
In The Apocalypse With My Sacred Dimension System

After being betrayed by his friend to give them time to escape the zombies, Theodore died horribly that day. When Theodore felt that he was certain to die, he miraculously returned to three years ago before the zombie apocalypse came to destroy humanity on the earth. Not only that Theodore got another advantage after repeating time, he got a system whose power was heavenly! [Sacred Dimension System has appeared!] [Binding into Host body ....] [Waiting ....] [Binding is complete!] Theodore surprisingly obtained a mysterious dimension that he can use to survive during the impending zombie apocalypse!

Oceanna_Lee · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

Learn Something New

Even though Theodore arrived home last night in the middle of the night, fortunately he didn't oversleep again today.

If Theodore woke up too late like before, then Nicholas would be angry with him.

Before leaving, Theodore had breakfast alone at the large dining table, which felt very empty at certain times.

"Martha, can you help me with something?" While eating his food Theodore talked to the middle-aged woman who had worked for his family for a long time.

"Help you? What can I do for you, young master?" Martha was standing not far behind Theodore.

"Do you know anyone who can teach me how to cook?" Theodore's hands were still busy spooning food into his mouth.

Martha, who was pouring a drink for Theodore, almost dropped the teapot she was holding.

With complete surprise, Martha looked at Theodore, feeling that something was wrong with her young master.

"W-why are you suddenly asking about that, young master?" Martha haltingly spoke.

"Just want to learn about it, you know I've sold all my rights to the company, now I don't have anything to do." Theodore shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

Although Martha didn't understand why Theodore didn't choose to take over his father's company, she felt that Theodore was devastated by the death of his parents.

From what Martha saw, Theodore just wanted to keep himself busy so he could forget about his parents leaving.

"Then would you mind going to a cooking class?" Martha finally tried to calm down and suggested something to Theodore.

"Can you arrange a schedule for me?" Theodore wiped his lips with a napkin, then rose from his position to look at Martha.

With a smile, Martha nodded her head.

"You can leave it to me, young master. I'm sure you will enjoy this cooking class," answered Martha with a mysterious smile on her face.

Seeing that, Theodore frowned slightly, but he didn't say anything about it.

"Call me if anyone is looking for me," said Theodore, then walked away.

. . .

Theodore came to the address Nicholas gave him and here he was.

Theodore could see a fairly large and spacious building in front of him. Soon he could see Nicholas' car arriving.

Nicholas got out of his car after parking the car, then walked towards Theodore while shaking his head.

"Look at this, I didn't expect you to actually come, buddy!" Nicholas applauded excitedly.

"Will you shut up!" Theodore rolled his eyes lazily.

"I thought you were just joking that time. Come with me," answered Nicholas with a grin on his face.

Then, Theodore followed Nicholas into the building.

When Theodore went inside and saw what was inside, he realised that this place was like a dojo.

"You have to be prepared, friend. They don't accept new people easily," said Nicholas while glancing at Theodore.

Throughout this journey, Theodore could see people boxing each other in the ring.

This is the place where Nicholas has been practising boxing all this time. Theodore hopes that by visiting here, he can protect himself when the Apocalypse comes.

To be honest, Theodore was quite tense at the moment, because this was the first time he would do something like this.

When Nicholas turned and entered a room with quite a lot of people in it, Theodore was silent.

"Looks like you've brought new people here."

"I didn't expect him to come, but now here he is," answered Nicholas as he stepped aside, allowing Theodore to come forward.

"So, can I join here?" Theodore glanced at the surroundings when he saw that they did not react in any way.

The person who had previously spoken to Nicholas started laughing loudly when he heard Theodore's words.

"Before I accept you here, you have to do something first," the man answered with a grin.

"Then, what should I do?" Theodore looked at the person evenly.

"Come into the ring and fight with me."

Theodore stepped closer to the ring in the middle of the room.

When he got into the ring, Theodore saw the person throw a pair of boxing gloves at him.

Theodore quickly put on the boxing gloves, that's when he realised that this seemed to be a test to enter this dojo.

However, it seemed like the person Theodore was fighting against right now was not an ordinary person, he could see how confident that person was at the moment.

It was clear that Theodore had no possibility of winning against that person.

From what Theodore saw, it seemed like he only needed to show his abilities at this time.

Theodore's only experience was a few battles when he tried to survive the pursuit of zombies.

"Fight me with all your might, then I will consider it." The man calmly told Theodore.

The man who told Theodore to fight him was Reynolds Walter, one of the founders of this boxing place and known as a very skilled boxer.

"I will do what I can," Theodore answered with a small nod.

With that, the two of them began to prepare to fight.

Because he was here to measure Theodore's abilities, he started the first attack on Reynolds.

Theodore threw his fist towards Reynolds' face which he easily dodged.

With that, Theodore continued attack after attack to hit Reynolds.

However, none of Theodore's attacks hit Reynolds this time. It could be seen that Theodore's breathing was starting to get heavy at this time.

After a while, Reynolds decided to end their fight for Theodore's own safety.

"You know you're terrible at fighting, right?" Reynolds said to Theodore who was panting.

"I know… that's why I came here." Theodore stared at Reynolds sharply.

Reynolds laughed loudly when he heard Theodore's reply.

"You brought an interesting person, Nick!" Reynolds was still laughing. "From now on, come here every Sunday," continued Reynolds.

Theodore finally calmed down when he heard that Reynolds had let him study at this place.

"But there is something you have to do," Reynolds said later.

Not expecting to hear that, Theodore looked at Reynolds with a frown on his forehead.

"Do a run for 30 minutes every day, I'll see your progress on Sunday." Reynolds laughed when he saw Theodore complaining.

That way, Theodore had one more thing to do.

. . .

When Theodore arrived at his house the sky had turned darker. Theodore's entire body ached.

Really regretting why he hadn't done sports all this time, Theodore only went to the gym when he was bored.

It's a miracle that Theodore's body is still good now, now he is very aware that his lifestyle has been very bad all this time.

When he arrived home, Theodore found Martha waiting for him in the living room.

"Why are you still here, Martha?" Theodore asked while frowning.

"I have good news for you, young master!" Martha's face lit up as she said it.

"Say it."

Martha took out a paper and handed it to Theodore.

"Your cooking class will start on Tuesday," said Martha with a big smile on her face.

Theodore received the paper and felt quite familiar with the address on it.

"Believe me, you will like that place. The one who will be your cooking teacher is a very skilled and beautiful woman," continued Martha.

Finally, Theodore understood what Martha meant now. It seemed that Martha intended to make him go on a blind date indirectly in this cooking class.


Here is the new chapter and I hope you can enjoy it.

Thanks and have a nice day!

Oceanna_Leecreators' thoughts