
In Riordanverse as The Shadowy One

Reborn?.....rather remade? as a girl? Why do I see cyclops in the construction area? Why are harpies on the telephone lines? Why are there giants at the beach? Am I in the Percy Jackson world? And why am I finding this amusing instead of panicking? All characters and story belongs to the respective authors and only my OC and the changes belong to me.

Solace_7649 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
17 Chs


In a chaotic swirl of indescribable mists a woman was walking or rather floating.

[?? PoV]

I have been walking here for .... I don't know how long. Could have been years or decades.

I don't remember why started walking or how I got here.

I think I died.

But why am I here?

Is there no place for me in the afterlife or is this my personal hell, where I walk for all eternity in loneliness in this place of mists and shadows.

I don't remember much of my life. I remember being a thrill seeker so in this monotonous yet ever hanging mist with no company is very painful for me.

I don't get tired nor do I thirst for water nor do I hunger for food.

Something I am thankful for yet something I hate immensely as I miss the delights of food or just the taste and feel of water down my throat.

I want to leave.

I want to do something other than this boring trek through this never ending mist.

Maybe I just need to find a way to die. Permanently. Or rather be erased with no conscious thought. Non existence would be better than this.

<Initiating reincarnation>


<Selecting verse>

I just heard something or is it another hallucination.

<Selecting Riordanverse>

Riordanverse? What's that? Who names a world Riordanverse? On what basis is it named? Also it sounds familiar?

<Spin for perks>

<Chosen Nasuverse Character: Scathach>

<Chosen Nasuverse Character: Durga Kali Parvati>

<Chosen Nasuverse Personal Skills of: Leonardo Da Vinci>

<Cannot give entire characters especially divine spirit>

<Separating parts>

<Parts assimilated>

<User will not be able to access all powers and have build up on users abilities>

<User will have innate talent in chosen characters abilities>

<Weapon transference.....failure>

<Noble phantasm.....failure>

<Manipulating fate of Riordanverse to help in assimilattion character>

<Success...Success...Failure...Failure >

<Partial Success>

<Giving greater ability to user>

<Giving Mythical representation of abilities characters>

<Integrating.....integrating.....failure >

<Failure...Success >

<Partial activation successfull>

<User will only awaken it successfully after users own abilities increase>

<Due to failure the user is given extra potential and ability surpass chosen characters>

This was strange but welcome. Even though I didn't understand most of what this voice said I was happy of someone or something else in these mists of chaos.

<Beginning Reincarnation>

<Good bye and good luck user>

Goodbye? but I just met someone else.

Good luck? for what?

This reincarnation thingy?

I started losing consciousness and I felt quite calm.

I mean the worst that might happen is non existence which I am not exactly against and best case scenario I am reborn as some character that is likely to be powerful as the system failed a few times.

Anyways I am just glad I could get away from this place.

Goodbye, whoever you are and thank you.


[3rd PoV]

In a boundless place where there existed no form, no order only Chaos.

This place is the Beginning and the End. There exist different names in different Pantheons and mythologies but all describe it as an endless sea of chaos.

In myth it is from this that the Primordials arose. In Hindu myth arose the personification of the chaos as a half man half woman figure who seperated to form the creator gods. From the male portion arose the trimurti and from the female arose Shakti.

In Christian myth this was the Demiurge, from which Yahweh arose.

In Norse it is Ginnungagap from which the world was born.

In Egyptain it is Nun from which Apophis and Ra emerged.

In Greek it is Chaos from which everyone else was born.

And in the end it is to this void, this abyss that everything will return at the the end of creation to start anew once again.

This place is an intersecting point for all of existence and of all mythology.

In this place the swirling mist in the never ending chaos combined to create a newborn baby whose cries echoed in the abyss while at the same time were muffled.

Very few could traverse this expanse and one of those beings was able to hear the cries. The being brought about swirling mists of darkness that embraced the child protecting it from the chaos that would soon devour the child.

"Another born from Chaos. No, a child. But primordials are born fully grown. No, this is a .....mortal."

"Hmnn, a mortal born from Chaos. How amusing. But still the child has potential to reach our power even though it was not born with it. Pitiful child with no domain or power but with so much potential."

"I want to see how much you can grow and if Fate will let you grow or destroy you."

The swirling darkness took the form of a man and went to a palace dark as the night with stars shining in the blackness giving it colour.

He took the child inside and went to meet the owner of the palace.

"Nyx, come and see, a mortal born from Chaos in Chaos."

From the depths of the palace emerged a stunningly gorgeous woman with black hair and violet black eyes whose dress looked like, no it was, a piece of the night sky.

"What are you talking about Erebus. No life should be born from Chaos, not since the creation of the humans."

The man or rather Erebus, the primordial darkness, chuckled.

"That is exactly why I am this exited. It is something new in out monotonous life and it is quite strange that our father gave birth to a mortal."

Nyx, the primordial night, observed the child.

The baby was the typical ugly yet cute newborn with reddish black short silky hair with closed eyes but from observation it was a girl.

"Welk I am not acknowledging a mortal as my siblings even if she could reach our level of power and that's a big if."

"Yes it is but my idea is to adopt her by giving our blessings."

"Are you losing your mind in you boredom Erebus, we can't interfere in the lives of mortals by the Ancient Laws."

"Yes we can't interfere if they are not in our domain but if we give her a greater blessing she will be no less than a demigod and through her we can get more freedom in the mortal world."

"Fine but those paranoid gods might just smite her and unless one of the higher gods take action we will not be able to interfere. Especially if she provokes them or if she accepts a challenge."

"We can do nothing about that though it seems there is some power is her but not of divine nature. Either way we have to send her away from here. If she stays too long even with my protection she will likely die."

Nyx picked the child from Erebus' arm and said, "Your name will be σκιά meaning shadow, in the current world your name will be Skye."

Erebus blessed her, "The Mist will bend to your will. The darkness and shadows will always answer your call and will never betray you."

Nyx tore off a piece of her clothes and turned it into a blanket to swaddle the baby.

"The Night will be with you and the nocturnal animals will obey your command. This peice of the night sky will be your raiment and may the stars shine your path ahead."

Nyx then used her authority over the night sky to send the child to the mortal realm.

"Good luck on your journey Skye ."


In the middle of the pinelands in South Florida from the shadows of the vegetation a sleeping baby materialized.

In the dark of the night a puma(mountain lion) was returning to its cave after a successful hunt when it noticed the baby. Sensing something special in the baby the puma picked up the child and took it to its cave.

Hey guys!

This story just popped up in my head and I decided to write down the idea of itI will try to write a complete story with as little plot holes as possible.

Let's see how it goes.

Solace_7649creators' thoughts