
14. 'Till Your Dream Appears(1)

"I don't think they're back yet love," Castle told his wife as he watched her.

Sighing, since she wasn't surprised her husband had caught her looking at her watch, Beckett said, "No but I can't help hoping."

"She'll be fine," Castle said reassuringly. "Meanwhile our youngest wants you."

"And did she tell you that?" Beckett asked in amusement.

"Sure," Castle replied, handing her the baby quickly.

Shaking her head, Beckett kissed Josie's temple and said, "Is that true sweetie?"

"Ahah," the baby vocalized.

"Nice, she's getting better at that," Castle commented.

"But she didn't say a word," Beckett told him teasingly.

"Not yet but soon," Castle replied. "Once she gets those chompers in. What?" he asked when he saw the way his wife was looking at him.

"Never mind," Beckett said laughingly, shaking her head. She heard their daughter whimpering and asked him, "Where's her mitten?"

"Um… not here," Castle said. When she continued staring at him he said, "Max decided to take it."

Sighing Beckett said, "And the spare?"

"I have it," Martha said, coming down the stairs in the front of the house. "Max seemed to think it was his toy."

"At least we have the spare," Beckett said, having to pause before speaking as Josie had started to cry. She took the mitten with the silicone at the end and gave it to the baby, watching her to make sure that she would calm down with it to chew on.

"Good thing we bought a bunch of those," Castle said, he and his mother watching her as well.

"I know," Beckett replied with a smile. Early in the morning of that day, the nineteenth, Martha had woken up to Josie crying and had discovered the baby was cutting her first tooth. Her mother in law hadn't let her and Castle know of it until they'd come in for breakfast and she was still trying to get the woman to let them take the baby to the guest house. But she wasn't surprised her mother in law wasn't budging from her insistence that Josie wasn't waking anyone up or bothering her. She wasn't pushing the issue, but she was determined to have the baby stay with them soon so they would be able to care for their daughter as well. She shook herself of her thoughts and asked, "What did Max do exactly with the other mitten?"

"It doesn't matter," Martha told her. "You just said you bought a bunch," she reminded her son before he nodded and then spoke.

"He chewed up the mitten," Castle told her. "Not the end, just the fabric part."

"I didn't think he'd gotten to the end of it," Beckett replied. "Since if he had then we'd be taking Max to the vet."

Nodding his head Castle said, "And Eliza would be letting you know that he had too."

"I wouldn't doubt it," Beckett said with a smile. "Dad's working with her?"

"He is," Castle said, since their second youngest was having just one lesson that day for school.

"And they're finished," Martha commented, hearing her granddaughter running.

"Eliza," Castle called when the little girl appeared in the entry. He smiled when she stopped and said, "No running."

"I finished my lessons," Eliza said, beaming at them.

"We can tell," Beckett said in amusement as she looked at her father who was behind the little girl.

"How is she?" Jim asked when she saw the baby.

"Chewing away," Beckett said, smiling at Josie before she held the baby still while her husband was wiping the tears from her cheeks.

"When will Jules come home?" Eliza asked then, letting her little sister hold onto her index finger with her free hand.

"Soon," Beckett said, looking at her watch.

"Why didn't you get to go Mommy?" Eliza asked. "Mary did."

"Skye wanted her to be there," Beckett said with a slight smile. "I think she misses her." She wasn't surprised when her daughter frowned and told her, "It's how we can go to San Diego on Wednesday." She laughed outright when Eliza jumped up and down and said, "Where's everyone else?"

"Outside, they're gonna go play," the little girl said. Eliza squealed when her father picked her up and said, "Me too?"

"Definitely you too," Castle said as he set her on his hip.

Watching her little sister for a moment Eliza then asked, "Will Josa get to too?"

"If she wants to," Beckett said, smiling when the two turned to look at her. She led the way outside and they walked together to the backyard. She shook her head when her mother in law reached for the baby saying, "I want a little more time with her."

"Of course," Martha said before Eliza was pulling her to the backyard.

Beckett watched them with a smile before she then thought of her second oldest and how she was doing during the camera blocking. When Josie grabbed onto her hair she turned her attention to the baby, smiling as her husband came over to join them.

"Hey, are you okay love?" Castle asked her.

"I am," Beckett replied with a slight smile. "I'm just thinking of Julia."

"She's having fun… I'm sure," Castle said as he realized she might be nervous still about her dance that night.

"She is," Beckett said with a smile. "As long as she's dancing."

"And not in that dress just yet," Castle said. He was relieved when his wife laughed and then told her, "Want to play with them?"

"Of course," Beckett said, smiling at her father as he was walking up to them. She let Castle kiss Josie before she did the same and handed the baby to her father saying, "Let her watch us."

"I will," Jim assured her.

Feeling her husband taking her hand, Beckett waved to their baby before she turned her attention to the kids on the grass to join them in their game of badminton until they would prepare lunch for the dancers' return.

"Spin again?" Derek was saying to the four kids. He watched them and then said as he shook his head, "No, I think twice is enough."

"Do we need to do it again?" Clive asked.

"No, no, you're good," Derek said quickly. "But now we're going to need to start with ours."

"Do we keep these on?" Julia asked, holding up the side of her skirt.

"Yeah, you're wearing a skirt again," Derek said. "So you might as well."

Since the dancer was walking over to the crew to talk with them Mari asked, "Are you sure our costumes are good?"

"They are," Skye said with a smile.

"Are they going to bring the railing out here?" Peter then asked.

"Not until the episode," Skye told him. "Why?"

"Where will it be?" Peter said.

"Good thing you asked," Derek said as he was walking back to them. "We're going to start so we'll be standing up here," he told them, leading them up the steps. "And there'll be an old phonograph here which will be playing before Tristan will switch the record and the song will play."

"Just music before the song, right?" Mari asked.

"Just music," Derek said reassuringly, nodding his head. "And we'll start teaching you."

Skye took the boys and Derek the girls to the edge of the stage before they showed both the steps one at a time before Mari was jogging to where the phonograph would be.

"That's how he'll do it," Derek said with a nod as she mimicked flipping a record. "And then the rest of you will push us together and that's where we begin."

Going to where they knew the railing would be, Julia smiled as she watched Skye and Derek going through the steps of their Foxtrot. But that wavered a bit when the investigator slid slightly when they parted and were walking side by side with their arms swinging widely. She was going to call to her to ask Skye if she was alright when the two were continuing until they had finished for the cameras.

"Should we change that step?" Derek asked his partner when they were stepping off the dance floor.

"No, I just need to not step so far," Skye said.

"Grá," Mary said to her wife. "Your leg?" she asked her in Irish.

"It's fine," Skye told her reassuringly. She turned back to her partner and then asked, "Is that all?"

"That is, but let's try that one step one more time," Derek replied.

"Sure," Skye said, going back to her partner. She smiled at the kids; as the four had been standing around them while they'd talked; while they stepped off the dance floor and then turned to her partner. After he'd counted down they were dancing the steps before they parted, and they went across the dance floor, pleased when she was able to accomplish the walking without slipping.

"Great, just try to remember," Derek told her. "Now you can go."

"Thanks," Skye said. "We'll be back in time for the show."

"You better," Derek said jokingly.

Julia smiled as she and the kids said goodbye to the pro before Skye was taking them to the dressing rooms so they could change back into their street clothes. Finishing first she said to her friend, "The Foxtrot looks really good."

"I can't wait to hear it with music," Mari said from behind the screen.

"Me too," Julia replied.

"Are you ready for our dance?" Mari then asked.

"Yeah, I just hope those big skirts don't get in our way," Julia commented as she watched her friend come out from behind the screen. She smiled and said, "Hungry?" glad that the girl's stomach had started to growl.

Laughing softly Mari nodded and then said, "Very, you aren't? Breakfast was ages ago."

"Yeah, come on," Julia replied before they got their bags and then went out together into the hall to find the boys waiting there.

Skye, joining the four a second later, smiled as she studied them and said, "I suppose we'll need to hurry home,"

"You can tell we're hungry?" Peter asked her.

"Of course," Skye replied. "Now come on, it's time to go home."

"Why don't you let your daughters come here?" Mari asked the investigator.

"It's a bit too many," Skye said. "You lot need to be here now, so it's not a problem. But the girls… plus they're keeping Eliza company."

"You wouldn't want your sister to come?" Clive asked.

Shaking her head, as they were leaving the building to go out to the parking lot, Julia said, "She's not in the dances, so no it's okay. Anyway, she gets our parents all to herself."

