
In Re:Zero from Teyvat As The Shadow Monarch

Cool, overpowered, low-profiled, no harem, but only Rem, What else do you want from an alpha male protagonist

Sung_Jin_Doo · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

Filler for Fun

On a serene afternoon in Inazuma, as the tranquil breeze gently caressed the streets, Alan found himself strolling alongside Raiden, their conversation filled with the exchange of knowledge and insights. The sound of their footsteps harmonized with the rhythm of the city, a testament to their growing bond and shared purpose.

As they walked, their attention was drawn to a vibrant teahouse, where the tantalizing aroma of freshly brewed tea beckoned to them. Intrigued, they stepped inside, greeted by the comforting ambience and the sight of Thoma, the diligent and dedicated pyro user, skillfully brewing a pot of tea.

Thoma's eyes widened with surprise at the sight of Raiden, his admiration for the Shogun evident in his gaze. Ayato, the steadfast and noble member of the Kamisato Clan, stood nearby, a sense of calm and composure surrounding him. The unexpected encounter filled the air with a sense of camaraderie.

They settled at a cozy table, sharing cups of fragrant tea and engaging in lively conversation. Thoma's passionate tales of adventure and Ayato's wisdom woven into their discussions, creating an atmosphere of intellectual stimulation and mutual respect.

After enjoying their tea, the group decided to explore the bustling streets of Inazuma together. Laughter filled the air as they weaved through the lively markets, sampling local delicacies and immersing themselves in the vibrant culture of the city. The bond between them grew stronger with each shared moment, bridging the gaps between their different backgrounds.

They stumbled upon a hidden garden, a tranquil oasis amidst the bustling city. Surrounded by lush greenery and delicate flowers, they paused to appreciate the beauty of nature and the serenity it offered. It was in this peaceful setting that Alan and Raiden shared their stories, their hopes, and their dreams, finding solace and understanding in each other's presence.

Thoma's fiery enthusiasm brought a sense of excitement to the group, while Ayato's measured words resonated with wisdom. Their unique perspectives and skills complemented each other, creating a harmonious synergy that deepened their connection.

As twilight bathed the city in a soft glow, the group found themselves at a quiet spot overlooking the magnificent view of Inazuma. The city's lights shimmered like stars, a testament to the resilience and beauty that thrived within its walls.

In that moment of shared silence, Raiden and Alan's gazes met, a silent acknowledgement passing between them. Raiden recognized the strength and determination that burned within Alan, while Alan found inspiration in Raiden's unwavering dedication to her people. Their bond transcended mere student and mentor, evolving into a profound mutual respect.

With hearts filled with gratitude and a shared sense of purpose, they bid Thoma and Ayato farewell, promising to meet again on their intertwined paths. Alan and Raiden resumed their journey, carrying the memories of laughter, warmth, and camaraderie with them.

The streets of Inazuma whispered tales of unity and progress, their footsteps a testament to the bonds that formed amidst adversity. They moved forward, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead, fueled by the support and companionship of newfound allies.

Another peaceful afternoon, as the sun cast its golden hues upon the streets of Inazuma, Alan found himself walking alongside Raiden, their footsteps echoing through the bustling city. It was a rare moment of respite from their rigorous training, a chance to immerse themselves in the sights and sounds of the vibrant city.

They strolled leisurely, their conversation weaving between training anecdotes and philosophical musings. Raiden's regal presence commanded respect, while Alan's youthful enthusiasm brought a sense of vibrancy to their interaction. It was a peculiar sight, the Shogun of Inazuma and a young warrior, sharing a bond forged through trials and shared goals.

As they wandered through the streets, the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked treats filled the air, drawing their attention to a quaint little bakery nestled on a corner. Unable to resist the temptation, they stepped inside, greeted by a warm atmosphere and a wide array of mouth-watering sweets.

Alan's eyes widened with delight as he surveyed the colorful assortment of pastries, chocolates, and delicate confections. Raiden, though maintaining her composure, couldn't hide a hint of curiosity in her gaze. They indulged themselves, sampling the delectable treats with a childlike joy that momentarily erased the weight of their responsibilities.

Just as they were about to leave, their hands adorned with crumbs and their spirits lightened by the sugary delights, they bumped into two familiar faces—Yoi Miya, the skilled pyrotechnician, and Ayaka, the graceful and noble Kamisato Clan heiress.

The chance encounter brought a smile to Alan's face as he greeted his newfound friends. Yoi Miya, with her mischievous spark, couldn't resist teasing Raiden, while Ayaka's serene presence exuded elegance and tranquility.

The group embarked on an impromptu adventure through the winding streets of Inazuma, their laughter mingling with the sounds of the city. They explored hidden gardens, marveled at ancient shrines, and exchanged tales of their own journeys. It was a testament to the power of friendship, bridging the gaps between different walks of life and uniting them in a common bond.

As the sun began its descent, casting an orange glow over the cityscape, they found themselves on a hill overlooking the breathtaking beauty of Inazuma. The tranquil moment allowed them to reflect on their individual paths and the shared destiny that had brought them together.

In that serene moment, Raiden's eyes met Alan's, a hint of fondness and gratitude shining within them. She acknowledged the strength and potential he possessed, an understanding that went beyond mere training and battles. It was a silent affirmation that she saw in him not just a pupil, but a comrade on a shared journey.

With hearts filled with newfound camaraderie, the group bid each other farewell, promising to meet again on their respective paths. Alan and Raiden continued their walk, now carrying the memories of laughter and shared sweetness with them.

The streets of Inazuma whispered tales of resilience and ambition, their footsteps painting a picture of determination and hope. They moved forward, ready to face the challenges that awaited them, but with a newfound appreciation for the simple joys and bonds that fueled their spirits.

And so, the journey continued, intertwined fates guiding them towards a future yet unwritten, where shadows and lightning danced in harmony, and the world of Inazuma brimmed with possibilities.

Author: Think it was a extra for 400 collection.

And it takes me 3 hours to write 1000 words as English is my 4th language so please comment.