
Chapter Twenty-Two: Uncle Jack's Back

"What the fuck is going on in here?"

Shit, shit, shit. My uncle was home. What was he doing home?

Already altered back, I quickly threw on some clothes and ran down the hall, straight into the kitchen, and sidled up to Uncle Jack. Unfortunately, a nice warm shower was going to have to wait until later.

Gregory stood and held out his hand to Jack. "We just finished up dinner. My name's Gregory. I'm Isaac's father."

I nudged Jack in the ribs when he didn't take Greg's hand. Thankfully, he snapped to it and gruffly said, "Jack Helavay, Leila's uncle." Jack looked at Gregory with dubious eyes. "Do you condone men in my house with my eighteen-year-old niece? Men who have swords strapped to their backs?" he asked, eyeing Xavier, Adan and Darik. They stood in front of Isaac near the back door.

It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him to mind his own business, but I didn't get the chance.