"You're not jealous of that?" Mari asked.

"Are you of Dani right now?" Julia replied.

Shaking her head Mari said, "I don't think Dani realizes."

"Lizzy isn't alone," Julia said, shrugging her shoulders. "So I don't care."

"Come on girls," Mary said to the two. "Back to the house."

Julia hurried into the back of the car and then sat next to Mari before the car was driving away from the building. "Are you ready?" she called to Skye.

"I am," the investigator said. "Despite that mess up back during the practice." Skye smiled and then looked back at the girl saying, "You are, right?"

"Yeah," Julia said. When the investigator raised her eyebrow at her she grinned and said, "I hate that dress."

"I don't blame you, but it's just for one dance," Skye replied.

"Um… grá?" Mary said to her wife though she didn't look over at her while she was driving on the freeway.

"I know," Skye said in mock annoyance. "Sorry," she said to Julia. "I know I don't wear dresses on purpose, but you should think of the fact you might need to wear a dress like that in the future. If you and Peter continue to compete together…"

Julia, looking over her shoulder at her partner in the very back, smiled and said, "You don't like the tuxedo, do you?"

"Nope," Peter said, exaggerating the p in the word.

Laughing with her friends Julia then said, "Then you'd have to dance wearing that too."

"Well… if it's for the dance…" Peter said before they were laughing together again.

When they got off the freeway in Santa Monica, Julia looked eagerly out the window for the familiar homes leading to the McDouglas home. Pulling down the driveway she glanced around the front yard to make sure her sister wasn't playing there before they made it to the backyard.

"Hello," Jim said to his granddaughter as she came out of the car on the driver's side first.

"Where's everyone?" Julia asked in surprise since the yard was empty.

"Inside, your parents are taking care of lunch remember?" Jim told her.

"Oh… but the kids?" Julia asked.

"Your little sister is about to feed your sister her lunch," Jim said. "And your dad is giving the others a cooking lesson."

Laughing softly Julia asked as they were heading to the porch, "And Mom?"

"She's taking care of the other items," Jim said. "And your gram is helping Eliza."

"Cool," Julia said though she wanted to help feeding Josie. She was first through the sliding door and she gasped a little when she nearly ran into her mother, recovering quickly and throwing her arms around her tightly. "Hi Mom!" she said eagerly.

"Hey, how was it?" Beckett asked, hugging her daughter back before she had her get out of the way so the others could enter the house.

"Fun but I hope we can do the dance," Julia commented smiling at her sisters.

"Did you want to feed her?" Martha asked, seeing the look on the girl's face.

"Just once?" Julia asked, turning her attention to Eliza fully.

At first the little girl wanted to say no to her, but she finally paused and looked at her grandmother. With the smile that Martha gave her Eliza nodded before she watched as her big sister was rushing to wash her hands. She looked at Josie, who was putting her fist in her mouth, and she said, "No Josa!" taking it away.

"She's hungry," Beckett said, kissing the baby's forehead to distract her.

"I'm ready!" Julia said, hurrying back to them. "What's she eating today?"

"Carrot and then peach," Beckett said.

"Could I feed her the peach too?" Julia asked Eliza.

"Yeah," the little girl said with a smile as she handed her the spoon for their sister.

"Thank you," Julia said getting a little of the carrot food for the baby. "Okay Josa, this is the good veggie," she told her. "Time to eat." She was careful holding the spoon to Josie's lips, hoping she would let her put the spoon in her mouth. She finally slipped it past her lips and watched with her sister as the baby was moving her mouth.

"Oh good," Eliza said as the baby was opening and closing her hands and they could tell her mouth was empty as she smiled.

"Here," Julia said with a smile as she handed the spoon to Eliza. "Have fun."

Wrinkling her nose at her sister, since she'd already had the experience of their baby sister getting food onto her cheek from her tiny hand, Eliza got some of the carrots and started to feed Josie. "What is it?" she then asked her grandmother as she brushed her hair away from her cheek.

"You're doing very well kiddo," Martha said simply.

"Yeah?" Eliza asked eagerly.

"Of course," Martha replied. She saw the slight frown on her granddaughter's face and asked her, "What's wrong?"

"Would I be a good mommy?" Eliza whispered. "When I'm a lady?"

Martha smiled and stopped the little girl from feeding the baby to kiss her cheek before she told her, "I think so sweetie. But that won't be for a long time."

Nodding Eliza said, "That's why I whispered."

"For your father?" Martha asked her.

"Yeah," Eliza said, nodding. She giggled when her grandmother hugged her and said, "Thank you Gram."

"You're welcome, keep going," Martha told her.

"Hey Julia," Castle told his daughter when she hugged him tightly. "You're a little late for the cooking lesson."

"Was it fish tacos?" the girl asked. When her father nodded she smiled and said, "I already had that lesson."

"That's true," Castle said with a nod. "Did you have fun?" he asked her.

"Yeah," Julia replied. "We're ready. For both dances."

"Good, I can't wait," Castle replied. "Oh, your sister called me before I started to cook," he said as he set the fish on the tacos. "She wants to try talk to us once we get home."

"It won't be too late for her?" Julia asked.

"If we get back at our normal time then no," Beckett said, coming over to them. She smiled as the pair looked at her and said, "Let's get to the tables."

"Where will we talk to her?" Julia asked her parents as she took some forks that her mother handed her to take to the table.

"Here at home," Beckett said. Glancing at her daughter she wasn't surprised when she saw the slight frown on her face and told her, "She knows we stay at the studio for a while before we come home. She wants you to."

"She's right, but she wants to talk to us really quickly," Castle said, following them outside.

"Do you think she may be able to come out here soon?" Jim asked the two before they passed him on the patio.

With a quick shake of her head Beckett said, "Unfortunately no, she's still busy working with the child she is."

"I'm glad the doctors let her take over," Julia said. She then paused and said, "And the parents too."

"Hopefully she can help them," Castle said, smiling when the girl nodded rapidly.

The group gathered outside at the tables on the patio after that, getting their drinks and then sitting together before they began to eat. They were talking soon after, but they were all joining in one conversation after the few that started as the kids wanted to talk about their upcoming trip to San Diego. Mari was soon asking a question about that, in relation to the episode both that night and the next week, making them all look together at the investigator while the girl was speaking.

"What if there are two dances next week?" Mari said.

"I'm not sure," Skye said. "We're not told until after the episode of course. But since it'll be week seven I imagine it's about the time to get to double dances." She shook herself of her musing and then said, "I did invite Derek to come with us, so we'll be able to practice a bit."

"Where?" Marie asked.

"Smart aleck," Skye said though she was soon smiling at her daughter. "Wherever it's flat." She saw the boys and Mari were looking confused and she said, "You'll see once we go."

"Speaking of that," Mary said as she saw that they had finished the meal. She stood up and then told her wife, "Come on."

"But-" Skye began.

"We'll take care of it," Beckett assured her friend. She smiled when the investigator nodded her thank you and she watched the pair leave before she turned to the kids so they could begin cleaning up.

"I really don't know why you dragged me up here," Skye was telling her wife while she was undressing. "We could have stayed downstairs with everyone to help."

"Believe me when I say they can handle it," Mary commented. "And stop talking about the others."

"I only just brought it up," Skye said jokingly, walking in. When she saw her wife glance up and then pause to look over her body appreciatively she told her, "I had a feeling."

"Not yet though," Mary said easily. She stood up once she had turned off the water and said, "You need to relax first."

Wrinkling her nose at her wife for a moment, Skye took off her robe that she hadn't closed though she was naked underneath. She paused and then asked her, "Well?"

"Uh-uh, you're on your own," Mary said.

"And you're mean," Skye said in amusement though she was going over to the tub. She slipped inside it and leaned back with her arms on the sides saying, "There are times I wish it was the final week."

"Getting tired?" Mary asked.

"Mmm," was Skye's response before she ducked underneath the water. She stayed under for a bit and then came back up, reaching for her face to wipe away the water. When she opened her eyes she jumped a bit, startled finding her wife next to the tub before Mary was pressing her first two fingers to her lips to keep her from speaking.

"I know you hate when I do this, but I love it," the doctor said with a slight smile on her lips. "Lean over."

Skye sighed and said, "I like it, but you realize I can take care of myself."

"Relax grá," Mary told her firmly as she started to wash her wife's back. After she had cleaned it thoroughly she moved to her shoulders and had her lean back. "What would you like?" she then said.

