
A Date?

{One chapter today and tomorrow. My phone got run over by a car, and I'm feeling last, so yeah...}

{Arthur Carry POV}

All my life, I thought I was but a normal man... sure I had a few things that were strange about me, but at the end of the day, I never saw myself as anything special. I was shocked when a redhead just popped into my life, telling me to join the Justice League, before going on to show me that I was a prince this whole time.

Now I stood, the next in line to a whole new world I never knew existed, and was hailed as Aquaman by the people. I wouldn't have believed it if someone told me about this in the past, yet I had no choice but to believe it right now.

With a battle cry, my fist slammed towards Escanor, who easily dodged my blow while reading a book. I wasn't alone as I, Batman, Flash, and the rest of the members of the Justice League tried our best to hit him, but he smoothly dodged all of our blows without even having to look at us.

Batman was the most invested in this training, willing to push his body to the extreme to try and learn Escanor's levels of martial arts. Escanor was more than willing to teach all of us, Superman at first had not wanted to train, but he and Escanor had a small bet. If Superman could even touch Escanor then he didn't have to train, but if Escanor could make Superman cry in pain, Superman had to train... that day, she saw Superman cough up a mouthful of blood.

Not only did Escanor master his body and mind, but his martial arts were deadly. Escanor had explained that he had controlled his punch to send vibration into Superman's stomach, destroying him from the inside out. Yes, Superman's insides were also extremely durable, but when the vibrations are breaking your very genetics down while pushing out the solar energy he absorbed? Well, Superman found himself suffering like a human before Escanor with every blow.

"Alright, that should be enough, for now, Your team working is improving as always. Now you guys don't even need to look at each other to work together, you all know your roles, and know each other on a deeper level." Escanor said closing the book which he seemed to have finished reading. I wanted to ask how he knew that when he wasn't looking at us, but I didn't bother.

We all sighed while leaving, knowing it was time for Batman and Escanor's personal training time. Batman wasn't the best martial artist in the world, that title went to Lady Shiva, and that title would be later passed down to Lady Shiva's daughter, the batgirl...

"It's hard to believe he is only a super soldier, yet could do such things," I said while walking through the Justice League HQ, it was located within a mountain, far from the public, 

"His body is fully relaxed when he acts, with every cell in his body working together for a said goal. It's an honor to be able to train with such a warrior" Wonder Woman said lightly, her eyes bright at such a warrior.

This left Superman feeling slightly jealous, the spark that was there between himself and Wonder Woman disappeared with the mortal with the capability even the gods would envy. But although jealous, Superman had to admit defeat, he lost to Escanor in every field, for a human who could barely lift a ton, he made Superman feel like a mortal.

"So, how is the recruitment that Escanor wanted to join, when will they join the Justice League?" Dr. Fate asked, not liking how Escanor was taking his time with his recruitment of members of the Justice League.

"About that, he left us to pick the rest, he said that we were the core of the Justice League, ignoring Shazam." Green Lantern said lightly, his face flinching remember how Escanor beat the hot-headedness out of him? Escanor beat him to the inch of his life, before healing him, and forcing him to come at him. Every time Green Lantern acted without thinking, he was beaten to the blink of death.

This would have damaged Green Lantern's willpower, but Escanor had to explain the difference between willpower, and a fool who didn't value his own life.

"I'm right here!" Shazam said shocked that he was being attacked when he was just minding his own business. 

"Grow up, you're like a child some time." Wonder Woman said with a sigh at how Shazam was so childish, why couldn't he man up to be more like Escanor? It was clear that Escanor had lived for many years pushing his capability to the very peak...

"We should go recruit them, I trust Escanor if he thinks you're all the key to saving the world," Dr. Fate said seriously. Something about Escanor told him that Escanor was a being that went against all that was order... and chaos, every breath Escanor took annoyed him to no limit. But until the danger the world faced is done, he shall allow Escanor to live, then he shall kill him.

Dr Fate had reason to believe that Escanor was behind the sudden growth of the multiverse, or at least he knew something about it. One should know, that everything grew stronger, even he had grown stronger, and not by a small amount.

Everyone wanted to relax, but seeing how serious Dr. Fate was about this matter, they nodded and teleported with him to get those said people. Cyborg stayed back, as he wanted to go over the watch tower he, Batman, and Escanor had talked about. It was even being funded by the government worldwide... although not by much.


"Don't push yourself, learning this isn't about pushing yourself, but by being relaxed," I said calmly seeing Batman on the ground, breathing heavily. Although he was breathing specially, a technique that allowed him to quickly catch his breath.

