everything I want in my room, and it must all be ready before tomorrow evening" Maria brought out a long piece of paper that touched the ground when she opened it. "what the hell does she need a golden cat statue for" Lucifer said as he read through Maria's list when he left her room.