
In Sync

Ash_Eberle · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs





It was your second day in Korea, and you were trailing the streets to try and find your friend's coffee shop. You had only been at it for 10 minutes and you were already lost.

Sighing you looked back at your phone map. "Where in the world?" You look up in time to see someones chest as you run right into them. Stumbling backwards you reach out and grab the person's shirt to help steady yourself and they grab your wrist to help you not fall. When you steadied yourself you look up quickly.

"I'm sorry." You say in English just as he says, "I'm sorry." In korean.

You know korean, because you studied it for a year before coming to korea and you are naturally a quick learner.

Looking at the man-though you could only see his eyes, since he had a mask and a hat on-you bows slightly, your cheeks flushing.

"Are you alright?" You ask again in sync with his own words except this time he spoke in Enlgish.

"Are you okay?"

You two stare at each other for several seconds. You are holding back your laughter and try to stay composed.

"I'm okay."

"I'm fine, did I hurt-"

When you both spoke at the same time again, you couldn't help but laughing. Closing your eyes and covering your mouth you laugh lightly at first and then unable to control it you laugh harder. The person you ran into laughs aswell and soon enough you are both gasping for breath.

"I'm sorry, the situation was just funny." You apologize in english since that was your native language.

He shakes his head, shaking his hands too. "Its alright, I understand mate." He has a distinctive Australian accent and you find your self entranced by his few words.

He pulls his mask off one ear and smiled at you. "Bangchan, but you can call me chan, or chris." He said extending his hand.

You shake it, a light blush coming over your cheeks. "Nice to, uh, run into you." You say with a giggle. "I'm Y/n."

His eyes flash something that you couldn't grasp and he smiles warmly. "That's a beautiful name."

"Thank you." You say smiling, a little flustered.

There is a silence and then you pull your hand away, rubbing your nape.

"Uhm, I hate to ask after just running into you but can you help me? I need to get somewhere and I appear to be lost." You ask smiling sheepishly.

He chuckles and nods. "Of course where are you headed, love?"

You stare at him a second, transfixed by his accent. What was an Australian doing in Korea?

You told him the address of your friend's coffee shop and hold out your phone, using google maps.

"Oh! That is right by the company!" He said looking into your eyes.

"The company?" You ask, wondering if you should know what he is talking about.

"Yeah, JYP entertainment. I...uh work there persay."

You look at him questionably. You've heard that name before but you can't seem to connect the dots.

"Well that makes it easier doesn't it?"

With a chuckle he nods and looks behind him and then around. "I'm supposed to be meeting up with someone on the way over there, anyway so I'll take you there." He says kindly and you smile to him.

"Thank you."

He smiles and replaces his mask back on his face and you two began walking down the streets in the direction you had come from. You were such an idoit.