
In the Devil's Arms

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] Beatrice Devonshire is a successful erotic novelist, drawing inspiration from her vivid dreams of a mysterious and seductive man. But when she discovers that her dream lover is none other than the Devil himself, seeking to claim her as his bride, her life takes a dark turn. Desperate for guidance, Beatrice turns to a kind priest, and their forbidden love affair further complicates her situation. Meanwhile, her family begins to act strangely, consumed with their desire to possess her or betray her. She finally found out that she has been cursed. As Beatrice delves deeper into the mystery surrounding her cursed fate, she must make a difficult choice: give in to the Devil's temptations and accept her fate, or risk everything to break the curse and free herself from his grasp. With each decision, she is faced with temptation and danger, and the stakes couldn't be higher. Will she succumb to the Devil's promises of power and freedom, or find the strength to resist and save herself?

Suzu_Rim · แฟนตาซี
106 Chs

The Ferocious Countess Garnet

Ps: this is still flashback 

Today was a beautiful day for a garden party at Devonshire Manor. The invitation was highly coveted among the elite of society, and everyone was dressed in their finest attire.

The garden was breathtakingly beautiful, with colorful flowers in full bloom and the fragrance of fresh roses wafting through the air. The guests mingled, sipping champagne and indulging in the sumptuous food that was being served.

Beatrice sat at the tea table, trying her best to feign interest in the conversation between the three noble ladies. Her mind - however - was consumed by the vivid dream that had plagued her the night before.

She couldn't help but be drawn to the memory of the handsome man who had held and kissed her so passionately.

The thought of his touch still sent shivers down her spine, and the scent of red wine he emanated still lingered in her mind.

Despite the fear that had gripped her in the dream, she now longed to meet him again and feel his touch without any apprehension.

After all, it was just a dream. He couldn't suddenly appear and expose her to the world or hurt her.

She couldn't help but be drawn to him, to the point where her thoughts were clouded, and the conversation around her became a mere hum.

However, her dream reminded her of what her nanny had once told her as a child - about the Devil who comes to women in their lustful dreams to lead them astray from God.

She shook her head, dismissing the memory as just a childhood story. But deep down, she knew that there was something more to it than that.

Suddenly, Lady Catherine's words cut through her reverie, bringing her back to the present moment. She watched as Countess Garnet moved gracefully across the garden, her stunning red dress revealing a generous amount of cleavage. 

Lady Catherine seized the opportunity to start some juicy gossip. "Oh my, look at Countess Garnet's dress. It is a wonder she doesn't pop out of it!"

The other ladies giggled, and Lady Charlotte added, "Yes, it is quite a spectacle. I suppose she's trying to make up for her age with her choice of attire."

Lady Margaret, known for her sharp tongue, couldn't resist joining in. "And have you heard about her young lover, the one who works in the stables?"

Lady Catherine chimed in, "I heard he's half her age! How scandalous! She certainly knows how to keep herself entertained in her old age."

"It's no wonder why her husband died so quickly, God bless him," said Lady Margaret with a hint of mockery.

The ladies laughed and continued with their gossip. Beatrice couldn't help but think that noble ladies could be quite wild with their gossip and how quickly rumors spread.

That was why she never wanted to be the subject of any scandal and needed to maintain a high reputation because of her status. 

There were countless rumors swirling around Countess Garnet, particularly regarding her attire and alleged affairs.

Her penchant for alluring red dresses caught the attention of every man, making them go crazy over her curves. It was rumored that she had numerous affairs, from married noblemen to single ones. 

The latest gossip was that she was involved with a much younger man and even one of her workers. Her status as a widow made her a target of prejudice in high society, where she was often subjected to mockery and spectacle.

However, no noblewoman or woman dared speak ill of her in her presence. It was because… 

Suddenly, a loud slap interrupted the chatter and made Beatrice stand up from her chair. It was Countess Garnet. 

"Watch your mouth when speaking about my husband, Lady Margaret!" Countess Garnet hissed, her hand still raised.

Although the countess' actions were understandable, Beatrice could not remain silent. She needed to keep everything in check, even this trivial problem.

She quickly intervened. "Countess Garnet, I understand your anger, but that was uncalled for. Please calm yourself."

Countess Garnet glared at Beatrice, but her anger started to subside. She straightened her dress and took a deep breath. "You are right, Lady Beatrice. I apologize for my outburst."

Lady Margaret, still holding her cheek, muttered something under her breath, but Beatrice gave her a warning look before turning to Countess Garnet.

"Perhaps it would be wise if you excused yourself, Countess. You need to calm yourself down."