"First don't go below my waist," Skye told her wife.

"Are you sure?" Mary asked teasingly.

"For now," Skye replied simply though her voice was shaky as her wife was soaping her breasts. "Okay, grá, please," she said when Mary didn't stop. She pulled her hand away and said, "I'll wash my hair now."

"I will," the doctor said simply.

Rolling her eyes, Skye let her wife help her with her hair and once it was completely cleaned she stood up to take her towel from her wife. "What?" she asked as she saw the way she was looking at her.

Shaking her head, Mary watched her dry herself off until she was wrapping the towel around herself. As soon as she had her hands away from her body, she was grabbing her around the waist and pulling her close. "I can't wait," she told her seriously.

"Come on," Skye replied with a smile, pulling her out to their bed. As soon as they were next to it she wasn't surprised when her wife pulled at her towel and let it come off her until she felt Mary's arms around her from behind. "We don't have all that much time grá," she reminded her.

"I know," the doctor said with a sigh. She had her wife climb on the bed and once Skye was laying down Mary took off her clothes, going quickly as she suddenly found them stifling. As she got up on the bed with her wife she ran her hand over her left leg asking her, "Are you okay?"

"Of course," Skye said quickly. She wrapped her arms around her wife and then kissed her deeply before their tongues started to roll around one another until Mary pulled away. She wasn't surprised when her wife rubbed her clit and she sighed before saying in French, "I'd prefer your tongue."

"I had a feeling," Mary replied with a smile. "And I'd like the same."

"Believe me, you'll get it," Skye said in a rush as her wife hadn't stopped touching her. She moaned softly as her fingers slid down to her folds and she reached up to the pillow under her head. Her eyes were closed so it was a shock, when she arched her back, to feel her wife's mouth on her left breast. "Grá," she managed to say in a slightly strangled tone.

Mary, looking up at her, didn't say anything and instead focused on both mounds, sucking fervently at her nipples until Skye was pushing at her shoulder. Breathing a little roughly she looked at each nub and the way both were extremely red. "I love them," she told her wife.

Skye could feel her cheeks were on fire and she then reached up to her, cupping her wife's face telling her, "I feel the same about yours."

Leaning over a little, Mary captured her wife's lips with her own before they parted, and she said, "Later." With that she then leaned down and kissed her one more time before she moved away and proceeded to trail her lips down her body until she had reached her clit. She glanced up at her wife for a moment and then proceeded to take the heavily swollen nub between her lips, sucking at it immediately as she was getting a vocal reaction from her wife.

Crying out heavily, Skye was clutching at the pillow, moving her hips instinctively while her wife's mouth was going all over her sex. She was a little lost in her pleasure, feeling Mary stopping a few times until she felt her body inching closer to her release. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly as her orgasm struck her, crying her wife's name once before she was trying to handle everything she was giving her. She wasn't sure how long she was feeling the waves of pleasure going through her, only when it fully stopped, and she was limp on the bed but heavily gratified. She smiled and licked at her lower lip; tasting her wife there; when she was more recovered and then pushed herself up. "You're eager grá," she said, running her fingers through her wife's hair.

Groaning into Skye's thigh; where her face was pressed; Mary said, "I love doing that to you."

"I know," the investigator said, touching her shoulder. Relived when her wife pushed herself up, Skye grabbed her and moved her so she was laying down. As soon as her back was on the bed she kissed her, doing so gently before she went down to her breasts. She nuzzled her nipples and then began to take them with her mouth, much as Mary had done to her. She did her best to make sure she pulled away after a short amount of time and without any hesitation went between her legs. As she was pleasuring her wife thoroughly, she made a mental note to ask her to repeat their bout that night. Thinking of getting to do it again she was doubling her efforts and taking great pleasure listening to Mary's reactions, knowing they would need to be together once more.

"Amam," Josie was vocalizing.

"Don't say it," Beckett told her husband.

"What?" Castle said defensively. When his wife just looked at him he grinned and said, "She is speaking backwards." He wasn't surprised when she bowed her head and said, "You're going to get your hair wet," quickly.

"It'll dry," Beckett said simply. She turned her attention to Josie, in her tub, and said, "I'm sorry sweetie your daddy is…"

"Oh… should I be worried you won't finish that?" Castle commented jokingly. When he saw the smirk on his wife's face he shuddered inwardly and then kissed at the side of her head.

"Thank you," Beckett said when he handed her the baby's shampoo. "You're sure you don't want to take over?"

"You're fine," Castle said simply. He smiled when his wife glanced at him and told her, "Really, she's enjoying this bath I don't want to pause it."

Beckett shook her head before she heard footsteps behind her, looking to see that it was Skye and Mary. "Did you take a nap?" she asked.

"No, just laid down on the bed," the investigator said. "You could tell?"

"You mentioned this is week six, that's a long time," Beckett replied.

Skye nodded before she looked down at Josie in the tub and said, "They're outside?"

"On a walk with the dogs," Castle said. "Your dad arrived and he's out with them too."

"We'll head to the front to wait for them," Mary said, taking her wife's hand and not realizing that the writer was watching them as they walked to the entry.

"Rick," Beckett said to him.

"You think they realize they have a tell?" Castle told his wife, turning to her quickly to see if she needed anything.

"Probably, but they don't call attention to it," Beckett said wryly before she finished rinsing off the baby's body after washing her with soap. She took her out and carefully handed her to Castle, following her husband to the stairs and up until they were in Martha's room. She watched him drying the baby off before taking her to the changing table to put a new diaper on her and then into her top and pants. "Come here," she said to the baby, taking her into her arms. "Are you ready to go play?" she asked Josie.

Hearing the baby laughing, Castle couldn't help doing the same and asked, "What was that for?" as he came out into the bedroom from washing his hands quickly.

"Who knows," Beckett said with a smile. She kissed their youngest's cheek before she let Castle lead her out and she went to the right instead of the left. "No comment?" she asked her husband.

"Not really, I figured you'd want to catch them as they came in," Castle replied. "And take her outside," he said, smiling at the baby as she was doing so over her mother's shoulder.

"Exactly," Beckett said, opening the front door and stepping out onto the porch as Skye was turning to the house.

"Oh, she's all clean?" the investigator said, walking with her wife over to the steps.

"She is," Beckett replied. "They're not back yet?"

"I would imagine they went a bit far," Skye said.

"On purpose," Mary said in amusement. "But-" she started to say before they heard the door in the wall around the house opening before Fleur and Eliza were running in. "Girls," she said at the same time as Beckett.

"Hi Mommy!" Eliza said, hurrying over to her parents. "Did Josa have her bath?"

"She did," Beckett replied with a smile. "How was your walk?"

"Fun, the dogs pulled us all over," Julia said with a smile. "How long do we have left?"

"Not much," Castle said, looking at his watch. He then said, "Unless you want to stay?"

Making a face at him Julia said, "We'll play with her tomorrow… We'll have the chance to, right?"

"You will," Beckett said with a smile. "But for now, run around with them," she said, since the other kids and the dogs were doing so. She felt Josie grabbing her hair and she took the baby's hand, kissing it gently before she went to where there was a clear patch of grass. She sat down and smiled at her husband as he joined her telling him, "You can go with them."

Shaking his head Castle said, "I want to spend as much time with her as I can."

"Where did you get those?" Beckett asked with a smile as he was throwing one of Josie's foam shapes up and down.

"I grabbed them," Castle said easily before he handed the shape to Josie. He wasn't surprised when she brought it up to her mouth and he carefully took it before she was whimpering. "Hold on," he told her before he leaned over, kissing her. He laughed with his wife when the baby smacked his cheek before he said, "Point taken," giving the shape back as he sat up before his wife was squeezing his arm.

"I need to take a shower," Beckett told her husband when he looked at her questioningly.

"So do I," Castle replied before he looked at his watch. "How'd you know?"

"I'm wearing one too," Beckett told him teasingly as she had on her father's watch.

"Okay," Castle said, standing up and taking Josie once his wife held her up to him. He kissed her cheek and at her brief vocalization he said, "Now you get to spend time with your grandparents."

"We'll be back soon," Beckett told her father as her husband was handing the baby to him. She wasn't surprised when he merely nodded as he was holding Josie close and she took her husband's hand so they could hurry to the guesthouse after their daughter and her friends rushed to the main house. As they made their way into the shower she touched her husband's arm and told him, "We have tonight."

