
In the Naruto world ... with me for his position

take it as a reissue, I have many ideas but I can not implement them all in one story, take it as this is the universe 2 description: dying like a hero, now naoru is in an endless line with thousands more souls, what happened with our favorite prota (created by me) because he died as a hero ?, what will happen with naoru hora? ... at what time will the author bathe? wait for it

Alezero · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
16 Chs

004 - ******a

* guess the title (answer to the last of the chapter) *

hopelessness was seen in mom's eyes ... although she was careful, she was squeezing my little body very hard, she had just given birth she only had about 3 hours of rest, I mean she had no rest, besides being tired and not being able to move her legs shortly ... the veins in his eyes stood out ... and he exclaimed


while saying this, medical ninjutsu was applied to her hips, 10 min passed, in which no one answered, but it was heard from behind the cave, footsteps, it meant that they had taken another route to get to it

Holding me with her right arm, she did the hand positions, in fact her hand positions were fast, besides that she was only doing it with one hand, that showed her mastery in handling her hands ... when she did the last solo he was left with two fingers ... pointing towards the exit, he got up with great effort and immeasurable pain, he did not say it but it was written on his face, which was giving me a smile with which he was trying to reassure me ... way and walk, it was about 5 meters to the exit, while she leaned against the wall without letting her left hand leave the last position ...

when he finally reached the exit ... the moon was at its peak, so beautiful and cold, which gave light to a clearing that was in front of the cave, lying on the grass, there were about 10 ninjas with their hands on their heads, screaming in pain, while the mark on their forehead seemed to want to rip from their forehead ...

chloe: don't follow me ... i won't be lenient again ...

giving momentum to his steps, he began to run, but, his entire face was full of sweat, in addition to his pale complexion almost like a terminal death ... he was making a lot of effort, this together with the delivery and in addition to his irregular meals , gave rise to that her body would not resist much ... and so it was for about half an hour, until we reached a small stream, in which she stopped, sucking in large amounts of air, applied more medical chakra in her lower part and I pretended to be asleep but I was very hungry ... she went to the stream to get some water, when ...

BOOOOOMMMMM !!!!!!!!!!

An explosion was heard, from which I had to open my eyes, it had been an explosive tag, it was on the shore hidden under a stone, it was activated when Mom approached ... in a quick movement she jumped, but since she had no strength, I do not jump much, result that received the impact with the left hand, so that nothing happened to me ... but she continued with her smile looking at me, while she made funny faces so that I would stop being scared

chloe: calm down ... (cooing him) mom is here, you shouldn't be worried about anything ...

While running I saw his hand, it was almost unrecognizable, shreds of flesh were hanging from it, in addition to the bone being seen in various parts of his arm ... the truth is, I don't know why he still has that smile, but it reassures me just looking her face ... an hour passed, until we stopped, mom's face was emaciated at maximum levels ... she had almost no strength left to continue, but she got up and run again ... this time we just stopped because she was applying various herbs that she collected when she was running, I just closed my eyes again, so that she would not worry and give me milk again ...

chloe: aaaaaaaaagggggggggghhhh !!!!

a few minutes later I heard a muffled cry next to me ... mom had applied the medicine she had created, and while she was tearing one of the sheets she unwrapped from me, she bandaged her arm and tied it around her neck as a splint (author : look for shoulder splints), that was until he took me again and ran again ...

20 minutes later ... they were chasing us, they found us, but in the face of all bad prognoses, mom, she managed to avoid them ... until a kunai pierced her knee ... she fell from a tree and with her body she protected me, with her body fatigued and with incredible blood loss, in addition to the pain in her arm ... it was impossible for her to be conscious, but she was ...

6: Chloe hyuga, stop !!!

chloe: I'm not one of you anymore, you better go

7: chloe, please come on we will ask for indulgence with the patriarch

chloe: i will never go with you, you just want to hurt my son

9: you're going to lose your life for that bastard, Chloe reconsider, you can have more kids

chloe: it's easy for you ...

8: she will not do it, it is better to kill her, and then get rid of that thing in her hands

10: yes, also the order is to kill all treason

all: (nodding)

chloe: guys ... I don't want to hurt you, we've been childhood friends

1: but you prefer that thing ... attack !!

Although they were from the secondary branch, they had been his greatest friends in the clan, when they finished a training or a mission they had always, been supporting, it was unfair, that they had even been denied to give them a name ... but they they never complained, and they always treated her like a little sister ... but they have to fulfill their mission or their families, they will be able to pay for their act of treason to the clan ...

Chloe, mother raised her fingers trying to do the jutsu again to prevent the executioner guards from the hyuga ... but

They threw themselves with everything, closing their eyes so as not to see what they had to do, at that moment more guards of the clan had already arrived, in addition to several mercenaries, they were witnesses of the death of the traitor ...

1 meter...

half a meter ...

1/4 meter ...

10 centimeters ...

5 centimeters ...

in slow motion I saw how the kunais, ninjato and other weapons were reaching the breast position, to which she just hugged me tightly ...

TINNNNN !!!!! (metal colliding) ...

In the following seconds, a scream from one of our attackers was heard, opening my eyes ... a ninja was in front of us, he was 1.80 tall, he did not look especially muscular, but it gave a feeling of security to be behind him , he had been the one who had stopped the enemy weapons ...

****: YOU HAVE A LOT OF COURAGE TO ATTACK MY WIFE ... (showing a sharingan with three tomes that transformed into another figure)

from behind, mama yelled ...

chloe: RYOUUU ... (with a dazzling smile and tears in his eyes)

mercenary 1: what is an uchiha doing here? ...

ryou: they will have to pay to harm my imbeciles wife ...

In the next few minutes there was a battle, shurikens were flying from one side to the other, while papa was dodging he was killing others, but mom was turning cold, I don't know what to do so I said, the jutsu that fucks the night to the potatoes...


I cried ... I pushed my whole little voice so that dad could listen to me, and he did it, it's just that there were many enemies ... taking mom and me, he started running in another direction ...

end of cap friends I hope you are enjoying it

title: "papa is uchiha"