
In the city of blood [BL]

In the city of blood, where shadows dance among the flickering lights and whispers echo through the labyrinthine streets, there exists a darkness that seeps into the very soul of the metropolis. It is a darkness born of forgotten dreams and shattered hopes, a palpable presence that hangs heavy in the air like a suffocating fog. In this city of blood, where the heartbeat of the urban sprawl pulses with a relentless rhythm, there are tales untold and secrets buried deep beneath the asphalt and concrete. It is a place where the sins of the past stain the present, where the lines between right and wrong blur in the dim glow of neon signs. Amidst the chaos and corruption, there are those who navigate the shadows with a grace born of necessity—a ragtag assembly of survivors and sinners, each with their own demons to wrestle and their own battles to fight. They move through the city like ghosts, slipping between the cracks of society, their footsteps muffled by the din of the streets. And yet, amidst the darkness, there are glimpses of light—a flicker of hope in the eyes of the downtrodden, a spark of defiance in the hearts of the oppressed. For even in the city of blood, where despair hangs heavy like a shroud, there are those who refuse to surrender to the darkness, who dare to dream of a better tomorrow. In the city of blood, where the sins of the past cast long shadows over the present, there are whispers of redemption—a chance for the lost and the broken to find their way home. It is a city of contradictions, where beauty and brutality collide in a symphony of chaos and despair. But amidst the darkness, there is always hope—a glimmer of light in the heart of the night, a beacon of promise amidst the ruins. For even in the city of blood, where shadows reign supreme, there are those who dare to defy the darkness and forge their own path to salvation.

Pharm_Neptune · LGBT+
32 Chs

Whispers of Deceit

The mysterious woman proved to be exceptionally cunning. Nib pursued her relentlessly, tracking her through the labyrinthine corridors of the hospital's off-side department. The sterile halls stood eerily empty, devoid of any witnesses to their deadly game.Then, a faint sound reached Nib's ears, emanating from the eerie confines of the corpse room. With cautious steps, he ventured inside, the room filled with lifeless forms sprawled on gurneys. Nib's eyes darted around, searching for any sign of the elusive intruder.Unbeknownst to Nib, the woman had closed in, clutching a heavy rod in her hands. She raised it high, poised to strike at his head with deadly intent. In the nick of time, Nib spun around, reacting swiftly to block her assault. He managed to grab hold of the rod just inches from his skull, his voice unwavering as he addressed his assailant."I don't know who you are or why you're doing this," Nib began, his voice firm, "but whoever you are, I'm not going to spare you today."The woman's face remained obscured by a vibrant red scarf, adding an air of enigma to her sinister actions. As Nib moved to unveil her identity, she retaliated, thrusting him back with all her strength. Nib tumbled to the floor, momentarily dazed, while she seized the opportunity to flee.With unyielding determination, Nib sprang to his feet, clutching the scarf she left behind as a clue. The chase continued, with Nib resuming his pursuit. As they emerged from the corpse room, he spotted her in full flight. Without hesitation, he flung the rod towards her. It found its mark, injuring her leg and sending her crashing to the unforgiving ground.Her face remained veiled beneath a cascade of tousled hair as Nib advanced towards her with steely resolve."I warned you," he declared, his voice trembling with tension, "I won't let you escape today. It's time for your reckoning."As Nib cautiously approached the enigmatic woman, preparing to unveil her face, a sudden, savage strike with the same rod she had wielded earlier caught him off guard. Nib cried out in pain as the forceful blow landed on his head, causing him to crumple to the ground. Blood trickled down his forehead as he clutched his wounded head, his vision blurred and throbbing with agony.As he gingerly removed his hand from his forehead, the enigmatic woman had vanished into thin air, leaving no trace behind. With intense discomfort, Nib scanned his surroundings, but there was no sign of the elusive assailant.He muttered to himself, a bitter edge to his words, "Such a futile attempt... Forget it. I have a more pressing matter to attend to."With relentless determination, Nib made his way back to Shine's room, where a crowd had already gathered. Inspector Thai was engaged in a heated conversation with the hospital authorities, while Shine's mother wept inconsolably. Pit, Jian, and Nine were also present, their faces etched with distress.Nib, bewildered