Since his wife had said that in a firm tone of voice, Castle nodded and followed her into the stall. They took a shower without doing anything more than helping each other bathe and he changed in the bedroom while his wife was still in the bathroom. He sat at the end of the bed waiting for her, standing up as soon as the door opened and she stepped out.

"Rick," Beckett said simply at her husband's reaction. "You've seen me wear this before."

"Yes," Castle said slowly, unable to help letting his gaze linger over her. "But the last time you were I was about to make love to you."

Beckett smiled and said, "I knew that was a risk. Should I change?"

"No," Castle said quickly. "You look great and I'll keep myself under control."

"Good," Beckett told him seriously before she kissed him briefly on the lips. When he grabbed her arms, she wasn't surprised as her white blouse was sheer at the arms of it and she told him, "Easy."

Groaning Castle let her go before he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close against him. "You look amazing."

"Thank you," Beckett said with a smile. "I'm sorry I'm not wearing my boots with this."

"It's alright," Castle told her quickly as he gave her black heels a brief look. "You still look great."

Giving him a gentle kiss, Beckett told him firmly, "We need to go." She was smiling again when he breathed out hard before he let her go and she told him, "You look great yourself."

"Thanks," Castle replied with a smile. He leaned down to her and they kissed tenderly before they went down the stairs together. When they were heading up to the main house he held her hand tightly, walking with her over the grass he squeezed it gently, smiling at her before they reached their family and friends to begin making their way to the show.


"Are you okay?" Beckett asked her daughter with a smile.

"Yeah," Julia said, looking at her reflection in the mirror. She sighed and turned to her mother saying, "I feel weird."

"You've seen pictures of official competitions sweetie," Beckett said gently, as the ballgown had a wider skirt than her daughter liked. "But you look beautiful." She smiled when Julia just shrugged; seeing herself at that age doing that; and she pulled her daughter to her, hugging her carefully as she didn't want to wrinkle the ice blue fabric.

"Thanks," Julia said when they let go of each other. She then smiled and said, "What will Dad say?"

"He's not going to like it," Beckett said. "But he knows it's just for this dance."

"He knows I'm going to keep dancing right," Julia said before she was distracted by her friend coming from around the screen. "Do you need help?"

"Yeah, the zipper," Mari said with a smile.

"Your dad knows you'll be dancing for a long time," Beckett said simply, smiling a little at Julia pulling the zipper up on the dress that Mari was wearing. It was the same as her daughter's and she thought the two looked very cute standing together. Her attention was caught by their hair; which was loose; and she was about to stand to tell them she would take care of it when there was a knock on the dressing room door.

"I'll get it," Julia said quickly.

"Mom!" Mari cried when she saw Rebecca on the other side once her friend had opened it. She rushed to her and wrapped her arms around her as tightly as she could, hugging her for some time before she pulled away slowly. "Dad, Dani!" she said as the two were in the hall behind her mother.

"You look great Mari," David said as he hugged his daughter. "And grown up."

Laughing softly Mari said, "I'm still your little girl Dad.""I know, I just wasn't expecting this dress," David told her.

"You look great too Julia," Rebecca told her. "You're not enjoying that dress, are you?"

Shaking her head Julia said, "No but I'll still dance in it."

"Of course," Rebecca said with a laugh, watching hers and David's daughters embracing. "Their hair?"

"I was just about to do it," Beckett answered. "Isaac and Genevieve are here?"

"They're with the boys," David answered as they went into the room and he closed the door behind them. "I'm assuming getting their hair done."

"Did you see them?" Mari asked.

"They're in their tuxedos?" Julia asked, though she was wondering what he'd meant by getting their hair done.

"Yes, and they need their hair slicked back," David replied.

"Stay still," Beckett told her daughter as she had been brushing her hair. She smiled when Julia suddenly became serious and she was quick to finished getting her hair smooth enough for her to put up into a bun. When she finished, with faux diamond barrettes the costuming department had given her, she said, "What do you think?"

"It's pretty," Julia said, startled as she was looking at herself in the mirror. She wasn't expecting how grown up she'd look, and she realized it made her look a little more like her mother with the shape of her cheekbones, wondering if Beckett had noticed.

"Sweetheart you look beautiful," Castle said, having slipped into the room then. He smiled when his and Beckett's second oldest straightened up and looked at his reflection before she was jumping out of her chair as she spoke.

"Dad!" Julia cried, hurrying to him and hugging him tightly.

"I'm not kidding," Castle said, holding her tightly. When they let each other go he held her by her shoulders and said, "You look even more like your mom."

"I thought so too," Julia said with a smile as they looked at Beckett.

"I noticed," she replied with a smile, moving out of the way of Rebecca. Walking to her husband and daughter Beckett said, "But we're not going to be doing this all the time."

"I still look like you," Julia pointed out.

"You were gifted with those cheekbones," Castle said.

"Rick," Beckett said gently though firmly as her husband's gaze was a little too intense on just her while they were with their daughter and friends. She knew he was talking directly to her; instead of both her and Julia; and she needed him to remember they weren't alone.

Forcing himself to look away, Castle smiled when he saw that Mari was covering her face while her mother was putting her hair up. He turned his attention to Julia and saw that she was watching her friend with a smile on her face as well.

"You can look now Mari," David said, squeezing his daughter's shoulder.

"Look!" Dani cried.

Julia, hearing her friend's gasp, rushed over to her and said, "You look really pretty, perfect to dance the Waltz."

Looking down at her, Mari smiled and climbed down so she could hug her friend, "You look pretty too," she whispered to him. "And thank you. I hope they don't remember-"

"Girls," Beckett said.

Groaning, Julia and Mari laughed together before they let go of each other and then went together to Beckett who was holding out their gloves for the costume.

"I wonder why Derek picked these," Julia said with a sigh as her mother helped her pull on the first elbow length glove.

"Knock," the pro said, smiling as the girls whirled around to him. "Sort of a nostalgic thing. But if you want to take them off then that's alright."

Sharing a look with her friend Julia said, "No, we'll keep them on. We're sorta doing a traditional dance in Vienna aren't we?"

"You are," Derek said before he looked behind her. "You're ready?"

"Very," Skye said with a smile. "Caught these two," she said jokingly as she took Peter and Clive by their arms.

"Doing what?" Isaac said, with Genevieve behind the two boys.

"Walking," Skye said, smiling when everyone laughed.

"So… you're going on safari," David commented.

"Not to hunt," Derek said.

"Oh no, to observe," Skye replied. "Or… what say you, the Nile?"

"Yeah!" the four kids said eagerly before they began to laugh together. They then hugged their parents, who promised they'd be sitting to the right of the judges table and learned Skye and Derek would be dancing last that night before they went with the pair to get their makeup done.

As soon as they'd entered the room, Skye gasped and then ran to the man that was talking with Tom saying, "You made it."

"Is that-" Clive started to say.

"Yeah," Julia said happily, hurrying to Ringo.

"Hullo again," the drummer said with a smile. "You're dancing as well."

"Did Skye tell you?" Julia asked, beaming at him.

"She did," Ringo replied as he hugged the girl with one arm when she did so to him. "You remember Barbara."

"Yeah, I'm happy to see you came too," Julia said shyly, hoping that didn't sound stupid.

"Where are your parents?" the actress asked.

"Out at the ballroom already. Oh, you should go so you can dance," Julia said.

"What about your partners, haven't met them yet," Ringo reminded her.

Smiling Julia and Mari introduced their partners and the former said, "Do you know what we'll dance to?"

"Both your songs," Ringo said, speaking quickly as one of the makeup ladies was calling to the group. "We'll see you."

"Break a leg," Barbara said.

Watching the couple leaving Clive asked, "Wasn't she in a James Bond movie?"

"She was," Skye said.

"Oh… my dad will be happy to meet her," Clive explained as he, Peter and Derek were getting onto chairs. "He loves those movies."

"My dad too," Mari said, Julia nodding in agreement. She then looked at Skye and asked, "Are you comfortable?"

"Surprisingly yes," the investigator said with a smile. She had her costume for hers and Derek's dance on already, a safari style outfit from the 1920's. It was all khaki, consisting of just below the knee wide trousers and a jacket in the same fabric. She had a white shirt and tie under the jacket, the tie a deep blue with thin white stripes, and she was wearing knee high lace up boots. "I'm not sure," she said as she noticed Julia was looking at her shoes. "We'll find out."

"Shouldn't you have practiced in those before today?" Mari asked.

"I did, when you guys weren't there to watch," Skye said with a smile.

"Girls," Derek said to get their attention.