Countess Garnet nodded. "You're right, Lady Beatrice. However, as a host, you need to be better at picking a guest." She made her way towards the garden exit, shooting one last glare at Lady Margaret before leaving.

Beatrice turned to Lady Margaret and shook her head in disapproval. "You really should watch your tongue, Lady Margaret. You could have caused a serious scene."

Lady Margaret just rolled her eyes. "Oh please, she's just a drama queen. And that dress she's wearing, did you see how tight it is? I bet she's having an affair with a young man."

Beatrice's expression turned cold. "That's enough, Lady Margaret. You can show respect to guests, or you can leave."

Lady Margaret huffed but said nothing more, and the rest of the garden party continued in awkward silence.

It was safe to say that Countess Garnet comes from an influential family in politics and economics. She was the only daughter of Duke Montgomery and the Duke loved her so much.

That was the reason she could hold her title even if she didn't have any children with her former husband. Besides her ferociousness, this was the other reason no one could mess with her.


As the moon shone its gentle light upon the Devonshire manor. The night air was thick with a heady scent of blooming flowers that wafted in through the open window of Beatrice's bedroom.

Beatrice lay in her bed, yearning for the dream that had consumed her thoughts for the past few days. She wanted to feel the touch of the man with black jet hair again, to feel the raw desire in his piercing red eyes. 

But a wave of fear and guilt washed over her as she remembered her past trauma, making her averse to a man's gaze.

Nevertheless, the way he looked at her with such hunger made her feel desired in a way she had never experienced before.

His gaze didn't feel dirty and uncomfortable. It felt intoxicating and liberating. She wanted to be dominated, wanted to be touched more, and craved his primal passion. 

She wondered if it was okay for her to think about that dream in such a dirty way. Was it the right thing to do for her to want the man to take dominance over her?

Was it appropriate to feel so excited about the possibility of him returning to her dream?

These questions filled her mind, and yet, she couldn't help but crave the touch of the man. She was conflicted about her own desires and her own needs.

But in the end, she realized it was just a dream. A safe haven where she could explore her sexuality without judgment or shame.

"Ahhh… I hope I can meet him again," she said desperately. 

Beatrice's nightgown clung to her every curve, hinting at the womanly figure that lay beneath. She turned onto her side and sighed, feeling the silky sheets slip against her skin.

She let her mind wander, imagining the man pinning her down, his broad and muscular chest pressing against her thin dress. She could feel every inch of his muscles against her skin, sending shivers down her spine. 

She pictured the man ravishing her, bringing her to the heights of pleasure. And with these thoughts, she drifted off into a deep sleep, only to wake up in the same dream, with the man standing in front of her bed.

But instead of cowering in fear, she welcomed him with open arms, burying herself in his broad chest. She felt scared at first, unsure of what to do, but she decided to just enjoy this dream. It felt so real, so vivid, so alive.

He pulled off her hair and kissed her, his touch sending shivers down her spine. His kiss was deeper than she could have ever imagined, and she felt herself getting more excited than ever before. She held onto his shoulder tightly, savoring every moment of his touch. 

Her breaths were heavy, and her body was consumed by a delicious shiver. "It's funny," she purred, "because I'm supposed to be afraid of you, but now, I want you so badly."

The man's eyes flickered with amusement as he watched her. 

"Why am I talking about this? This was just a dream?" Disappointment washed over her, but the man's seductive smirk sent a wave of desire through her. 

Beatrice's body responded to the man's touch, and she felt warmth spread throughout her body. She let out a soft moan as he explored her, savoring every sensation.

She could feel his bulge in his trousers and it only made her desire him more. 

"Please don't stop," she moaned, feeling the man's hands roam across her body, igniting a fire within her.

Her breath quickened as she felt him kiss her neck, sending shivers down her spine. "I want you, all of you," she whispered, her hands running through his hair.

And with that, they lost themselves in the heat of the moment, their bodies moving together in a passionate dance, lost in their desire for each other.

Despite the immense pleasure that she was experiencing, Beatrice was also filled with inner turmoil. She didn't know what was happening to her, but she knew that she wanted more. 

It was a strange feeling for her. She didn't feel shamed or dirty. She didn't get scared of the man who tried to devour every inch of her body. Instead, she wanted him more and more. Hope he would do more than this.

As Beatrice thinks of that, she trembles with excitement, never wanting the dream to end, wanting to feel his touch forever.

As her moans echoed through the room, she knew that this was just the beginning of a wild and sensual dream that she would never forget.

For some reason, making this novel chapter is hard! Probably because of the MC narration and the kinda smut part. But I enjoyed it though! So please keep support me~

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