and anxious, implored the assembled onlookers, "What happened? Can someone please tell me?"However, his inquiries were met with a disconcerting silence, as no one seemed willing to provide answers. In desperation, he turned to Pit, hoping for a response."Where's Win?" Nib inquired urgently. "He was here, wasn't he?"Pit silently pointed outside, and Nib, feeling a sense of foreboding, followed the direction of Pit's finger. What he witnessed outside left him utterly stunned.Win sat on the floor, trembling uncontrollably, his face a mask of sheer terror and distress.Nib rushed to Win and enveloped him in a comforting embrace, his voice trembling with concern, "Win, what happened? Are you alright? Did she hurt you?"Win remained unresponsive for a moment, leaving Nib fraught with worry. He had promised to protect Win, and this sudden breakdown filled him with dread. Then, with quivering lips, Win finally spoke, his voice choked with grief."Shine is no more," Win whispered, his tears falling like rain as he clung to Nib. "Nib, why... why did you leave me alone? Without you, I am nothing. It's because of me that Shine died. If I had found a doctor in time, he might still be alive..."Hearing these words, Nib was taken aback. He grasped Win's shoulders, trying to console him amidst the torrent of sorrow."Win, please, control yourself," Nib urged, his voice firm but empathetic. "It's not your fault. None of this is. It all happened because of that woman. Don't blame yourself. We need to be strong in this difficult situation."As Nib held Win tightly and guided him toward the car, his feet brushed against something on the ground. His heart raced as he glanced down, and his trembling hands retrieved a bracelet. Nib concealed it in his pocket quickly, careful not to let Win sense his discovery. With Inspector Thai preoccupied with the hospital staff and CCTV footage, no one else seemed to notice.Taking a seat in the car, Nib settled Win beside him and started the engine. He asked gently, "Where would you like to go, my Majesty?"Win replied, his voice carrying the weight of his grief, "To my penthouse."Without further questioning, Nib began to drive. He knew that Win needed some time alone to process his emotions, especially given his previous experiences with loss. As they traveled, the wind from outside swirled around them, and Win stared out of the window, lost in his thoughts.Suddenly, Win turned toward Nib and noticed the bracelet peeking out of Nib's pocket. He inquired, "What's that?"Nib swiftly concealed the bracelet again and remained silent. Understanding that Win needed distraction and comfort, Nib decided to sing a song to lighten the heavy atmosphere within the car, offering solace through melody.''รักเธอเหมือนกาลเวลาผ่านไปสักพันปี" (Rak ter měuan kaan welaa phàan pai sàk phan pii)''(Translation: "Loving you feels like a thousand years have passed.")However, Win remained unresponsive, his gaze fixed firmly on the world outside, his thoughts a turbulent whirlwind within. Nib exhaled deeply, his concern for Win palpable. Just then, Inspector Thai emerged from the hospital and inquired about Win's whereabouts.Inspector Thai asked Nine, who had been left behind, "Where's Win? He was seated here."Nine replied, "Nib took him to his house."Inspector Thai nodded in understanding, his thoughts hidden beneath a facade of calm.Meanwhile, Nib and Win reached Kimsy's villa. Win was clearly unsettled, his demeanor distant and disconnected. Nib accompanied Win to the villa's entrance, fully aware that something weighed heavily on Win's mind.Win stood there like an inscrutable statue, his silence speaking volumes. Nib knocked on the door, noticing a few disconcerting bloodstains on the villa's doorstep but choosing not to mention them.Moments later, Kimsy opened the door, a look of surprise registering on her face at the sight of Win and Nib. She inquired about their well-being, her concern genuine."Are you both alright?" Kimsy asked, directing her attention towards Win. "And Win, you told me you'd be spending the night with Nib."Win, however, didn't offer a response. Instead, he wordlessly retreated to his room, leaving Kimsy puzzled and anxious. Turning to Nib, she sought answers."Nib, what's happened to Win?" Kimsy questioned, her worry etched across her features. "He always withdraws like this when he's deeply troubled or hurt."Nib hesitated for a moment, then replied cautiously, "Um, Kimsy... it's a long story. I'll explain everything in the morning. Right now, may I be excused?"Kimsy reluctantly agreed, her curiosity piqued but understanding the need for Nib's departure. She noticed the red scarf draped around Nib's neck and inquired about it."Is this your scarf?" she asked.Nib shook his head, clarifying, "No, it belongs to some f***k! Oops, I apologize for the language. Anyway, I should go