"So you're not going to be with us?" Peter asked the dancer.

"We'll both be on the side to watch you," Derek told him. "Are you comfortable?" he asked with a smile as the boy was running his finger under his collar.

"Sorta," Peter said with a frown. "I can't wait until we wear the safari clothes like yours."

"I don't blame you," Derek said with a slight laugh. He was wearing khaki trousers and a white shirt with a faux leather jacket over it. "If I had a fedora…" he said jokingly as Skye and the girls were getting off their chairs.

"You still wouldn't look like Indiana Jones," the investigator commented with a smile. "Those boots?" she asked him as he was wearing knee high lace up boots himself. She laughed when he wrinkled his nose and they went together to the Sky Box so they could drop off the kids as it was nearing time for the episode to begin.

"Are you guys alright?" Derek asked the four.

"Yep, we have a good view," Peter said with a smile.

"Alright, we'll be right back up since we're last," Skye told them.

"Have fun," Julia said with a smile. When they were alone she said with a sigh, "I wish we were a little closer to the start."

"Me too," Mari said, squeezing her hand. "Should we practice?"

"It's a little hard," Clive said.

"Yeah, with that music going on…" Peter commented since it was playing for the people on the dance floor. He then smiled and said, "We know it though."

"You're just waiting for Derek to come back," Julia told him teasingly.

"Definitely," Peter said seriously before he looked at his partner and they started to laugh with their friends as the dance floor was clearing below them, the show about to begin.

Feeling her husband squeeze her hand Beckett smiled at him and said, "She's fine."

"I know, I just really hope that she'll be alright with her dress," Castle said.

"She will," Beckett reassured him. When he glanced at her she smiled and said, "They're there, I don't want her to see us concerned for her."

Turning to look at the dance floor, Castle smiled seeing that Julia was there with the other three and Derek. He waved with his wife at their daughter and he watched as the pro was giving them some last minute instructions; he assumed. He was about to ask Beckett if she thought it was much longer until the show was back when the music was playing.

"Welcome back," Tom said. "Next up is the second of our exhibition dances, brought back by demand from the viewers. Dancing the Viennese Waltz, the quartet of dancers from the Grey Dance Studio in the Hamptons."

Julia, standing next to Mari with their partners across from them, waited a little breathlessly before the sound of Paul counting off played and she and her friend curtsied to the boys before they bowed. At the first lyric she and Mari stepped forward and got into hold with their partners, immediately performing the basic waltz step for the rest of the verse as they were going around in the middle of the dance floor.

To me you are the loveliest thing I've seen all dayYou can't take that awayNo, you can't take that away

At the second verse the girls picked up their skirts slightly while the boys spun them both around together until they were standing next to each other. On the last lyric they then spun Julia and Mari under their arms before they were dancing again into the next verse.

All my life I wondered why it couldn't be this wayThat was up until todayOh, it had to be this way

Beckett was surprised when the pair got out of their hold at the first lyric of the verse, the boys holding onto the girls' waists so they were side by side and doing the steps that way until they were spinning Julia and Mari. She smiled when they got back into hold and were dancing normally for a bit more.

You seem to have a friendlier smile than all the restWell I looked and you were bestYeah, I've looked at all the rest

When the second lyric of the next verse began Peter and Clive spun Julia and Mari out and then did extensions of their arms that took them into another side by side spin. When they turned back to each other it was the last lyric and they were dancing together once more in a normal hold.

You can't imagine passionate words that I would sayIf only you would stayOh, you know you gotta stay

Beckett was surprised at the instrumental that began to play, though she knew it was more so they could focus on the lyrics that weren't about the lover leaving the singer. And watching the two pairs begin to alternate between their spin and standard steps, she was amazed the two girls weren't growing dizzy. But they managed to let go of one another and begin walking the rest of the way to the other end of the dance floor without any problems, getting back into hold right when the first lyric of the next verse began. They danced the standard steps through the rest of it, before walking hand in hand until they were even with the judge's table.

To me you are the loveliest thing I've seen all dayAnd you can't take that awayNo, you can't take that away

As she and Mari let the boys swing them gently before they slid in front of them, Julia made sure her foot stayed on the floor. At the second lyric Peter was helping her up while Clive was doing the same with Mari and they were being spun before getting back into hold. They danced the rest of the verse and with the instrumental that had been placed at the end she and Mari went up the steps while their partners were standing behind them, holding up their hand to them while they went.

But all my life I wondered why it couldn't be this wayThat was up until todayYeah, it had to be this way

As soon as the music stopped, Julia went to Mari and hugged her as tightly as she could saying, "We did it!"

"Yeah, and we didn't trip on our skirts," the girl said with a laugh in response before they let go of each other and went down the stairs in a rush to their partners.

"Guys," Derek said, going to the group as they were jumping up and down together. "They want to talk to you very quickly."

Waving to her mother, Julia hurried with the others to the table and they waited for Tom to speak. She couldn't help looking at their families; since they were so close; and waved hurriedly again to them all.

"Now we need to move to Jonathon and Whitney, but I just want the judges to have a chance to say what they thought," the co-host was saying. "Carrie-Ann?"

"That was an interesting mix of a standard Viennese Waltz and a bit more of what's done here in this ballroom," the judge said. "But you handled it well. And thank you for making sure your feet were on the floor."

"We made sure," Julia said, Mari nodding rapidly at the same time.

"Bruno," Tom said as he was laughing with the others and some in the audience.

"Ah, that was like two princesses meeting their prince charmings," he said. Bruno laughed at the wrinkled noses of all four and told them, "I suppose not but you gave it the appearance of that. You're very good at your steps and I do have to commend you on your extensions; all of you."

"And Len?" Tom said to the judge in the middle.

"That takes me back," he said. "But you did a very good job with your basic steps. Thank you, Derek, for making these steps a proper Viennese Waltz, good for the kiddies to learn now. Wonderful job."

Laughing for a moment, Julia said thank you with her friends before she was surprised when Tom was talking to them and not throwing it to Jonathon and Whitney.

"Are you four enjoying dancing here with us?" the co-host asked.

"Yeah," Peter said first.

"It's fun," Clive said.

"And we have great songs too!" Mari said before they were all laughing together.

"And a great teacher," Julia said, smiling at Derek. She was startled when some people in the audience were making awe sounds and she blushed as she hadn't expected that reaction. She felt the dancer squeeze her shoulder from behind, smiling at him again before Tom was turning the attention to the next pair dancing. She breathed out and said, "I meant that."

"I know, and I'm glad you said it," Derek replied. "Lets them know I'm not slacking," he said, smiling as the kids were laughing. "Go to your parents, let them know that you need to change," he told them before he went to the end of the stairs to the Sky Box.

"You did great sweetie," Beckett said as Julia hugged her first.

"Thanks," she said, smiling at her father. She hugged him and her little sister before she went to her grandparents. Going back to her mother Julia told her, "I need to change."

"Okay," Beckett said, having been expecting that. "Let's go now." She squeezed her husband's hand in passing and hurried with her daughter and the others as Skye and Derek were going to be after Jonathon and Whitney. "Hopefully next time they'll give a little time in between the dances," she said to Rebecca while they were helping their daughters change and taking their hair down from the buns they were in.

"We might have to request that," Mari's mother said.

"Mari," Julia said.

"What?" the girl asked.

"Do you like the outfit?" Julia asked her.

"Of course!" Mari said with a giggle. "I didn't think that Stella would make these."

"Yeah…" Julia said slowly.

"What is it sweetie?" Beckett asked her with a smile.

"Well… is that why we're not saying they're safari clothes?" Julia said to her.

"Yes," Beckett replied. "You'll see when you dance why Stella was happy to make these."

"Is it the Nile trip?" Mari asked as she stepped around the screen.

"You look cool," Julia told her friend with a smile. She then looked down at her calf length khaki skirt, blue and white striped shirt and dark khaki vest.

"You too," Mari said, her outfit the same except for her shirt which was green and white.

"Come on, we need to go," Beckett said, taking their hands. Stepping out they saw that the boys were with their parents and they hurried to join them and drop their kids off with Skye and Derek. "Break a leg," she said, kissing the top of Julia's head.

"Thanks," the girl said. She watched her mother going and said, "I hope they like this."

"They will, don't worry," Skye told her. "Remember we'll see those pyramids."

"I want to," Clive said. "For real."

"I don't blame you," Skye said.

"Have you been there?" Peter asked her.

