
The Missing Photo 1

He turned to his friends,

"how did Taeh's reports go, is he ok?"Zhang Kai takes the papers from the desk beside him.

"He is depressed at least that's what the doctor said" he shrugged.

"more like he is possessed"Fei Bai said and Jinn turned to him

"why would you even say so?" he said and he immediately covered Taeh ears ,Fei Bai shrugged he leaned on the wall. Fei Bai being the one with a sharp tongue was typical and annoying,Jinn knew that but why did he feel otherwise? Like he wasn't wrong,he shook his head and frowned at Fei Bai.

"You should have been there it was creepy!" Fei Bai hissed and

Rou Bai nodded in agreement.

"he is right tho...but not possessed maybe mentally unstable?" Zhang Kai corrects looking warily at Jinn.

"Guys this isn't funny" Jinn said as Fei Bai staggered in fear at the immediate awakening of Taeh,Taeh turned and looked around.

"why are you all staring like that ?_ i'm hungry" he said frowning as his stomach rumbled

"Ya me too,we've been up all night so I need sleep too" Zhang Kai yawned

"Let's go home and maybe later we'd go for that Van Gocci tour" Zhang Kai added yawning again and then tapped Rou Bai by the shoulder, Jinn turned to them and back at the room.

"I'll arrange your discharge with the doctor" Zihua said walking out the room.

"Ya I heard there is going to be a variety of activities besides seeing dumb art that's boring" Fei Bai gushed while leaving the room. Taeh immediately turns to Jinn watching quietly he wondered what he was thinking,he was also concerned depression again?but why? Zi hua returns

"we are free to go" he informs and walks away.

"let's go ,i'm hungry" Taeh says

taking his jacket and walking to the door.

"Hey Taeh! you have an appointment later with a man called Doctor Stuart" Zi Hua says distantly.

Jinn looks around before leaving, walking to the door he held his head and closed his eyes only to see the creepy red eye flash at him, he quickly opened it in shock. He jumped at Zhang Kai sudden appearance staring quietly at him in confusion he yelled

"dude! what the hell?"

Zhang Kai laughed

"you scream like a girl,come the guys are waiting for us " he added walking off.

"Hey don't sneak up on me like that!" Jinn yelled and a faint reply from Zhang Kai

"I didn't_ what were you thinking of anyways weirdo"

He followed behind,to himself he said

'is Taeh just depressed or this place has something to do with it? I'd have to talk with him later'.