now."Kimsy complimented him, saying, "Well, it suits you. You look even more handsome with it."With a slightly awkward tone, Nib replied, "Thank you, Aunt... Kimsy. I think I should be on my way."Kimsy bid him farewell with a warm reminder, "Take care and drive safely."Nib expressed his gratitude, saying, "Um...thank you, Aunt. And please look after Win."As he turned away from Kimsy's door and headed into the night, Nib couldn't shake the nagging feeling that leaving Win alone might not be the best course of action.He muttered to himself, "I don't know why, but I don't feel right about leaving him alone. But it's alright; I'll come back to you tomorrow, Win."But before tomorrow, Nib needed answers to his burning questions. Gazing at that pink bracelet adorned with a diamond, he recognized it instantly as his mother's. Confusion and sorrow swirled within him; he hadn't seen his mother in months, so how had her bracelet ended up at a murder scene? The clock read 12:15 a.m. when Nib decided to head to his father's mansion. His demeanor was frantic, his hair disheveled, and his eyes bloodshot. He banged on the mansion's imposing door with fervor, demanding to see his father.A servant opened the door, addressing him respectfully, "Little master, are you alright?"Nib, now completely out of control, cried out for his father with a mixture of anger and sadness. Mr. Vichayaporn soon appeared, asking, "Nib, what happened? Are you alright?"Nib, gripping the bracelet tightly, responded with a bitter smirk, "Do you recognize this bracelet?"Mr. Vichayaporn's face drained of color, and he stammered, "I think it looks like your mother's. Where did you find this?"Nib, his voice laden with anger, shot back, "Not just similar, it's your wife's bracelet. I found it at a murder scene. What is her bracelet doing there?"Mr. Vichayaporn attempted to explain, but Nib cut him off, accusing him, "You're still defending her!"Mr. Vichayaporn shouted in response, "My wife is your mother, Nib!"Nib's voice rose as he exclaimed, "She is not my mother! She is a murderer! She never cared for me! She is a monster who hates gays and kills them. What's next, call her and tell her I'm gay so she can kill me too?"In his rage, Nib began shouting her name hysterically, "Mrs. Hom, there's another gay here! Come and kill me! Where are you?"Unable to contain his fury, Mr. Vichayaporn slapped Nib forcefully and scolded, "You ungrateful boy! Have you ever tried to find out where your mom is or anything about her? Is she alive or dead?"Nib fell silent.Mr. Vichayaporn continued, "Your mom loves you the most. That's why I never told you anything about her illness. She wanted you to hate her, to stay away from her, so you could live your life like a normal boy your age. If you want to see your mom, come with me."Mr. Vichayaporn took Nib by the hand and led him upstairs to a room. Nib was in shock and devastation as he entered. His mother was lying in bed, completely bald with not a strand of hair left on her head. Her physical condition was frail, and her features were unrecognizable.Mr. Vichayaporn explained, "She can't even move on her own, so how could she be capable of murder?"Nib was speechless, overwhelmed by a torrent of emotions. He managed to ask his father, "Why didn't you tell me about this?"Mr. Vichayaporn replied, "Because she loves you. You always saw her as an incredible human and a beautiful woman, and she never wanted to shatter that image. She wanted you to hate her but never pity her."Nib, trembling, asked, "For how long?"Mr. Vichayaporn answered, "Since you were thirteen years old. She was diagnosed with cancer back then. You were too young to understand, so we kept it from you. We traveled to many places seeking treatment, but her condition worsened. She realized her time was limited. She asked me to tell you that she was out partying for days. But those days, she was undergoing treatment and fighting for her life. Meanwhile, you thought she was the worst mother, and you hated her. You lived your life happily, thinking she was the villain. And seeing you happy, I never found the courage to tell you the truth."Nib, overwhelmed with grief, said through tears, "You said you hid everything to make me happy, but you've given me pain and guilt for a lifetime. I wasn't there for my mom during her darkest days. I always thought she was the worst. She didn't care for me; she didn't want me, and now..."Nib longed to hold his mother, to hug her, to seek her forgiveness, but he couldn't bear to face her. He ran outside, his father following closely. Inside, his mother's eyes remained closed, tears streaming silently down her cheeks.In the garden, Nib couldn't suppress the flood of tears any longer. Mr. Vichayaporn placed a comforting hand on Nib's shoulder, and Nib, overcome by his emotions, hugged his father tightly, sobbing, "It's