"Yep," Skye replied as she and Derek were directed to go to the wing of the stage before their introduction video began. "It was a vacation and Mary and I went to Giza. "We looked at Luxor as well. It was quite nice."

"Did you feel anything there?" Julia asked.

"I couldn't, so much history and so many souls…" Skye said before waving her hand up and down. "So if you ever go, be very, very careful."

Julia nodded and said, "Don't we need to go to the Sky Box?"

Shaking his head Derek said, "We want you to stand with us, on either side."

"Does it matter how we stand?" Julia asked.

"However you want, just wave to the camera a bit," the dancer told them.

"Can we wave our hats?" Clive asked as he and Peter were wearing pith helmets with their khaki trousers and jackets.

"Go ahead," Derek said.

"Alright, here we go," Skye said. She wasn't surprised when hearing the pair before them finishing talking to the judges. She watched the two go to the Sky Box and murmured, "Hopefully they did well."

"What dance did they have?" Mari asked.

"The Jive, set in Scotland," Derek said.

"Really?" Peter asked.

"He's Scottish," Julia said quickly. "Remember he told us? And his brother wore a kilt when he got married."

"I guess he's really Scottish," Clive commented.

"He's quite proud of that," Skye told the boy, squeezing his shoulder before the judges were giving their scores. She nodded, seeing him getting two nines and an eight and she commented, "I would imagine the Scottish part helped."

"That and not wearing a kilt for this dance," Derek said.

"Great for the audience," Skye said before they laughed before one of the crew members was calling them to the side of the stage.

Beckett, having been watching the group, smiled when they stood in the spotlight as Tom introduced them. The kids were all waving as Skye and Derek were looking around the ballroom through spyglasses before they turned to one another and playfully jumped. She had to turn her attention to the screen, as the intro started to play with the investigator speaking about the song first thing.

"We are dancing to Ringo Starr's version of the song You Belong to Me," Skye said as the footage was of Derek showing her the box step. "I've been interested in the Foxtrot, since it's a bit more… relaxed than the Waltz."

"Relaxed?" Derek asked, the footage changing to him and his partner standing in the studio.

"Less in hold?" Skye suggested.

"Oh… you've wounded me," Derek said in tearfully though he was laughing when Skye pushed him away playfully.

With the footage switching between the pair practicing, Derek was saying, "Skye's taken to the steps of this one, but again I think it's because of the song. She's also taken to singing it a few times, which I'm enjoying don't get me wrong."

Castle glanced at his wife as the footage showed Skye and Derek walking together around the dance floor of the room they were in, the investigator suddenly singing and making her partner jump. They shared a smile, as it was very in character for their friend to do, and he held Beckett's hand while they looked back to the screen.

"Send me photographs and souvenirs, just remember till your dream appears, you belong to me," Skye sang. She saw that Derek was watching her and asked, "What?" When she saw that he was nodding behind her she whirled around to the door and cried out for a moment before saying, "Ringo!"

Beckett's eyes widened for a moment before she glanced down their row of seats to the drummer. They'd greeted him and Barbara quickly when they'd come to their seats just after they'd stopped dancing. She saw he was smiling and then looked back at the screen again as the drummer himself was speaking.

"I sang this song ages ago," Ringo was saying to Skye and Derek. "Got a few who don't really enjoy it, but it's a classic and I hope you can do it justice."

"We will," Skye said with a nod.

The footage then changed to Skye and Derek dancing again and the investigator saying, "It's imperative that we do well on this dance, not just to keep going in the competition but to make sure we do Ringo's vocals justice."

In the last scene Skye and Derek were completing a step before the dancer said, "Alright, now we've got it," and they gave each other a high five before the logo for the show went over the screen and the music played.

Smiling; as the pair and the kids had moved to the 'ship railing' the crew had set up in front of the screen; Beckett watched Skye and Derek grabbing the kids as they were chasing after each other just as the announcer said, "Dancing the Foxtrot, Skye McDouglas and her partner Derek Hough."

"Alright, alright," Skye was saying to them. "If you can't enjoy the Nile then it's time for a lesson."

"No groaning," Derek said when the boys did so. "It's the biggest craze and you'll be glad you learned. Now, one… two… three," he told Julia as he was dancing with her while Skye was dancing with Peter to the music coming out of the phonograph.

Tristan walked out then and switched the records as the kids were pushing Skye and Derek to show them how to dance. Sharing a look, Derek took her hand and they walked down the stairs before the first verse was starting. They did the standard box step while they spun around to get to the middle of the dance floor and at the second half of it Derek spun Skye before she was raising her leg and they spun side by side.

See the pyramids across the NileSee the sunrise on a tropic isleJust remember darling all the whileYou belong to me

During the first lyric of the second verse Skye was back in hold with Derek and they danced the basic steps for two lyrics before they let go of each other. Skye was spun by her partner, but that time instead of raising her leg she spun back to Derek as he held her against him.

See the jungle when it's wet with rainSee the ocean from a silver planeJust remember till you're home againYou belong to me

With the first lyric of the next verse they'd come to the pair were extending their legs as they went down the dance floor. When they'd gotten to the other end they got back in hold and danced that way for the two middle lyrics. Derek then spun Skye around three times quickly before they turned around back to back once and then faced each other.

See the market place in old AlgiersSend me photographs and souvenirsJust remember till your dream appearsYou belong to me

Skye and Derek danced for only the first lyric of the chorus before they were parting at the start of the second. They started to stride with their arms swinging before the investigator suddenly stumbled on one slide of her right foot when they were just getting to the judges table.

Beckett gasped, glad the music was covering her, and watched as Derek grabbed Skye before they were dancing the basic steps back to the steps leading to the stage where the kids were waiting.

Oh, I'll be so alone without you (Oh I will honey)Darling, darling, you'll be lonesome tooAnd you're gonna be blue

With the beginning lyric of the last verse Skye and Derek hooked their arms together and spun slowly while they were shading their eyes with their hands before they got into hold to dance the box step the last bit they needed to reach the stage. At the second to last lyric Derek ran up the steps before Skye followed and he took her hand, spinning her away from him before he got down on one knee and she spun back into him, sitting on his leg before they held up their arms at the end of the song.

See the pyramids across the NileSee the sunrise on a tropic isleJust remember darling all the whileYou belong to meYou belong to me (Just to little ol' me)

Beckett stood up as the kids were surrounding the pair and she murmured to Mary who was next to her, "It was just a little slip." She wasn't surprised when the doctor merely nodded and while the pair made their way to the judge's table with the kids she squeezed her arm reassuringly.

"Are you alright?" Tom asked Skye, making sure he wasn't talking into his microphone.

"Yeah, just a slip," the investigator replied.

"Alright, let's see what the judges think. Bruno?" Tom said.

"Oh darling," the Italian judge said. "I wish you hadn't stumbled as you did as the dance would have been good. But I think because you were so anxious with your guest here tonight it affected you." The audience was booing, and Bruno said quickly, "It wasn't just that slip up, it was her posture. You went back to how you were the first weeks which was a disappointment. But you should be proud as that was very entertaining."

"Carrie-Ann," Tom said as Skye and Derek were both nodding at the judge's comments.

"I have to agree with Bruno," the woman said. "There was something about this dance that didn't really agree with you. I noticed your posture and I think it was dancing in those boots that hurt you a little bit. You got used to your other shoes, didn't you?"

"I think so," Skye said with a smile.

"But you look great and the kids were very cute," Carrie-Ann told them quickly.

"Some words from you Len?" Tom asked the British judge.

"Well, there's not much I can say my colleagues have already," Len told the pair. "I wonder if you should stop the little stories you have," he began. When he heard the audience booing he then said, "But I don't think that's the case. If you come back next week, you'll need to work on your shoulders and your posture and be careful with your shoes."

"Thank you," Skye said with a nod before Tom had them stay where they were.

"Let's go ahead and get your scores," the co-host said.

Beckett, looking at Mary who'd grabbed her arm, wasn't surprised at the concern on her face as the dramatic music began and the announcer started with the first judge.

"Carrie-Ann Inaba," the man said.

"Seven," the woman said, holding up the paddle.

"Len Goodman," the announcer then said.

"Seven," the British judge said while he held up his paddle.

"Bruno Tonioli," the announcer said last.

"Seven," Bruno said, looking at the audience as they were booing.

"It's fair," Derek said, Skye nodding with him. "And we'll take it."

"And hope we'll be brought back for next week," the investigator said quickly.

