

Isabelle P.O.V

It's been three days since me and lucifer's fight,oh my God I feel awkward calling him lucifer but still that doesn't change the fact that we both haven't spoken to each other. Right now I am walking round the castle trying to find him when two young children mistakenly bumped into me "oh sorry your majesty" the boy said "oh no problem, what's your name" "my name is Gerald" the boy said " And what's yours" "my name is Gertrude" "are you both twins" "no your majesty,i am the eldest and besides she is my cousin" "really but you look alike and your names sound alike" "our mothers are sisters" Gertrude said "are your parents friends of the king" I asked but judging from their appearance,i thought they were actually children of maids or guards or maybe even both "No your majesty our mothers are actually maids here in the palace and our fathers are members of the palace guards" Gerald answered " so how old are you both" "I am eight years old while he is ten years old" Gertrude answered. The two lovely children ran off to play while I kept on searching for lucifer, i arrived at a place in the palace were guards were training, once they saw me they all bowed and greeted me "thank you, please who is in charge here" i asked "that will be me your majesty" a guard said walking towards me "what is your name" "my name is cayden your majesty" all the guards around me felt uneasy, worried and surprised to see me "okay cayden can you take me to his majesty" he seemed worried at first then said "I am afraid that his majesty is really busy and unwilling to see you" i was surprised "I am your queen and his wife, you cannot tell me that you can't take me to him or that he doesn't want to see me okay, so take me to him" he seemed helpless "it's an order and I command you to take me to him" "of course your majesty" he led the way and I followed. He stopped at the front of a door, the door had lots of weird carvings and drawings on it. " This is his majesty room" he knocked on the door then and guard came over "your majesty" he said bowing to me "where's his majesty" "your majesty, his majesty is currently busy and I'm afraid you cannot see him" "what!, let me in,I need to see him" he stood his ground "i am so sorry your majesty but you cannot see him". I felt embarrassed and left.


Lucifer was tired of thinking so he stood up and went outside, the wind blew some strand's of hair around his face,he used his index fingers to remove them from his face "today is a bit windy your majesty" Mark said "I can see that" lucifer said "do you think queen Elsa would be likely to send you a message through the winds" James asked, lucifer only nodded "your majesty, I have confirmed it, queen Elsa is really at the seelie dome but unfortunately she will be returning soon because she is done with her treatment" Caleb said as he approached them "I know, I can feel it, she is super pissed I'm sure" lucifer said "so what do we do your majesty" Caleb asked "what do you mean" lucifer asked "I mean what do we do about queen isabelle,how do we handle this situation" "oh caleb I have no intention of hiding my marriage to isabelle from elsa, for all I know,elsa could have already been aware" "but your majesty....." " but nothing caleb,elsa has failed in giving me an heir, so I married someone who can" "don't be offended your majesty, but how sure are you that queen isabelle will succeed in giving you an heir" suddenly lucifer had this dark look in his eyes "she better,or be prepared for a pain worst than death" with that lucifer walked away from his entourage.


The weather was harsh and cold with strong winds at the seelie dome. Elsa,a middle age lady with long blonde hair, fair skin and green eyes, she had the posture of a queen, she stood all tall and graceful. Elsa stood next to a pool waiting eagerly for someone,a crow flew close to her, landed and turned into a human being "any news about his majesty, Luke?" "His majesty is currently in a foul mood..." "I mean about his marriage" "oh sorry queen Elsa, his majesty is married to queen isabelle" "so, it's true, tell me Luke is this new queen prettier than me" "oh no my queen, she is not" "describe her" "well my queen, the new queen has long jet black hair ..." "just like lucifer" elsa interrupted "yes my queen, but his is more silky, she is tall but short compared to you, she is slender but not like you, she is fair probably because she from Mebeth, I mean her skin tone, it's just like everyone from Mebeth..." "what about her eyes, tell me about her eyes" elsa interrupted again, but this time with a more serious tone "her eyes your majesty?" "yes luke tell me" "well come to think of it, she doesn't have one definite colour" "what do you mean" "well I think her eyes are linked to her emotions, at times it's blue or green,red, orange and so on, but my queen I never knew that a human can change their eye color" "they can't, and isabelle can only do it because she isn't human.