

After Bates and Cosmo finally accept the death of their mother they've been helping Borris. Every day he's gotten bigger. Instead of Borris growing himself the plant on top of his head started to blossom. The sprout growing in Boy's room began to take up the whole room. Its vines started growing on the walls and out the window and eventually the halls began to fill with the flowers' long vines. The upstairs was turning into a jungle. It was cold outside, And it was snowing almost every point of the day.

The twins and Boy would take turns going to the store and buying the cheapest stuff they have. They'd see Jane's death almost everywhere. They knew they'd soon get kicked out from not paying the bills. So they thought they'd be on the run before they even showed up. Every day was colder and Borris was slowly growing.

Boy woke up to the sound of pounding on the door. He quickly woke up Bates and Cosmo.

"Bates, Cosmo.. I think it's that guy!"

"In the middle of winter? No way, We're going to die!"

Cosmo jumped up and raced up the stairs while Bates looked out the window.

"It's him- Grab Borris," Bates said looking back at Boy.

Boy started up the stairs only to see Borris's long graceful vines brown.

"Cosmo!? What's going on!" Boy said, stepping over the dead vines.

"It is winter Boy! Maybe he finally couldn't handle it!"

Cosmo ripped off the long vines and kept the green parts. He handed it to Boy and they both ran out the back door with some jackets in hand as well. Boy looked at Bates that was by the front door. He gave him a thumbs up and Bates nodded. Bates unlocked the door and ran after Cosmo and Boy. They ran far over to where the orphanage was until they all stopped at the opened land that had Boy's small grave.

Bates laid on the ground and sighed, snow covering his face.

Cosmo sat on a log and blew into his hands.

"How are we going to keep warm and what about Borris?" Cosmo asked.

Boy looked around and sighed.

"I don't know. Maybe Borris knows where to go." Boy said he sat on the ground and held the plant close to him.

"Why would he know where to go?" Bates asked, lifting his head up from the snow below.

"He led me to you guys." Boy sighed.

"Borris? Come on buddy where do we go?"

Borris tapped Boy's shoulder from behind. Boy turned around to see Borris shivering.

Boy handed the pot to Bates and put Borris in his lap. Borris snuggled close to Boy, Boy took off a layer of his jackets and wrapped it around Borris.

"Borris, what do we do now?"

Borris shivered and looked at Boy. His skin was a light blue color.

"An abandoned house.." He spoke.

Boy looked at the twins and sighed.

"Okay, Borris what direction."

"You're not actually going to this house are you?" Bates said standing up.

Boy looked at Bates and laughed.

"Well of course, Why not?"

"Other entities.. Strangers.. Murders, You know the common knowledge people are supposed to know." Bates held the pot in front of him and stared at it.

"I was homeschooled. Maybe I wasn't taught the same as you." Boy said.

"I can tell," Bates smirked. Cosmo giggled and took the pot away from Bates. He walked over to Boy and smiled.

"What way do we go?" Cosmo asked. Bates glared at Cosmo and huffed loudly.

"You really are predictable aren't you Cosmo?"

Cosmo shrugged, Boy, stood up and followed where Borris pointed. Soon they found a small house. Inside was dirty and the only light shining was the sun.

Bates sat in the corner staring at Boy while Cosmo slept with Borris.

"Aren't you afraid, David," Bates asked.

Boy looked up and scratched his head.

"Why would I be?" He asked.

"Afraid Borris would freeze in this cold weather?"

"He die in this weather? We survived this long. How can he die now?" Boy said. He brushed his coat off and looked at Borris then at the pot.

"I wonder what he would do when we set him free." Boy said softly.

"Come back here," Bates said. He was messing with his teeth and trying to lay his coat on the ground.

"Come back here?" Boy was surprised Bates heard him.

"Yeah, To find us." Bates looked at Boy.

"But how?"

Bates sighed and laid his head down. He closed his eyes for a second then opened them.

"He was a boy once upon a time." He finally spoke.

"He's going to come back and find us."

"We'll find you," Bates said softly.

Boy looked at Bates.

"Why only me?" Boy asked.

Bates laughed then sighed.

"No one would want to visit a demon, David."

"I'm sure someone would, Bates."

Bates looked at Boy and smiled.

"Oh yeah, who."

Boy looked at the ground then looked back up at Bates.

"Cosmo would come back for you."