
In the Skies

Somewhere in the vast world, there's a continent hidden among mist outside and open like a clear sky on the inside. On this continent we are following a story of one talented aviator called Sparrow. He will journey across the world in order to stop enemy invasion on his homeland and to once again fly in the skies.

Rtanj · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs


It was a cold and deep night, the fireflies rang out from the dense bushes and the owls hooted from the high trees so that when they called, the hair of Shane risen above his head. Shane went to bed early, which doesn't surprise me considering he'd been staring at that book of his all day while Grumpy checked the supplies, and I took a moment of peace and sat on top of the deck to look at the night sky and the stars that make it up.

 picked up the telescope that I always carried with me and looked at the stars in the distance and wondered if there was life out there. Half an hour after looking at the stars, I got up and headed to my room to get a book, purely out of curiosity. In my room there is one wooden shelf that contains two rows of books on top and some tools on the bottom. 

I thought to myself and shifted my gaze to the books. There I could see various specimens, from the history of the Arnes Dynasty to a book of cooking recipes. I grabbed a book at the end of the row to my left and saw that it was a book about Aether Crystals.

I opened the book and started reading, I don't think ten minutes had passed before I heard the wind hitting the ship. I closed the book and quickly went outside to see what exactly it was about. I opened the door and saw that the storm had started and the wind was blowing with such force that i could barely hold on to the handle.

 I ran back inside the ship and locked the door, I took gradual steps towards Grumpy who was currently in the warehouse. On entering the warehouse, I meet Grumpy, who excitedly tells me

"You were right man, a big storm has really started!"

"But this storm is nothing compared to the one from my dream"

I answered after a few seconds of silence.

 "It's certainly good that we landed, I don't feel like steering the ship in this weather"

Said Grumpy who let out relived sigh.

"Nothing then, I'm going to bed and we'll make arrangements to leave tomorrow."

Said Grumpy and went to his room. My eyelids were getting heavier and heavier and I finally decided to follow him. I went to my room, took off my suit, put on my pajamas and got into a warm bed.

Blood, sweat and mud all around us, screams and clanking of weapons can be heard from all sides. On one side, the snake people are attacking the elves who are slowly retreating, and all the while one person is watching from the top of the battlefield and signaling something to someone.

 At that moment, the sky turns dark and countless barrel bombs begin to fall to the ground, destroying both the elves and the snakes. I turn my head up to see a tall figure with white skin and horns, blue eyes like the ocean and short gray hair looking at me with a hateful look and shooting a fireball at me.

I open my eyes, suddenly all sweaty, blinked a few times before I calmed down. I look around and see that I am in my room on the ship.

"Another nightmare."

I mutter softly and start to get up from the bed. The dawn was breaking and the sun was slowly rising in the sky, the sun's rays slowly began to break into my room through the round window that looked out on the outside world.

I went to the bathroom in my pajamas, with small dark circles under my eyes. I took my wooden toothbrush, brushed my teeth and washed myself with cold water which woke me up even more. I put on my suit and went outside to check on the situation.

 It was pleasant and fresh outside, the birds were chirping and there was no wind at all. The next moment, Grumpy and Shane came out and invite me to them with a wave of their hand. 

"Good morning guys"

I said with my raspy morning voice.

"Morning to you too Sparrow, it's time to agree on the route"

Said Grumpy while Shane was just silent and looking at the floor, and was in a world of his own. We gathered and Grumpy started with the story.

"We have enough supplies for the trip to our destination, I checked the whole ship and everything is okay. It looks like the storm didn't damage it at all. We're leaving in a minute, Shane you take the helm and steer the ship to half a day and I'll replace you. And you Sparrow, do what you want as far as I'm concerned, the only thing you could do is take that book of Shane's and throw it to the wolves to eat, because there's nothing else he's doing."

Shane jumped suddenly from his thoughts and nodded shyly and climbed up to the helm. Me and Grumpy sat on the benches that were placed in front of the entrance to the inside of the ship and looked ahead.

The ship began to rise and the ground was further and further away from us, during which time I got up from the bench and rested my hands on the railing and looked down into the forest which was getting smaller and smaller