
In the Skies

Somewhere in the vast world, there's a continent hidden among mist outside and open like a clear sky on the inside. On this continent we are following a story of one talented aviator called Sparrow. He will journey across the world in order to stop enemy invasion on his homeland and to once again fly in the skies.

Rtanj · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs

Planning Rebellion

Me and guards entered white palace and big wooden doors closed behind us, guards escorted me to Athena and there she was, siting on her throne and bunch of other people in fancy suits surrounding her. 

"So what's the news?"

Athena asked angrily, someone must've pissed her off while i was gone or she was just mad that i returned alive. I was bowing down and my head looked straight at red carpet. 

"Miss Athena, southern checkpoint has fallen and i have something else to report."

She didn't say a word and was quiet so i took that as confirmation for me to continue my report. 

"While i was there a three elven airships ambushed me but luckily i managed to destroy them all, leaving none alive." 

Then sudden strong wind hit me and pushed me back, my whole body hurt after it hit me and i raised my bruised face towards Athena who was even angrier now. 

"I don't care how many ships you destroyed scumbag." 

She paused and stood up. Her footsteps were coming closer and closer until she stopped right above me and grabbed me by the neck with her monster strength.

I gashed out of breath and pain while she just looked me full of anger, 

"We lost pretty strategic spot and you dare mention your small feat."

Her fingers tighten around my neck causing it to hurt even more. I couldn't mutter a word and was preparing to face possible death in her hands, but then she released me and i fell onto the floor.

Destroying three war airships alone is no small feat but for Athena it's bullshit, she returned to her throne and yelled for the guards to take me out of palace. Guards wanted to pick me up but i stood up with dead expression on my face, they said nothing and just escorted me back outside.

As soon as i left i headed towards Ervis's inn with nice drink and rest on my mind, knowing that Orven is probably waiting for my return. I passed streets and noticed that people here are scared, scared of Athena and her tyrannical rule. No one came closer to me even if i knew most of people there and that made me little bit sad and disappointed.

I stopped right at the Inn's entrance and saw Orven standing there, presumably waiting for me and i waved to him to which he waved back. He moved his head and signalized to me to enter and then both of us entered the inn. 

Ervis was there cleaning dust off his expensive drinks and humming peacefully, Orven closed and locked the door and then his cold expression changed to his usual one.

 "Sparrow my friend!"

 He said laughing and hugged me to which i hugged back, all that while Ervis hummed.

"You guys are rude for not even calling me"

Said Ervis and looked straight at us, Orven laughed and so did Ervis after him while i maintained my usual expression. Me and Orven sat down at table while Ervis carried us drinks, he then sat down with us giving to each of us a drink.

"So how did the mission go Sparrow?" 

Orven asked and drank beer which Ervis gave to him, 

"Mid i would say."

I grabbed rum which i liked the most. 

"How so?"

Ervis asked and placed his hands on the table.

"Southern Checkpoint is a mere ruin now."

I said before grabbing a rum and drinking it with pleasure, after all i haven't had good rum for quite some time. Both Orven and Ervis looked at me with serious expressions. 

"So Elves really pushed us back eh."

Orven sighed, Ervis drank his beer and went quiet. 

"But in the process i destroyed three elven airships, they were patrol ships."

Ervis choked for a bit on his beer while Orven just looked shocked. 

"Sparrow you really are a prodigy!"

Orven said and placed his empty glass on the table. 

"You haven't lost your skills have you Sparrow."

Ervis said and patted my shoulder, he then stood up and went back for more beer and rum.

After few seconds Ervis came back carrying more drinks and we digged in, but before i could speak more Orven looked both of us with serious expression.

"So lads tell me, do you wish for rebellion?"

My and Ervis's face froze when we heard Orven saying that. 

Before we could speak Orven pulled off small ruined red banner with flower on it from his backpack and slammed it on the table. 

"Lads, this right here is a banner of one of the most dangerous families in the world."