"Well, I can tell you now that you and Derek," Tom began. He paused for a moment and then said, "Are safe."

Hugging Mary as she seemed to sag in her seat next to her, Beckett said, "She'll be alright next week too."

"Thanks," the doctor said with a smile as she embraced her briefly. Mary waved at her wife, watching her go with Derek to the stage for the announcement of who was getting voted off, seeing she appeared to be alright before the others were getting onto the stage too.

Beckett, waving to Julia as the kids were up in the Sky Box, turned her attention back to the others and listened to Tom soon calling Elijah and Lindsay, Oliver and Peta and Lisa and Keo down as they were in jeopardy. She wondered which of the three were most likely to go but found it hard to guess before the co-host was speaking again.

"After six weeks of competition the pair going home tonight are," Tom began. The dramatic music then played for some time until he finally said, "Oliver and Peta."

"Oh, I thought it might be them," Julia breathed out to her friends as they were watching the pair being hugged by the others. "But now we can go to our parents," she said before someone from the crew came over to them, letting them know they needed to stay there. She shared a confused expression with the other three, but they waited where they were for the remaining couples to join them in the box.

"Hey, are you guys okay?" Skye asked them. "Sorry about making you wait," she then continued with before they could say anything. "They wanted us to talk to the media now while we were in costume."

"Why are we here though?" Peter asked.

"And where are our parents?" Mari asked as they'd waved goodbye to their families while they'd been waiting.

"They'll be at our room where we need to practice," Derek said. "But they want to talk with us about next week."

"Alright everyone," one of the producers said. "Next week is going to be a very special one, Paul McCartney Night."

Covering her mouth; as she had squeaked in joy at that; Julia moved her hands and whispered, "Sorry," before the man was continuing.

"You'll have a dance at the opening and two dances; one will be the team dances; both will be Freestyle," the producer explained. "Now we had Tom mention the theme though I think the audience was a little too loud. But he did say that Stella McCartney was going to be a guest judge."

"Don't look at me, I don't know what she's doing," Skye was quick to say.

"She's right, it's not going to be her but Sir McCartney himself," the producer said before the others were talking to each other.

"Did you know?" Julia asked the investigator.

"I did, kept it quiet but I did need to," Skye replied with a smile.

"Okay," the man said to get their attention again. "He's going to be going in to see you all while you practice but he won't be seeing the team dance practicing. And he's judging the stories you'll have for the dances, not the dance itself. You'll get your individual songs and dances back at the studio but right now we'll take care of the teams. Jonathon and Whitney, you'll pick first since you're at the top of the leaderboard tonight. And Raul and Sharna you'll pick next."

"Skye and Derek," Jonathon said the second the producer had stopped. When the others laughed he smiled and said, "You're first to our team."

"Even after tonight?" Skye asked though Derek was leading her to the pair.

"Yeah, you're still good," Whitney said, smiling when the investigator squeezed her arm in thanks.

"Okay, Raul?" the producer said.

"Lisa and Keo," the baseball player said.

"Eddie and Emma," Jonathon then picked after he and his partner spoke together for a moment.

"We'll take Elijah and Lindsay," Raul said.

"You'll be with Jonathon and Whitney's team," the producer said to Daisy and Sasha. "And kids?" he said. "You'll be with Skye and Derek on their team. Now to be fair we're going to let you choose a pair from the pros that were eliminated, if you guys are okay with that," directing the last to Raul and Sharna's team.

"When the four pairs all nodded Raul then spoke with his team and he said, "We'll have Peta and Artem join us."

"Great," the producer said with a nod. He considered his papers and then told the four kids, "I've asked your parents already, but they said you have the final decision. We're having two performances from Paul so would you be alright dancing then too?"

"By ourselves both times?" Clive asked.

Shaking his head, the producer told them, "One with the troupe."

"You'll do great with them," Whitney said.

"Okay," Julia said, not surprised when her friends all nodded together.

"You can head over to the studios now," the producer said. "Teams are together first and then you'll break up individually."

Julia smiled when she felt Mari squeeze her hand and she took hers to squeeze back before they made their way backstage so they could change. She hoped their parents would be there at whatever room they were taking, so they could see what they would get to do for their team dance.

"Our song for our team dance is…" Derek said, opening the envelope they had. "Queenie Eye."

Laughing with the others as Skye and Julia gave whoops of joy, Beckett studied her daughter as Derek was speaking, wondering what was going through her mind at what he said.

"We need a story with this," the dancer was saying.

"What? I'm not a writer," Skye said before she then nodded over to Julia.

Though she didn't want it to happen, Julia began to blush and then said, "Um… are you sure?"

"Well that means we have our story doesn't it," Eddie said, snapping his fingers.

Giggling nervously Julia then said, speaking to the actor, "Well we should just go with the name of the game."

"It's an old game," Eddie explained as the others looked confused. He then began to chant, "Queenie, Queenie who's got the ball? Usually someone stands and throws a ball behind them and tries to guess who's hiding it." He looked around their group and said, "But there are a number of us here."

"It's not just that," Julia said with a smile as the others looked at her. "We play the game," she said, pointing to herself, her friends, Skye and Derek. "And then you four come in and take the ball and we… try to get it back." She shrugged and said, "I don't know how we'll do that, but that's the idea I got."

"I like it," Sasha said. "Should we switch said ball between the pairs?"

"Yeah, and have Julia get it at the end," Emma said.

"I have something in mind for that," Eddie said. "Derek, you'll throw her onto Jonathon's back and she'll cover his eyes, letting Skye get it from his pocket."

"I haven't got it, it isn't in my pocket, O-U-T spells out, that's out," Skye sang as they were moving to start getting the steps.

Beckett was surprised when the group managed to get the basics set, the order of the pairs and what they would do at the part of the song where the music slowed down. When the other three pairs left she looked at Derek and said, "I hope you'll open those envelopes; Rick's going crazy."

"Hey," Castle said in mock annoyance though he quickly squeezed her hand.

"Actually I am too, would love to see what our kids are going to dance," Isaac commented.

"Your dance first though," Mari said eagerly as the dancer was picking up the envelope.

"We have the Paso Doble," Derek read. "To Hell to Pay." He glanced over at Julia when she cheered and said, "Let me guess, you guys danced to this too."

"Yep," Peter said. "That was fun. What story are you going to do?"

"We'll figure that out soon," Derek said. "I need to see your dances."

Julia breathed out a bit as he was pulling the paper out of the other envelope before she said, "Wait, what about that opening dance?"

"Oh, I got more information about that," Derek said, looking over at her. "We'll be doing some dancing to the song Ever Present Past. Like in the music video for it." He then held up the paper he had and said, "Your first dance is the Foxtrot to Ac-cent-tchu-ate the Positive."

"And a performance too," Skye commented.

"You too?" Clive asked.

"With our band," Skye said, nodding towards her wife. "But next is your second dance."

"This one will be the Argentine Tango to Friends to Go," Derek read. He saw the kids looking at each other and said, "What is it?"

"Well… that one we've made up a dance to already," Peter said.

"I'll have to see that," Derek said. "And it's another performance. But are you guys sure that you can handle four dances?" he said suddenly.

"We can," Julia said. "We've been in competitions with five."

"We've practiced with them," Mari said.

"And we did give permission," David said.

"And you said too that if it's too much for them the troupe will take one song," Genevieve added.

"It's not," the four said before they started laughing together.

"What's their last dance?" Castle asked.

"Twenty Fine Fingers," Derek replied. When he saw the smiles on the kids' faces he said, "So we're ready?"

"We are," Skye replied as the kids were all nodding at the same time. She went over to her partner to start with the Paso Doble, focusing her attention on the steps so she would improve over their dance that night when they made it to the next episode.

"You think she'll be able to do it next week?" Castle was asking his wife as they walked up the stairs in the guesthouse to the bedroom.

"Skye or Julia?" Beckett said, stopping at the top and turning to him.

"Skye," Castle said quickly. "I don't doubt that Julia will handle the dances perfectly."

Beckett smiled at his firm tone of voice and said, "Neither do I. For Skye… you did hear her. She's used to her Windsors and she wasn't with the boots she wore tonight.""At least she has the performances. I just hope she makes it through," Castle said.

"She will," Beckett said. "The viewers like hers and Derek's partnership."

Nodding, as he'd seen the comments on social media, Castle shook his thoughts of that night's practice and said to his wife, "I'm glad you're alright with this."

