
In The Apocalypse With My Sacred Dimension System

After being betrayed by his friend to give them time to escape the zombies, Theodore died horribly that day. When Theodore felt that he was certain to die, he miraculously returned to three years ago before the zombie apocalypse came to destroy humanity on the earth. Not only that Theodore got another advantage after repeating time, he got a system whose power was heavenly! [Sacred Dimension System has appeared!] [Binding into Host body ....] [Waiting ....] [Binding is complete!] Theodore surprisingly obtained a mysterious dimension that he can use to survive during the impending zombie apocalypse!

Oceanna_Lee · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

Solved One by One

In addition to filling his warehouse with various flours, rice, and grains, Theodore also bought a dozen large freezers that he would use to store the various meats he would buy later. 

It was a good thing that Theodore would only let the freezers languish in his warehouse for now. Since it was almost night by then, Theodore decided to leave. 

Previously Theodore had gotten a message from his friends who often hung out with him, he needed to meet them because he needed to ask something to them, remembering that he didn't really know how to survive on his own. 

So Theodore decided to meet them and try to ask some questions that confused him. One of them was what he should do to sell all those useless branded items. 

Theodore quickly returned to his house before going to see his friends who he hadn't seen in a long time. 

. . .

Theodore stepped into a luxurious cafe and bar that he often visited to hang out with his friends. 

At the moment Theodore was only wearing a plain black t-shirt, then coupled with a jeans jacket for his outerwear and black jeans. 

As Theodore walked into the cafe, he could feel several pairs of eyes staring at him.

"I haven't felt that adoring gaze in a long time," Theodore grimaced as he recalled how hard his life had been trying to survive the zombie Apocalypse.

From a distance Theodore saw one of his friends waving his hand, he immediately stepped closer to them. 

"It's been a long time since I've seen you guys," Theodore said as he sat down on an empty chair. 

Then, it wasn't long before Theodore felt his shoulder being hit, which made him turn his head. 

"What do you mean, you haven't sobered up from your hangover yet? Three days ago we just got together," Luke said laughing out loud. 

Shawn and Nicholas just shook their heads when they saw that Theodore still didn't seem to be sober. 

Theodore, who had just turned back time, must have forgotten that he had just gathered with his friends three days ago. 

"Jeez!" Theodore rolled his eyes when he heard Luke laughing at him even louder. 

After they were satisfied mocking Theodore, they started chatting casually as usual, until one of them asked Theodore something. 

"From what I heard you sold your father's company shares? Is that true?" This time it was Shawn who spoke up. 

"That's true. I'm too lazy to deal with my uncle, so I might as well sell it," Theodore replied with a shrug. 

"That brain of yours is amazing," Luke said, shaking his head in disbelief at what Theodore had done. 

"But, isn't that a disservice to you?" Nicholas chimed in. 

"Why like that? I made a lot of money from that sale," Theodore replied with a smirk. 

Theodore's other three friends looked at each other, not knowing how to react at the moment.

"Forget about it, there's something important I want to ask you guys." Theodore finally decided to ask his concerns. 

The others were silent and listened to what Theodore wanted to ask them, because it was rare for the bastard to ask them something. 

Seeing his friends watching him, Theodore cleared his throat quietly before saying, "What should I do if I want to sell all my used items?"

Again the three of them glanced at each other, feeling that something was wrong with their friend. 

"I'm just asking, but are you in debt, Theo?" asked Nicholas in a quiet voice. 

Unlike Nicholas who was calm, Luke almost screamed when he realised what happened to Theodore. 

"Oh my god, mate! Is someone blackmailing you and making you need a lot of money?" said Luke with bulging eyes. 

Several pairs of eyes stared at their group as Luke's big voice boomed out. 

Shawn quickly stuffed Luke's mouth with the fries they had ordered and told him to shut up. 

Theodore, on the other hand, was surprised at the reaction of his friends. 

"What do you mean?!" replied Theodore, frowning in confusion. 

"Instead of this, you better explain why you want to sell your branded items," Shawn said, trying to calm down his crazy friends.

Finally, Theodore explained why he wanted to sell his belongings and lied a little to his friends so that they would not be suspicious of what he would do later.

"So you intend to start your own company?" said Nicholas, repeating Theodore's words.

Theodore nodded his head, he was forced to lie to his friends about this reason, because only this reason made sense to his friends.

"I don't need that things anyway." Theodore tried to keep his friends from becoming suspicious of his actions.

Felt that the reasons Theodore gave made sense, especially considering that last month his parents had died.

"I'll help you, just send me all the things you want to sell. I'll sell it for you," Luke answered, finally understanding Theodore's meaning.

"Are you sure? You know how many things I own." Considering there were a lot of things Theodore wanted to sell, he wasn't sure Luke would be willing to help him.

"Are you looking down on me?! No matter how much it is, I can handle it." With determination, Luke raised his chin arrogantly.

"Okay, I will send it to you in a few days." Seeing that, Theodore didn't mind.

Finally the problem of his useless items was resolved, Theodore could calm down now, the problem was how he collected all his things.

After that they relaxed there while talking about many things. When it was midnight, they invited Theodore to have fun at a nightclub they often visited, but Theodore refused.

Even though they were confused when they saw Theodore reject their invitation, they could only understand that Theodore was still mourning the death of his parents.

As they were about to separate Theodore approached Nicholas to say something. As the only one among the four of them who was good at martial arts, Theodore wanted to know where Nicholas learned to fight.

"Hey, can you help me with something?" Theodore asked as he walked beside Nicholas.

"Tell me what you need first," answered Nicholas casually.

"I want to learn martial arts, can I come to practise at your place?" Theodore replied.

For a moment, Nicholas stopped in his tracks and looked at Theodore strangely, his friend was really strange at the moment.

"Since when were you interested in something like this?" Even the calm Nicholas almost reacted like Luke usually did.

Theodore rolled his eyes, feeling that his previous life was really rubbish, even his friends looked at him strangely like this when he had only changed a little.

"Just today," Theodore answered sourly.

"It seems like your parents' death really dealt a big blow to you," replied Nicholas, still in a daze.

"So can you help me?" Soon Theodore became angry too.

Not wanting to make his friend angry, Nicholas finally nodded his head in agreement with Theodore's request.

"I'll send you the address, you can come this sunday," explained Nicholas later.

"Well, that's it! Then see you later." After hearing that Nicholas wanted to help him, Theodore walked away.

In life during the Apocalypse, Theodore cannot rely on the system completely, he must be able to protect himself because currently he has a sacred dimension that he must keep secret.

And to protect it, Theodore needs to improve his fighting skills, that way at least he can defend his own life.