
In The Cosmos As The Administrator

Note: First of all, English is my third language so don't expect too much... Second, I only claim the ownership of my original character and the plot... Third, I took a few things from Akikan's fanfics ---- Read the fanfic to know what happens...

Aala0san · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

First Quest?

In Sakurasou, Sora can be seen soaked in sweat entering the shower.

As he enters, Sora finds a naked Shirosaki staring at his chest.

"Shiro-san, it's sickening how you are looking at me." says Sora while looking at Shirosaki disgustingly.

"I knew it!! You are such an interesting and fun person, Sora-kun!" says Shirosaki while blushing and breathing vigorously.

"...you are a masochist."


"By the way, what were you doing Sora-kun?"

"I was working out"

While saying that, Sora went to the shower that's as far away from Shirosaki in the men's shower.

"Shiro-san, as a novelist, what do you think is the moment where all people are equal?"

As Shirosaki hears such a question from Sora, he got dumbfounded and confused but he quickly recovered his composure.

"Normally I would say the moment we are born, but truthfully nobody is equal. Some are born rich, others are born poor. Some are born healthy, others are born with diseases..."

"...At first, I thought you are only a pervert and a masochist, but it seems that you aren't a delusional idiot who thinks that the world owes him." says Sora with a slight smile.

'huh? Why do I feel like I'm being lectured by someone much older than I am...' says Shirosaki inwardly.

"Thank you, Sora-Kun. Also, good morning to you!"

"Good morning to you as well, Shiro-san"

As his words fall, Sora shuts down the shower and goes to the kitchen.


In the kitchen, Misaki and Jin were discussing the anime Misaki is making.

"Misaki, is it ready?" asks Jin.

"Yeah!! I'm excited to show it to everyone tonight!"

As she finishes saying that, the door opens revealing Sora drying his hair.

"Good morning, Sora-kun!" says Misaki and Jin at the same time while wondering why is Sora's presence feels so otherworldly.

"Good morning."


After a few minutes, The tenants of Sakurasou were sitting at the table one by one.

"Where is Mashiro?" asks Sora.

"She is most likely still sleepi-" replies Chihiro.

Without waiting for her to finish, Sora goes to look for Mashiro.

When he enters her room, he gets greeted by the sight of a naked little girl peeking from a mountain of clothes.

As he sees that, he moves toward her and picks a pajama lying on the ground, and helps her wear it.


After a few minutes, Sora and Mashiro enter the kitchen and everyone looks at them as they sit.

"Sora-kun!! Please, cook me breakfast!!" says Misaki while pleading.

"Sora, you know how to cook?" asks Mayumi doubtfully.

"I do." replied Sora as he ignores the alien girl.

"Don't ignore me!!!"

"I won't make it for you."

"Why???" replied Misaki with a sad expression.

"Because I don't want to."

"Please... Just once... I'll do anything!"

"No. Say it one more time and I'll never make something for you."

Misaki felt that those words were worse than a death sentence.

"Sora, I want it." says Mashiro with hope visible on her face.

"Sure. What would you like?" says Sora with a smile.

"I'll eat whatever Sora cooks."

"Then miso soup and seaweed salad would be good"

'These two can't be a couple already... right?' says Mayumi inwardly as she hopes that it isn't true.

"Sora, why do you treat Mashiro too differently?" asks Mayumi curiously.

Sakurasou become silent as everyone hears Mayumi's question, some waited in anticipation at Sora's answer like Mashiro and Misaki, and some were nervous like Sorata and Mayumi.

"Because she is my responsibility. I am her caretaker." says Sora as he pats Mashiro's head.

As Mashiro feels Sora patting her, she shows a blissful expression.

Seeing her, everyone thought of the same thing:

'Is it that comfortable?'

Meanwhile, Sorata was feeling awful and jealous of Sora.

As Sora notices Sorata's state, he just coldly looked into his eyes.

'How dumb are people...' says Sora inwardly as he makes his way to the kitchen.


After having breakfast, Sora goes to his room to get prepared since today is his first day at school.

'System, show me the unread notifications'

[Ding! Individual Amara detected entering the dimensional gap]

[Ding! New Quest triggered.]

[-Title: The Upcoming Danger

-Description: Amara, known as "The world destroyer", is suffering from the injuries she has gotten from a battle and is being pursued by her enemies.

-Main Objective: Find her whereabouts.

-Optional Objective 1: Determine if she is either an ally or an enemy.

-Optional Objective 2: Find her without being discovered by her enemies.

-Main Rewards: Dimensional Chat group unlocked - Race unsealed

-Optional Reward 1: [Inventory] Unlocked

-Optional Reward 2: [Titles] Unlocked ]

[Accept?] [Refuse?]

As soon as Sora reads the quest, he instantly accepted it as he hopes that it would be entertaining.



• {Name: Sora}

• {Race: Human}

• {Abilities: Undying Soul + Gunmanship Mastery + Medical Mastery + Bajiquan Mastery + Taekwondo Mastery + Knifemanship Mastery + Explosives Mastery + Programming Mastery + Cooking Mastery + Driving Mastery}


• {Ongoing: 1}

• {Completed: 0}

"How fascinating..." says Sora with a grin as he looks at the sunny sky.


Author's Note: Hope you liked the chapter.

Got any ideas about my fanfic? Comment it here:

Btw, How would you like DxD verse?

-As a separate universe?

-Or Mixed with Sora's Main World?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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