
In the Skies

Somewhere in the vast world, there's a continent hidden among mist outside and open like a clear sky on the inside. On this continent we are following a story of one talented aviator called Sparrow. He will journey across the world in order to stop enemy invasion on his homeland and to once again fly in the skies.

Rtanj · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs


All three of us sat there inside empty inn and discussed possible future of the academy and maybe whole nation. Ervis offered us more drinks but both me and Orven refused, to avoid getting drunk. 

"Old man told me about Tsugikuna family once but he told me that they are very secretive which makes no sense in this situation."

Ervis spoke as he took another glass of rum for him. Orven looked at him. 

"Well i don't know why is Athena revealing her family banners like that but it's up to no good"

Said Orven and sighed.

I can feel some deeper plot going behind all of this but there's nothing we can do about it in our current position. Athena is strong, very strong but i noticed during my training with her that she isn't someone who's capable of doing good strategic decisions, by now most of her decisions impacted academy in a bad way. 

"And at top of that, she's a mercenary part of Diablo's Company which is one of most dangerous mercenary organizations on the world." 

Orven said and clenched his fists. 

"That's troublesome but we need to call imperial army to put the stop on this madness, Athena will lead us straight to oblivion with her leading."

Ervis said and continued drinking his rum.

"Too risky."

Orven muttered and looked down on the table, that statement pissed Ervis off as he slammed his fists on the table causing it to shake. Orven ignored this however and continued speaking 

"I feel your anger Ervis but i cannot let our rebellion fail just because some corrupted noble had change of mind and told Diablo's Company about our plan."

Ervis went quiet and looked down on the table. 

"But isn't emperor's council loyal to it's people?"

I asked bit innocently because i know that in entire it's existence Arnes Dynasty never betrayed it's people. 

Orven sighed and grabbed a small manual from his backpack bringing it on the table, me and Ervis looked at it visibly confused. 

"This right here is list of people who wants to be part of rebellion against Athena." 

He opened it and we saw bunch of names as his fingers changed page to page.

"I don't want to argue about Emperor, we cannot expect a help from him."

Orven said in cold tone and grabbed a pen from his pocket.

"So i want you guys to tell me are you in or not?"

Me and Ervis looked at each other and both nodded to Orven which made him smile for a moment.

"Alright lads let's get back to previous topic."

Orven said and placed his hands on the table. 

"No one of us can match Athena in close combat so forget about that."

He paused and continued. 

"Me and other leaders have idea on how to bring her down but it needs to be in top secret, are we clear?" 

With that both me and Ervis nodded.

"Current plan is to take control of Osvetus or better known as second largest academy airship and fill it with much bombs as possible, after that one volunteer will charge that ship with all it's might into Athena, that way it's guaranteed kill for us." 

My and Ervis's mouth opened out of shock and we both looked at each other before turning eyes again to Orven. 

Don't worry captain will have parachute with him so he'll jump before impact" 

That didn't help us at all after hearing this crazy and very dangerous idea. 

"And how do you plan to do that without her noticing?" 

Ervis asked still shocked after Orven's plan. 

"Well couple of our brother in arms work as maintainers there so they have a free pass, everyday for next two weeks each of them will carry a bag full of explosive until we have enough." 

Osvetus wasn't that big compared to Empress which was now Athena's airship that she stole for herself, but still it's big enough so i don't get it how they plan on filling it with explosives. And even if our plan succeeds a explosion that big will for sure damage academy severely and possibly kill many people.

Orven saw trough me and said 

"Sparrow this is the only way we can do it, Athena leads us to deaths anyway so we better die trying than wait for her to kill us all."

That didn't make me any calmer, i think of it as very stupid idea that could cause unnecessary deaths and destruction.

"Orven i thought of you as more intelligent person." 

I said somewhat angrily, Ervis looked at me giving me the look that he agrees but remained quiet. "

Sparrow i respect you, i truly do but this has already been decided and we're gonna do it with or without you." 

"Do you have any idea of how your plan can backfire us and entire academy!?" 

I yelled and so did Orven 

"I don't care! This is the only way and if you don't like it you are free to leave!"

He shouted at me and grabbed a manual again from his backpack, this time removing my name from the list.

My eyes widen the moment he removes my name from the list, Ervis wanted to ease the situation but he couldn't done nothing. 

"Open the door for him to leave" 

Orven said angrily to Ervis and Ervis unlocked the door for me.

I was in pure shock not knowing what to think, my friend went mad and decided to make a suicide plan for entire academy, betrayed me and threw me and kicked me off like a dog. I looked behind and saw Ervis looking at me with disappointed expression.

"Sorry Sparrow."

He said and closed the door at my face, locking in the process. I stood there shocked and turned around, i looked around and saw once filled streets with happy people to now half empty streets with scared and confused people. Athena really did a damage to the Academy but Orven will finish it off by destroying it whole. 

I couldn't process since when did Orven became so delusional and since when did academic brotherhood disappear just like that, sure people have fights it's in human nature but we brother in arms have never threw each other off the river. It seems that people aren't the ones which i once knew, they are totally other people now a strangers to me.

Well it looks like i should visit Ameri now, i need answers to couple of my qustions.