"Bruce, I want you to do more with your skills," I said lightly while helping Bruce stand up, Bruce looked at me in confusion, not knowing what I meant.

"Are you able to create an arc reactor, about the size of one's palm? One that could give out like an endless amount of clean energy?" I asked with a smile, to which Batman's eyes narrowed as he thought about it.

"I want you to create a suit powered by such an arch reactor, a suit that could allow you to draw on the speed force, a suit that would allow you to fight Superman, and the list goes on. As I will help you create these, I will also install ways into Cyborg how to counter them just in case they are stolen or you go crazy. Plus, I would be more than enough to stop all of them." I said with a smile,

"You all have to push yourselves, you have to be physically strong to be able to keep up with the others, while also knowing there are limits to what a human can do. So break that limitation with a bright mind, create countless armors that could help you in all types of emergencies, and erase those Contingency Plans. I remember in some universe they would get stolen and used against the Justice League. instead, leave behind false yet believable Contingency plans, and let the others know of them." I said calmly, leaving Batman's eyes widening for a moment before he nodded.

It's been a month since the formation of the Justice League, and crime has been on a whole time low with the Justice League taking action. Of course, Crime still existed, it was currently adapting to the Justice League... and among those adapting to it was the hero's arch-nemesis.

Superman's arch nemesis, Lex Luther could currently be seen holding a palm towards Orm, Arthur's younger brother. 

"You would help me take the throne?" Orm asked unsure about this, but Lex who had Black Manta behind him smiled seeing the fool's unsure look.

"The Justice League are only mighty because they are united, We can ensure you have Atlantis, and for our goals, we would need Atlantis army. So, we have to kill your half-brother, a simple task." Lex said with a smile, to which Orm nodded in agreement while taking Lex's hands.

"Who else is in this team?" Orm asked calmly

"The best of the best. Each with tools needed to help us, so that we could rule the whole universe, and show everyone the Light," Lex said causing Orm's eyes to widen at such huge goals. He felt ashamed he was only worried about Earth, while others had such grander plans...

"Should I cut my hair?" I said while walking through the halls, I was speaking to myself since I was alone. My long hair was something I took pride in, but one day, it would become something the enemy could take hold of. It was too risky to leave it the way it is.

"I think it looks nice the way it is." Wonder Woman said with a smile, causing me to pause as I thought everyone was out doing superhero work.

"Wonder Woman, speak like that and I might think you're flirting with me," I said jokingly, to which Wonder Woman smirked.

"Maybe I am." She said with a smile, what would a proud Amazon love more? She fell in love with Superman at first sight seeing his strength, but that love that was built off strength and power was stolen by someone better. Although at first she was displeased with me, over time as she came to know me... well, she knew who she wanted as a partner.

"Well..." I was caught off guard, not knowing what to say to such words. Wonder Woman smirked, not scared at all by making the first move. For the past month, I had been busy training everyone and dealing with the government worldwide, I had a free schedule for the following few days.

"Escanor, are you scared to go on the thing known as a date with me? Do my eyes deceive me?" She asked with a smirk while pulling out her sword, and pointing it at me. This wasn't her showing disrespect, she did this when she got excited or something, it was an Amazon thing.

"No, just caught off guard. I haven't thought about getting a girlfriend or anything of the kind. if I did I would have hidden my identity." I said lightly, lost in thought about all of this.

"But, I will go out with you. But first I should change the way I look." I said while my godly appearance turned into a mortal appearance. My hair turned into short black hair, I was still as handsome as ever, just not to the same level as before.

"You want a change of appearance as well?" I asked to which Wonder Woman nodded after a moment, and with that, I created a pair of glasses, which I put on her. Wonder Woman's eyes widened seeing how her outfit transformed, turning into everyday woman clothing.

"You can change the clothing with but a thought, they would disappear once you remove the glasses, and the clothing you had on before would reform. Your appearance is also different, just enough that no one should be able to tell you're Wonder Woman." I said leaving Wonder Woman stunned before she smiled brightly.

"Well, this would be my first date, what do you want to do?" I asked awkwardly, to which Wonder Woman paused, as she had wanted me to be the one to make the plans. We both looked at each other, and I quickly had to tap into Gojo's experience for this.

"How about we go see what we do for fun, I bet you haven't been to movies or anything of the kind since leaving your island," I said to which She nodded as that was true. So, we left to have our date.