all my fault. I'm the worst son."Mr. Vichayaporn reassured him, "It's not your fault. It just happened. Don't blame yourself." He then encouraged Nib to visit his mother. Nib couldn't resist, running towards his mother and embracing her. The happiness and relief he felt were indescribable, and he realized that his mother had placed her hand on his, connecting them in a moment of profound emotion and love.Inspector Thai carefully studied the CCTV footage, his sharp eyes scanning the screen for any clues. The killer had taken pains to conceal her identity, covering her face with a bright red scarf and a mask. Among the bustling hospital staff, she had managed to remain unnoticed. But as Inspector Thai watched intently, a glimmer of hope emerged. Something caught his attention—a shining object in the killer's hand.Turning to the technician, Inspector Thai instructed, "Zoom in on that, right there." The image on the screen enlarged, revealing a distinctive pink-colored bracelet adorned with what appeared to be a genuine diamond.Inspector Sian raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Is it even possible to trace that bracelet? Bangkok is teeming with jewelry shops, and we can't be certain if it's a real diamond."Inspector Thai, however, exuded confidence. "I don't think it's just any ordinary piece. It looks highly valuable, perhaps even exorbitant. Task our team with contacting the major jewelers in the area. I'm convinced that only a select few jewelry shops could craft something like this."The new day's sun cast its rays upon the city, but Win had spent a sleepless night. His eyes were swollen and fatigued as he lay in bed, unable to rest. As the sunlight crept into his room, he finally mustered the strength to rise. His thoughts were consumed by the need to talk to Nib, to clear the confusion that had taken hold of him.Win reached for his phone, hoping to call Nib and find some answers. However, his phone delivered a notification that piqued his interest—an evidence breakthrough in the murder case. With a sense of urgency, he opened the channel link and was met with the sight of the pink bracelet that had been in Nib's pocket. Confusion and shock washed over him. Why had Nib kept this crucial piece of evidence hidden? Determined to speak with Nib, Win tried calling him repeatedly, but his calls went unanswered. Frustrated and anxious, he decided to get ready for the day.Heading downstairs, Win called for Kimsy, but there was no response. However, he noticed that her room door was left open. Win entered the room, finding it empty, and his concern for Nib only grew. As he prepared to leave the room, he decided to close one of the open wardrobe doors. It was then that a photograph slipped from a shelf, landing at his feet. When he picked it up, his shock was immediate and profound—it was a picture of Kimsy and Khunpool, and Kimsy was wearing the same pink bracelet. Win's mind raced as he tried to make sense of everything about Kimsy.But before he could process it all, someone injected something into his throat, and he collapsed to the ground, consciousness slipping away.Meanwhile, Inspector Thai continued his investigation, following the lead of the pink bracelet. He discovered that the shop responsible was "Heirloom Jewelry by Monthira Diamond @MBK Center," the only one exporting this rare and expensive item. This distinctive bracelet had only been ordered by five women in Bangkok, and their names were recorded: 1. Hom Vichayaporn 2. Kimsy Khunpol 3. Nene Pornnappan 4. Baifern Pimchanok 5. Chompoo Araya. Inspector Thai had already ruled out Hom Vichayaporn as Nib's mother, narrowing down the list to Kimsy Khunpol as the final person to investigate.The morning sun illuminated the City Buddha's Temple as the clock neared 7:30 am. Nib, who had arrived earlier, approached Win's penthouse. He knocked on the door, and Kimsy answered.Nib inquired, "Sawasdee kha, Kimsy. Is Win awake?"Kimsy replied, "No, he's still sleeping."Understanding the situation, Nib nodded. "Alright, I won't disturb him. Please let him know that we need to leave for Shine's funeral at the temple when he wakes up."Kimsy agreed, and the door was closed once more. Nib couldn't shake off the feeling of unease as he left, but he drove to the temple nonetheless. There, friends, Inspector Thai, his constables, Pillow's parents, his own parents, Pit, Nine, Korn, Jian, and others had gathered for Shine's funeral.Jian couldn't resist taunting Nib, "Where's your lover today? Is he too busy for us?"Nib tersely replied, "Mind your own business," before walking away, his concern for Win growing by the minute.Nearly twenty minutes passed, and Nib tried calling Win again, but there was still no answer. Meanwhile, Win was preparing himself for Shine's funeral ceremony, though the mystery surrounding him was deepening by the moment.