Smiling Beckett said, "You do realize I want her to do what she loves most. Especially since it doesn't hurt her or anyone else and isn't-"

"Illegal," Castle finished for her. He nodded and said, "But she was tired."

"They all were," Beckett replied, as they'd had to stay later at the studio for the other dances. "But they won't practice for that long."

"There," Castle commented, pointing out with that word that the four would practice at home and elsewhere.

"I know," Beckett replied with a sigh. "But we'll keep an eye on them." When her husband nodded she moved out of the way of him and said, "At least we know now she's asleep."

"Yes," Castle said simply as he and Beckett looked at one another. He knew they moved at the same time but wasn't sure who reached who first as they were kissing passionately. Holding her close to him he ran his hands all over her back until they had to stop to breathe and he said, "I wonder if I should admit something to you."

"I think I know what that is," Beckett said with a smile. "You want to do something with my skirt don't you?"

"That would be nice," Castle said. "But what-" he started to say when she was crushing her lips against his. He groaned at the surprise but was soon distracted when his wife pushed on his arms that had immediately started holding onto her. He held her ass, as he could tell she wanted, and he then moved to pull up her skirt as the temptation for that was too great.

"Wait," Beckett said, breaking away with a slight gasp. She smiled at him and then told him, "That's a little too fast."

"What do you want?" Castle asked. He followed her when she tugged him over to the bed and then sat down quickly, looking up at her before she was placing her left foot on the bed next to him. When she moved the skirt out of the way she smiled at him and he was quick to move, reaching for the top of her stocking. "I'm surprised," he told her as he took off her garter.

"Oh I know, that was my plan," Beckett said.

"Did you have this on the whole night?" Castle asked her as he was sliding his hands down with the stocking to get it off her limb.

Beckett simply nodded her head, watching her husband shudder before she was letting him do the same to her right leg. When her stockings were off she pulled him up to her and they began kissing, wrapping her arms around his neck to begin sliding her fingers through his hair. After they parted she was about to tell him to undress when he was speaking first.

"I have a request," Castle said to her.

"First a confession and now a request?" Beckett asked teasingly. She leaned against him and brushed her lips to his saying, "Tell me." She was a little startled when he leaned down to her, murmuring into her ear, but that soon disappeared as a smile spread over her lips. "I think I can manage that," she told him.

Castle could feel his heart thudding in his chest in immediate reaction to her sultry voice, but he tried his best to ignore that and focus on watching her opening her blouse. He had in fact asked if he could undress her, but she was taking care of it herself so he contented himself with watching. "You…" he said as the fabric parted and he saw she was naked underneath.

"Yes?" Beckett asked simply.

"Nothing," Castle said, realizing that whatever bra she'd been wearing before had been removed once they'd returned from the studio. He waited for her to take off her skirt but when she just looked at him he said, "Are you…"

"You can check," Beckett told him. She bit at her lower lip to hide her smile when he visibly swallowed and allowed him to raise her skirt so he could she was naked there as well.

"So… we're ready," Castle stated when she gently made him let go of the black fabric.

Beckett's response to that was to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him hard, not surprised when he responded or when he grabbed her back. She raised her left leg on him, not surprised when he grabbed it to hold her in place as they became more and more passionate. When they slowly parted she tilted her head back a bit as he was nuzzling at her neck, making her gasp slightly in response to him. When he let her go she grabbed onto his shirt, pulling him to her before she said, "Don't stop me."

"I won't," Castle said, even as his wife was pulling at the blazer he still had on. He helped her and was surprised when she pushed him to the bed, not too taken aback when she let him go. He got onto it quickly before she was following him, getting on him before she reached for his shirt. He assisted her in pulling it out from his trousers and he watched her then grab one end of his tie to tug it loose and pull it away. "Kate…" he breathed to her, watching her while she tossed it behind her.

"I thought you might enjoy this," Beckett said as his hands were sliding over her sides.

"I do, but you need to," Castle told her while he was helping her in unbuttoning his shirt.

"I am," Beckett said reassuringly before the shirt was open and she gently raked her nails down his bare chest. She felt his shudder and then proceeded to pull him up so the shirt could come off. Once it had she was cupping the back of his head with both her hands so they could kiss again. While they were tangling their tongues together frantically she wasn't surprised when his hands were cupping her ass underneath her skirt, or when he gently squeezed her. After they parted she was going to get off him, so he could undress fully, when he was suddenly flipping her onto the bed to her gasp of surprise.

Castle crushed his lips to his wife's, feeling her holding onto his back tightly while his hand slid up her thigh and under her skirt. When they'd stopped kissing he said, slightly breathlessly, "Help me love."

Not needing to be told twice, Beckett reached for the fly of his trousers, unbuttoning and unzipping them before she reached inside of them. When he grunted at her attempt to grab his erection she pushed him away by his hips and watched him get up. She followed but stayed on her knees on the edge of the bed, watching him undress before she was tugging at his hand. After he had fallen back to the bed she got on top of him and kissed him while his hands were wandering all around her back and ass. She jumped when he slapped her; ending their kiss at the same time; and she smirked at him saying, "You're a pervert.""I am," Castle said before he raised his head slightly to kiss her. After they'd been doing that for a while he grasped her ass with both hands and squeezed, not surprised when she moved to get up on her knees. He was following her, and he held her by her waist, about to help her down on him when she pushed his hands away and got off him.

"It's in the way," Beckett explained to her husband as she stood next to the bed and let the fabric fall to the floor. She got back onto the bed and straddled him while he helped her, lowering herself while he held his erection. She sighed heavily as she moved down until their hips were meeting and she wrapped her arms around him. Kissing one another she didn't move, though her sex was throbbing nearly viciously to tell her that she needed to. When they parted she gently ran her hand over the back of his head as he held her by her sides. They were staring at one another and she breathed, "I love you," in Irish before she started to move.

"I love you Kate," Castle groaned before he was holding her tighter while she was pushing herself up and down on him. She was going slowly but he could still feel the friction between them and he wanted to urge her to speed up as he wanted more. Somehow, she seemed to have read his mind and she was rocking against him, feeling her nails begin to dig into his back. He took her kiss that she gave him, running his hands all around her back to feel her body as it was moving, and he kissed her harder.

Beckett was experimenting once she and her husband parted from their kiss, rolling her hips after she'd rocked against him a few times. She tried rubbing her clit against him though it was a risk, and after she'd done that several times she wasn't surprised when her husband stopped her and suddenly flipped her onto her back. "I wanted you to do that," she told him with a brief smile.

Castle groaned and then kissed her as hard as he could, though he kept it short as he was beginning his thrusting. He mimicked what she had done, going slowly at first before he sped up and he debated if he should try to test some things out that he could do. But his wife's legs were tight around him and he decided he could do that another time as he was suddenly focusing on how he was moving to pleasure her while she was crying out in response.

"Please… don't stop," Beckett moaned heavily to him. She found that she was clutching at him a little harder every time he sank into her and she wasn't sure how much more she could take when he suddenly flipped them around so she was on her knees again. "Are we going to keep doing this?" she asked with a slight smile on her face.

"No, I want us to finish how we started," Castle told her before he brought her down to him so they could kiss. He wondered if they'd both forgotten to move but he was too involved in tasting her and feeling what he could of her body under his fingertips. When they parted he said, "Ready?"

Beckett's response was to kiss him, a second before she moved on him, staring out slowly so she could slide up on him until she let herself back down. They parted, and she sighed deeply when he was kissing at her neck, tilting her head back though he had to wait for her while she was pushing up with her knees. When his hand came up to cup the side of her neck she bit her lower lip, feeling him touching her pulse on the right side with his thumb. "Rick…" she whispered lovingly to him.

Leaning up a little, Castle started to kiss at her jaw until he reached her chin, going up over it until he was at her lower lip. He felt her stopping and sucked at it lightly telling her once he'd pulled away, "Táim gafa leat," which meant he was addicted to her. "Mo bandia…" he breathed, calling her his goddess as their lips brushed together. When they parted he grabbed her by her hips and thought she would move when she cupped his face with her hands.

"I gá duit," Beckett told him firmly, telling him she needed him. "Caithfidh mé a bheith agat," she then said, which meant I have to have you.

"You do," Castle told her, still speaking in Irish. He wrapped his arms fully around her and brought her to him so they could kiss passionately which they did for some time. When they parted he reached down and gently rubbed at her clit saying, "Come for me love, you're close aren't you?"

"Should you have asked that in a different order?" Beckett tried to say jokingly though her voice was trembling while he was kissing her neck again.