
10. Hold Me For Some Time(2)

"I don't want to say sorry again but…" Castle said.

"You don't need to," Beckett said gently as she shook out a pill. She handed it to him and while he was drinking some water she gently ran her hand over the back of his head. "Okay?" she asked him.

"Yeah," Castle said, knowing she was asking about the ice. He let her take the glass and then reached for her to pull her against his side. "I'm sorry about what my cock is doing right now."

"I don't think you need to worry about it," Beckett commented while she was eyeing his erection. It had diminished with his pain, but not fully so it was half erect, sticking out.

"You're fascinated," Castle commented with a slight smile, watching her closely.

"Yes," Beckett said before she pulled away from him and then hurried over to the closet. "We're not going to do anything."

"For a while," Castle said. When his wife narrowed her eyes at him he smiled and said, "If I have to rub myself silly I'm getting myself back up for you."

"Don't do that," Beckett said, watching him for a moment. "Should I take this off?" she asked, touching the towel.

"Yeah, it's lessened," Castle said. When his wife paused he said reassuringly, "I need it off, it's starting to annoy me."

Beckett nodded and then hurried to the bathroom to get rid of the ice before she grabbed his spare brace. "I need to help you," she told him.

"I can stand," Castle replied as that was the important thing she needed him to do. He pushed himself, carefully, to the edge of the bed and put his legs over it as his wife knelt with his brace. He had to bite the side of his mouth as he didn't want her to have to do that but knew it was necessary. They managed to get it up to his knee together until he stood up to allow her to straighten the top of the brace.

"Good?" Beckett asked.

"Yeah, thanks," Castle replied before he was sitting back down. He then looked up at her and said, "That ruined the mood."

"It put things on pause," Beckett said, cupping his cheek. "Let the pill kick in and we'll go from there."

Castle nodded and then began to push himself back onto the bed, not surprised his wife was following him. He wrapped his arms around her once he was sitting up again and said, "Is bean iontach duit," telling her that she was an amazing woman.

"Is breá liom mo fhear céile," Beckett said easily, which meant that she loved her husband.

"I would do the same for you," Castle told her seriously, still speaking in Irish.

"I know," Beckett said. She watched him running his hand over the brace and leaned over, kissing at his temple before she said, "You can do a lot still."

"Yeah," Castle said in English. He then looked at his wife and said in Irish, "You brought me to my knees."

"I noticed," Beckett said, running her fingers through his hair. "Although I wonder what exactly made you do that." She wasn't surprised when his head jerked back, and he looked at her with a frown. "You've seen me so many times," she pointed out.

Castle knew his wife wasn't looking for a compliment, so he reached for his shirt and then pulled it off one of her shoulders before he went for the other. He was pleased when she removed it and he told her huskily, "It doesn't matter, you've got a body I want to worship and can't get enough of."

"I noticed," Beckett said. She wasn't surprised when her husband looked at her in confusion and she looked down at him in response.

Following her gaze, Castle cleared his throat for a moment as he considered his erection before he said, "So I didn't have to rub."

"Pervert," Beckett said, a smile on her face.

"Yes," Castle said simply. He laughed slightly when she pushed him gently and he said, "I meant what I said."

"I'm glad to know that," Beckett said seriously. When her husband grabbed for her she moved easily and then got onto his lap before they began to kiss. After they had parted she caressed his cheek for a moment and said, "Are you better?"

"Yeah, but… I won't be able to be on top the rest of the night," Castle said with a little regret. He was surprised when she smiled slowly, and he wasn't sure what she would say after they were kissing sensuously though briefly.

"You don't need to worry about that," Beckett told him reassuringly once they'd parted. She felt his hand slide over her sider and shivered briefly before saying, "I think we'll enjoy ourselves."

Castle leaned up and started to kiss at her jaw saying, "You don't sound too confident."

"Don't touch me like that and I will be," Beckett said with a brief smile.

"Huh," Castle replied.

Beckett looked down at him, about to ask why he only said that, but she considered his gaze on her and she smiled saying, "What would you like?"

Breathing out hard Castle said, "Turn?"

Knowing he'd said that so simply to test her reaction, Beckett was moving to straddle him and wasn't surprised when he was soon holding onto her hips as she raised herself above him. "Will you help me or am I on my own?" she asked him. She watched him take her hand and together they held his length before she lowered herself onto him. She did so slowly, closing her eyes tightly before she could press her hips against his and wrap her arms around his neck. "Okay?" she asked him.

"Yeah," Castle said, his voice strained. He put his hands on her back and pressed on the small of it gently saying, "I love you Kate."

"I love you too," Beckett said, leaning over to him and kissing him gently. When she looked at him again she said, "Do you want me to fuck you?"

At first Castle merely nodded his head rapidly and he groaned when his wife laughed softly as it was quick to affect him. When he'd recovered he said, "If you want me to do something for you…"

Brushing her lips against her husband's again Beckett said, "You are," before she started to move. They both reacted vocally immediately, and she leaned over, kissing him deeply while her husband was moving with her.

Castle was forgetting his knee in his pleasure with his wife and he reacted to her eagerly. He did his best to still satisfy her and since they never could be fully they were coming together repeatedly, forgetting everything but their desire as the night grew later in their intense intimacy with each other.